Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14
Thanks for the responses, very helpful! I suppose there would have been room to hide a refugium sump underneath the tank in the stand (stack of pallets), but I suppose that would have detracted from the simple beauty of the system, that and sumps can be a noisy pain in the ass...
If you found your tank was running out of nitrogen, which it will eventually as it offgasses, then you could always plant some nitrogen fixing plants, such as sugarcane (or legumes) and grow those as immersed species. The simple floating plant Azolla would fix atmospheric nitrogen as well for your system as the little plants grow and die off, but they might become a problem as well and I'm not sure your system lends itself to growing floating plants which you might have to cull. I picked some up yesterday to use as such, (which came with a good supply of Daphnia and other little things, so I'll be able to seed my little trial from those now).