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Very first tank (planted, low tech)

Thanks Ollie! He's half of what I thought was a dwarf variety (clearly not). I might swap him out for his smaller brother in the bathroom (delaying the problem, woo!), or a slightly less chunky syngonium😅 the roots are fantastically intertwined with the moss wall, mattenfilter, substrate and other plants etc, so it will be a bit of a process. I will update as and when I get around to reshuffling 🙂
Maybe its a bit of a 'micropig' situation!
Yeah, could be. Sometimes with plants "dwarf" just means slow growing (or, with shrubs and trees, tight internodes) rather than a truly smaller final size. Very misleading marketing imo, though probably less of a problem than owning a former micropig. I have no idea about peace lilies specifically, but it wouldn't be unprecedented.

Hi all, hope you're well 🙂 in a very fun and slightly disconcerting turn of events, I noticed I have an extra pygmy cory - they've only gone and bred without warning me first 🫠

I did notice quite a smart, smaller Cory a while back but didn't clock that it wasn't one of the original 6 (which then became 5 after the demise of raggedy man). Lo and behold, I fed them this morning and voila! 6 Corys shoaling at the front of the tank. I thought my eyes were failing me, and even checked the receipt from when I bought them, but theres definitely a new one. This renders the post I was going to make "bullying or breeding behaviour?" totally null and void.

I'm delighted - they've become my favourite little fish in the tank, and it's great to see them breeding. Although it's mindboggling that I never saw any fry or eggs, only for an extra adult Cory to just appear. I'm really happy my tank can support breeding conditions and that at least 1 of them has survived to adulthood with no intervention from me. I was thinking the rasboras and tetras would clear all the fry and bought a floating mesh breeder that I could hopefully transfer eggs into to increase survival rates, but there's clearly space to hide. Woo!

I had a dream (recurring nightmare) last night that Id massacred a tank of corys and Otto's that all had severe fin rot, so seeing an extra Cory this morning has thrown me for a bit of a loop. Now I don't know what to believe 😂
I also have dreams about killing fish, usually because I have forgotten about them and discover that I am the owner of a whole tank of dead and dying fish. 😩
Yup, think it's a pretty common stress dream for fish keepers from what I've read on Reddit etc... doesn't make it any less jarring. Thanks for the well wishes too!