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The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

Whilst I love N. eques I would vote marginatus because they are bolder and will likely settle in your tank better. I think eques are perfect in a really quiet tank that you don't do to much to.

I wouldn't be overly concerned about the flow tbh. Mine are in a tank with a spray bar and that makes a lot of the surface higher flow. They tend to sleep in the quieter areas but swim are in the current quite a bit during the day. A lot of the time though, they are to be found hunting in the floating plant roots, which settle in the quieter zones.
I will add that the only times I hear my pencils jump (I have lids so it's not a big problem) is when the lights go off. In the summer this isn't an issue because the tank is still lit by the window but in the winter it is much darker and spooks them. If you can gently fade your lighting over a short period of time with a controller then it will help enormously (the same goes for when it comes on).
I've narrowed it down to two.... nannostomus eques, for their seahorse-like gentle behaviour, or nannostomus marginatus (ideally Peruvian), for their lovely striping and because @Jenni <raved about them here> and they sounded great to me. I am planning on getting 12-15. The eques are so gentle and lovely, but atm I'm thinking the marginatus are probably more appropriate for my tank right now, eques may be a fish for a future tank? What do you guys think?

I love the looks of the Marginatus, I’m definitely getting a shoal of those for my forthcoming 1500. I did see some Eques in my local MA on Monday actually and they did look cool all hanging their together.

I'm also thinking of getting some rooibos teabags to stain the tank a little, the leaves I add just don't stain the water much even when I add a lot and I think it could be interesting, I quite like a tint tbh.

One small word of warning - I’ve tried two types one an artisan type off Amazon, and the other the Sainsburys own brand. If your thinking of adding them straight to the tank, both colour the water nicely, but where the artisan bags are still in tact a week later, the Sainburys ones disintegrate spilling tea all over the tank. I use a very fine mesh filter bag now to put the Sainsburys bags in.
Whilst I love N. eques I would vote marginatus because they are bolder and will likely settle in your tank better. I think eques are perfect in a really quiet tank that you don't do to much to.

I wouldn't be overly concerned about the flow tbh. Mine are in a tank with a spray bar and that makes a lot of the surface higher flow. They tend to sleep in the quieter areas but swim are in the current quite a bit during the day. A lot of the time though, they are to be found hunting in the floating plant roots, which settle in the quieter zones.
I think you're right, the marginatus are the ones to go for, they do seem really lovely too. Really interesting about the flow!! Luckily because of the wood and all the plants there are areas of high flow and practically none, and lots of floating plants and roots so I think they'll be ok then, that's great to know!

I will add that the only times I hear my pencils jump (I have lids so it's not a big problem) is when the lights go off. In the summer this isn't an issue because the tank is still lit by the window but in the winter it is much darker and spooks them. If you can gently fade your lighting over a short period of time with a controller then it will help enormously (the same goes for when it comes on).
Oh that's great, my lights are on a ramp up and down in the morning and evening and are nicely gradual already. I'm a little worried about turning the lights in the bedroom on and off in the evening after the tank lights have turned off at 9, but maybe will see how it goes as the other fish in the tank rn don't react at all to them. Maybe is a good idea to just put clingfilm around the tank so they can't jump out at all for the first few weeks (I usually do this with new fish anyway), and can watch for any jumping and if it's in an actual issue or not! I was reading up about the marginatus last night and several people said they just had lots of floating plants and never saw them jump interestingly.

Do you have any ideas about the marginatus in different areas? It looks like they have different colours, but I haven't found a place that actually matches pictures with the regions to ask about it. I think the yellow ones are from Peru?

I love the looks of the Marginatus, I’m definitely getting a shoal of those for my forthcoming 1500. I did see some Eques in my local MA on Monday actually and they did look cool all hanging their together.

One small word of warning - I’ve tried two types one an artisan type off Amazon, and the other the Sainsburys own brand. If your thinking of adding them straight to the tank, both colour the water nicely, but where the artisan bags are still in tact a week later, the Sainburys ones disintegrate spilling tea all over the tank. I use a very fine mesh filter bag now to put the Sainsburys bags in.
We have very similar taste in fish clearly!!

I was thinking of brewing it up separately and adding it in then, but interesting you can just add it to the tank! Great to know, will sew up a little bag for it. When you add it straight to the tank, how long does it take to colour the water?
I was thinking of brewing it up separately and adding it in then, but interesting you can just add it to the tank! Great to know, will sew up a little bag for it. When you add it straight to the tank, how long does it take to colour the water?

It starts colouring it straight away, but similar to botanicals, it’s doesn’t last very long. I struggle to keep any tint for any period of time, maybe a day or two at most - I believe it’s the light that removes it. A chunk of Mopani or peat are likely a better long term solution, but neither are ideal.
nannostomus eques
I think they’ll look great in there, very unique swimming style. They’ll stand out.

also need to prepare the tank a little more for them in the meantime
I use clear acrylic cut into triangles on my front corner to prevent jumpers if that’s what you’re worried about. Not as nice as no covering at all but not the ugliest thing in the world.

I’ve only had one fish jump the whole time I’ve had these in place and that was a newly introduced iguanodectes which are like torpedos!

It starts colouring it straight away, but similar to botanicals, it’s doesn’t last very long. I struggle to keep any tint for any period of time, maybe a day or two at most - I believe it’s the light that removes it. A chunk of Mopani or peat are likely a better long term solution, but neither are ideal.
Ahh damn, this is what happens to me when I add leaves too, they tint briefly and then it's gone, which is a big shame cos the tint adds so much atmosphere!! Will try it anyway, its still good to experience sometimes!

I think they’ll look great in there, very unique swimming style. They’ll stand out.

I use clear acrylic cut into triangles on my front corner to prevent jumpers if that’s what you’re worried about. Not as nice as no covering at all but not the ugliest thing in the world.

I’ve only had one fish jump the whole time I’ve had these in place and that was a newly introduced iguanodectes which are like torpedos!

Aha! That's a good idea, I think it won't look too bad either. How high do you keep your waterline from the top with them?

Nice tank @shangman 👍
Got the card reader to work, so pics of the tank from yesterday before I did a big waterchange and topped it up. Sadly the camera can't seem to capture how layered the plants are, it's all very 3D coming out of the wood and the flaoting plants are a much bigger area than the camera implies. Really liking the philodendron micans on the wood now too, I got 2 clippings for free and now the light is raised it's thriving, and sending out big white roots down the back. Adds a nice bit of colour to the emergents.


the marginatus in different areas? It looks like they have different colours, but I haven't found a place that actually matches pictures with the regions to ask about it
I have seen two or more different types lumped in together in the same aquarium at some fish stores. Which is beyond unfortunate. They are on my list too, and when I get around to buying some I am going to 100% make sure they are all from the same shipment. Ordering them like you are seems a decent plan.

As you are probably already aware there is a decent possibility these variants will be recognised as multiple species when the genus Nannostomus is next reorganised. DNA studies have shown large genetic diversity between geographic populations in many pencilfish species. Different lineages within N. eques, for example, are believed to have diverged around 2.9 million yeras ago.
Probably around an inch or so I recon. Seem to be quite lucky since I’ve implemented the corner covers.
Perfect, not that low at all, maybe can try them without changing the lilypipe then and just change it over if things go pearshaped.

In addition you can let your Aeschynomene fluitans grow along the glass which makes for a good jump barrier I have found:

View attachment 180307
omg this is genius! Will do that all along the backwall, the flow there is quite strong so no floaters stay which I'm always a bit hrmm about, but it'll still let light in to the plants below. Honestly this plant is sooo gorg AND useful on top?! Excellent.

No fish are gonna get past all those luscious plants in your tank wow!! It looks awesome.

I have seen two or more different types lumped in together in the same aquarium at some fish stores. Which is beyond unfortunate. They are on my list too, and when I get around to buying some I am going to 100% make sure they are all from the same shipment. Ordering them like you are seems a decent plan.

As you are probably already aware there is a decent possibility these variants will be recognised as multiple species when the genus Nannostomus is next reorganised. DNA studies have shown large genetic diversity between geographic populations in many pencilfish species. Different lineages within N. eques, for example, are believed to have diverged around 2.9 million yeras ago.
I was planning on asking the Fish Barn to source some as they're really good at sourcing excellent quality fish and would understand that I'd want a group of all the same, cos yeah mixed groups no thanks! When I was looking up photos it's quite confusing as there is so much variability, who knows what you'll get? Makes total sense that they are different but similar looking species.

Maybe that explains why some Beckfords are aggressive and some not.
Totally could be it. Seems you got v unlucky with your variety of tiny piranha pencils... hopefully the marginatus don't have similar tendancies!
In addition you can let your Aeschynomene fluitans grow along the glass which makes for a good jump barrier I have found:

View attachment 180307
Incidentally, how bright at your lights now the whole tank is covered? Intrigued cos I'm wondering if I'll have to do this soon, and also if that's what it takes to get the aeschynomene flowering!! Love that pop of yellow 😍
I was planning on asking the Fish Barn to source some as they're really good at sourcing excellent quality fish and would understand that I'd want a group of all the same, cos yeah mixed groups no thanks! When I was looking up photos it's quite confusing as there is so much variability, who knows what you'll get? Makes total sense that they are different but similar looking species.

I have to admit, in my ignorance I didn’t even know there were different variants. Do they look quite different then?
Incidentally, how bright at your lights now the whole tank is covered? Intrigued cos I'm wondering if I'll have to do this soon, and also if that's what it takes to get the aeschynomene flowering!! Love that pop of yellow 😍

I have my Vivid II at around 70 watts, so around 50-55% of its maximum, but I dial the green down massively because the floaters add their own green filter. That said, it’s fairly dark and gloomy after a week of the floaters growing in.
I have to admit, in my ignorance I didn’t even know there were different variants. Do they look quite different then?
There are definitely different colours, and I've seen refeerences to the colours being down to where they're collected so I think so, unless someone who owns them has seen them change colour like some fish do!

It seems like the amount of red and yellow really varies, I like the first and fourth the most I think where there's a bit or yellow and red along with the very graphic stripe. I think the more yellow varieties are more likely to be from Peru? I haven't found anywhere that really spells it out yet though, might do some more looking this afternoon.



Edit: 5th photo is Nannostomus rubrocaudatus not marginatus
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There are definitely different colours, and I've seen refeerences to the colours being down to where they're collected so I think so, unless someone who owns them has seen them change colour like some fish do!

It seems like the amount of red and yellow really varies, I like the first and fourth the most I think where there's a bit or yellow and red along with the very graphic stripe. I think the more yellow varieties are more likely to be from Peru? I haven't found anywhere that really spells it out yet though, might do some more looking this afternoon.



Interesting - that’s quite a variation! I’ve not actually seen any in a shop so far, only on the web, so in my minds eye your 1st and 4th pictures are what I’ve typically seen.