@Bradders, no worries! Thanks for your support
🙂 I haven't posted many updates as I don't really have much big news to update on.
I realised I mistakenly underdosed the Esha 2000 (doh!) due to my really soft water. I also think any remnant tap conditioner in the water may have played a part too. So, I've done a 50% water change with rainwater from my neighbours butt and I'm on day 2 of redosing with the correct amounts of 2000 and exit.
Having done some more research, I'm 90% sure it's
columnaris. The raggedy Cory especially has a white discolouration around the left eye, and one of the tetras is discoloured like the columnaris pics too. There is also a Cory that came from the LFS with a white mark on her back, however I assumed this was from injury in the past/natural colouration. Now I'm thinking it could have been saddleback - honestly I'm unsure.
The Cory in question - top left, white patch on her side/top. She appears to be breeding, so I'm honestly not sure if this is columnaris.
The raggedy Cory: ragged fins, white patch around eye.
Everyone seems to be doing better spot wise/damage wise and behaviour wise - it's just the visual signs of infection, and I don't want it to get any worse.
I've successfully blocked the matten filter, but I've left a 2cm diameter gap using a little bit of airline tubing for the chili's to swim in an out. I've realised they are INTENT on getting back there, regardless of what I do. I had to rescue one that had wriggled between the glass and the sponge yesterday, either trying to get in or out. I don't want the chilis to damage themselves, so have given in and left a little gap. O
bserving them today, I think they are hanging out there because they like the filter intake dragging remnants of food towards them, without any competition from the "bigger" fish. Lazy sods 😂 if they want to hide in there I'm ok with that, but I am also going to make some coconut caves to hide in and redistribute some cuttings for more coverage in the rest of the tank.
In terms of the suspected columnaris, there are a few options:
A. It could have come in with the Corys
B. it could have been the filtration (have added an extra filter and rearranged the matten for improved filtration)
C. something could have come in with the moss from outside (I think this is unlikely, but I don't have space to quarantine, so it's possible)
D. It could have been a lack of surface agitation as a result of a clump moss blocking the filter (I've removed this clump and rearranged the hardscape so there's more agitation)
E. I reduced iron and fertiliser doses as I was a bit worried about overdoing it with the fish, however this has resulted in some plants melting/yellowing/dying off. This could definitely have effected water quality. I've rectified by doing some pruning/removing and I will dose ferts more frequently. I think I'm just a bit nervous of overdoing it now there's fish in the tank!
F. It could be the monumental quantity of snails & their deposits in the tank. Any ideas of how to thin them out just a little?
This is a long way of saying I don't really know how the columnaris started, but everyone seems to be slowly improving. It's bizarre how battered the raggedy Cory looks, when the others are zipping about and trying to breed constantly. They've got so much character!
Here's a little
video of the feeding bonanza after I added the rainwater- it was about 4 hours of hypercarnivore heaven
I think I will likely extend this dosage until I'm certain the raggedy Cory has cleared up. Either way, I will let you know how it goes. Once this infection has cleared I will definitely add some more green neons and Corys to disperse any aggression/just make them a bit happier. Thanks for all the help