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Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14

Wow the tank is going from strength to strength. I have to ask though, are the Pits on the gourami faces just along the upper lip normal. As I don't remember seeing them on mine when I kept them.
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14

Gill said:
Wow the tank is going from strength to strength. I have to ask though, are the Pits on the gourami faces just along the upper lip normal. As I don't remember seeing them on mine when I kept them.

Thanks. As for the 'pits', must admit I never even noticed them until you mentioned it. They seem to be present in the same place on both sides of the face on several individuals in the photos, so I can only assume they're normal.
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14

Awesome tank BigTom :thumbup:
As for the pits I've kept a few species of gourami and these small pits seem to be a common trait.


Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14

Thanks for the responses, very helpful! I suppose there would have been room to hide a refugium sump underneath the tank in the stand (stack of pallets), but I suppose that would have detracted from the simple beauty of the system, that and sumps can be a noisy pain in the ass...

If you found your tank was running out of nitrogen, which it will eventually as it offgasses, then you could always plant some nitrogen fixing plants, such as sugarcane (or legumes) and grow those as immersed species. The simple floating plant Azolla would fix atmospheric nitrogen as well for your system as the little plants grow and die off, but they might become a problem as well and I'm not sure your system lends itself to growing floating plants which you might have to cull. I picked some up yesterday to use as such, (which came with a good supply of Daphnia and other little things, so I'll be able to seed my little trial from those now).
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14

Got mine from Colin over on the BCA forums, I think he has 2 or 3 types in at the moment but you can often get paros of one type or other (usually sold as P. deissneri) from MA and other decent retailers.

They are lovely fish but very reclusive, so don't expect to see huge amounts of them. Should work well with chocs though.
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14

I got myself a new toy last weekend (Panasonic GH2), and decided to point it at the tank whilst figuring out what all the buttons did. As a crash course in videography it actually made a very useful subject.

The footage is pretty rough because it's so dimly lit that i had to shoot at about 10fps and interpolate the extra frames, but I know some people have been asking for a video of the tank and inhabitants, so here you go!

Welcome to the premiere of my debut film, "Parosphromenus: A love story (in 2 parts)" :hilarious:

Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Licorice gourami pics page 14

Love it BigTom, absolutely awsome.
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Video! (page 15)

I'd go as far to say that is the most enjoyable aquarium video I've watched to date 🙂
I hope you don't mind, I am going to cross post it over on LFKC so that members there can enjoy it too.
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Video! (page 15)

What Matt said!

This is an inspiration. :clap:
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Video! (page 15)

Loved the movie. I was half expecting Charlie Chaplin to make an entrance at some point 😀 .
But seriously, very nice clip. Thanks for posting it.
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Video! (page 15)

Thanks for the comments all 🙂

Darrel, I'm very pleased with it now that it's matured. Given that it was all a bit of an 'experiment' it's managed not to hit any major pitfalls, and survived the earlier shrimp wipeout and various other tricky bits. Everything now looks properly old, and hopefully the gouramis (which I'm still completely besotted with) will manage to breed soon, which will be the icing on the cake.
Re: Tom's Bucket O' Mud - Video! (page 15)

I really like the tank, and think that it is one of the best tanks in the forum, especially as I like emersed plants. 🙂

The whole setup is just magical. 🙂