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Very first tank (planted, low tech)

Thanks @Tyko_N! I've got some tradescantia I can chuck in, so will do that 🙂

Edit: I love the look of ficus microcarpa! Will see if I can source some too 🙂 I've got some pennywort so can chuck that in as well
Thoughts for emergent planting:

So far for the mossy tree stump I'm thinking keep the syngonium, add:
  • cryptocoryne blassii
  • pennywort
  • eleocharis vivipara
  • ficus microcarpa.

What do you think? I want to keep the lush feel but have it be a bit more manageable/ prunable/ slow growing. I think the cryptocoryne could struggle with the high light, unsure what others experience has been. I could add it lower in the waterline at the back for more shade. I really like the leaf shape, so would like to find something similar to this. A while back @hyrdophyte recommended lagendra meeboldii which also looks lush, just seems a bit harder to find from my research.

For the moss/plant wall I'm thinking:

- Tradescantia
- More creeping fig
- Microsorum that I can transfer from the tank (Inspired by hydrophyte and this post from @foxfish)
- Bolbitis (can transfer this from the main tank)

Id LOVE some shingling scindapsus, will see if I can convince mine to cooperate. Any other ideas? Thinking tillandsias, possibly a small orchid - anything with nice textures. The bottom 1/2 is well hydrated but the top half gets quite dry with the lights. Any advice or ideas welcome! Cheers all 🙂
So far for the mossy tree stump I'm thinking keep the syngonium, add:
  • cryptocoryne blassii
  • pennywort
  • eleocharis vivipara
  • ficus microcarpa.
  • For the moss/plant wall I'm thinking:
    • Tradescantia
    • More creeping fig
    • Microsorum that I can transfer from the tank (Inspired by hydrophyte and this post from @foxfish)
    • Bolbitis (can transfer this from the main tank)
Looks promising! I've had cryptocoryne wendtii do fine I guess in my paludarium (surviving but barely growing), so C. blaassii should be doable. If you can find it, Lagenandra might be the better option though, and it has recently turned up on some suppliers lists here so could be worth another look. The others should all do well as long as you're a bit patient with the ferns.

Other options of the top of my head would be miniature Phalaenopsis (with the rosette mounted well above the water line) and Dendrobium (of nobile type), smaller Nephrolepis cultivars, and Streptocarpella saxorum (if you can keep the leaves dry). Vanilla orchids would love it in there, but probably gets a bit too big.
Nice project!
I always like having emersed plants in my aquarium hood. Aquarium plants although are indeed hard to grow them with less humid ambient air around RH 50%. And most common house plants don’t water as a all year round medium.
Reading the thread I came across some new species to try out🙏
The ones I had success with are: Callisia repens, Epipremnum (very common), Clusia rosea. And the ones which did okay: Hoya, Philodendron atom, Anthurium. Begonia maculata.

Thanks @PeerUnk and @hydrophyte! I've found lagenandra meeboldii on some sites I don't usually buy from so will have a look at reviews and see if I can trust em 😉 some great recommendations, I will have a further research and see what I can do 🙂