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The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

Interesting - that’s quite a variation! I’ve not actually seen any in a shop so far, only on the web, so in my minds eye your 1st and 4th pictures are what I’ve typically seen.
The ones I've seen in the shops are usually very drab looking brown and cream striped, and annoyingly I've never seen more than 6 otherwise I would've pounced! Sent a request to Fish Barn so will see if they get back to me with what they can get.

Hi all,

I've seen <"Nannostomus marginatus"> <"with yellow fins">.

cheers Darrel
Aha! Big thanks for the link, that's super useful. Should've known that Tom would have it covered!

Edit: had a look, I think the Peruvian ones are the money they're sooooo gorg, although tbh they're all very nice the Peruvian's yellow is fabulous!
unless someone who owns them has seen them change colour like some fish do!
Don't own them but believe light can be a big factor in them changing colours in our tanks.

Out of interest is that 5th picture nannostomus marginatus? The only reason I ask is premier aquatics have acquired some nannostomus rubrocaudatus and they look identical to that picture.
Don't own them but believe light can be a big factor in them changing colours in our tanks.

Out of interest is that 5th picture nannostomus marginatus? The only reason I ask is premier aquatics have acquired some nannostomus rubrocaudatus and they look identical to that picture.
I think you're right! The photo was credited as marginatus but looking at the rubrocaudatus they're clearly that. Makes sense as they are the most different looking of that group.
Don't own them but believe light can be a big factor in them changing colours in our tanks.

Out of interest is that 5th picture nannostomus marginatus? The only reason I ask is premier aquatics have acquired some nannostomus rubrocaudatus and they look identical to that picture.
How much were they out of interest? Pencil prices seem all over the place I saw marginatus last week at £3.50, £6 and £11! Thought that last shop was also selling a red tiger lotus for £13 lol
How much were they out of interest? Pencil prices seem all over the place I saw marginatus last week at £3.50, £6 and £11! Thought that last shop was also selling a red tiger lotus for £13 lol

I’ve had these on my eBay wish list for a long long time:

I’ve had a couple of batches of fish from Kesgrave and they have been decent quality.

They stock about 4-5 different fish that I want!
I read that the yellow variants are from Peru as well and it's been confirmed by seriously fish here under distribution

I do find that these and the other striped pencils can be very changeable when it comes to colour. Using my beckfords as an example they definitely change throughout the day based on mood and what they are doing. I've seen the same with marginatus, developing more red when they were being a bit feisty.
My tetras do this, they turn into creepy ghosts at night. I was looking up Nannostomus espei too yesterday that have the eques night vertical bars during the day, very nice and apparently rare so I assume too expensive for me 😂

I read that the yellow variants are from Peru as well and it's been confirmed by seriously fish here under distribution

I do find that these and the other striped pencils can be very changeable when it comes to colour. Using my beckfords as an example they definitely change throughout the day based on mood and what they are doing. I've seen the same with marginatus, developing more red when they were being a bit feisty.
Good old Seriously Fish! The colourchanging sounds great, I love that part of fish behaviour.

Not sure how much they were @shangman I've messaged Steve and will report back, I suspect they won't be cheap.
Oh goodness do I ever want to know? 😅 I just looked on Kew Aquatics and there they were £17.80 each, evne more than the coral reds!

I’ve had these on my eBay wish list for a long long time:

I’ve had a couple of batches of fish from Kesgrave and they have been decent quality.

They stock about 4-5 different fish that I want!
Oh I didn't think of ebay, that's def an option if the local shops fail me, I kinda love going to the shop and getting the fish and the ritual of that!!

Conundrums.... Fish Barn have said they probs wouldn't get wild ones until mid summer cos it's the rainy season rn, which is a shame as I'd prefer to get them there over anywhere else but... summer... is far. Don't want them right this second, but in like 1 - 2 months when the new plants are grown in well ideally. I've seen they have some at TropCo which is only an hour away and for only £3.50 each for 10+, but then a friend said she saw them there and they looked in dodgy condition (though this was a few months ago I think.) Gonna call up Aquatic Design Center & Wholesale Tropicals and see if they have any and for how much. Ah another option is Kew Aquatics which are also about £3.50, and can make postage smaller by going and getting them myself.

I'm thinking all these options aren't bad, but also... I think this time I'll be a good girl and set up a quarantine tank for a few weeks cos the only place I actually truly trust to give me really healthy fish is the Fish Barn lol, I do have my old 60L in the garden, could just be ugly and useful for a few weeks to make sure they're ok. I think probs ADC I trust too if they've had the fish for a while, I've never seen any disease there and bought many fish there. My tank is looking so heavenly like a lil garden of eden rn and the fish all frolicking about very healthy so it's time to be proper about it! No pandemic for my fishies!

Hmmmmmmm maybe waiting until summer/hopnig they might come a bit earlier for the Fish Barn is the way, what would you guys do?
Wholesale normally have them and quite a few other pencils in stock most of the time. Think they sell them around the 3-4 pound mark if I remember rightly.
Fabulous, I've actually never been so will do a trip there soon! If they have other pencils that's great to see them IRL and see some behaviour. Do you quarantine your fish from WT?
Fabulous, I've actually never been so will do a trip there soon! If they have other pencils that's great to see them IRL and see some behaviour. Do you quarantine your fish from WT?
It’s a really good shop, one of the best. Been going there since I was a little kid. The choice of fish there is great, Sell lots of nano species too. I think you’ll love it, pretty useless for plants though!

I don’t no, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t. I don’t think their quarantine is anywhere near as rigorous as the fish barn.
Haha still not heard back from Mr Chester but I'd imagine they'll be around that price.

👀 another tank... you'd obviously have to get some plants in there and make it nice a pretty, be ashame to tear it down after the quarantine. 😀
The problem is I'm a disgusting SNOB and now I'll only have optiwhite tanks as my proper tanks 😂 my official tank with its bottom plastic trim and black silicon is simply not it any more.

...I do have a 60L optiwhite in my room though getting ready for an experimental collaboration with an artist friend of mine but it won't be conventional, not sure if I can make a proper journal about it here, will see!

It’s a really good shop, one of the best. Been going there since I was a little kid. The choice of fish there is great, Sell lots of nano species too. I think you’ll love it, pretty useless for plants though!

I don’t no, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t. I don’t think their quarantine is anywhere near as rigorous as the fish barn.
Oh awesome, gonna go soon then 😀 I think the plants thing is what held me back, I went on their website when I first started and saw some plants bring sold as aquatic which are definitely not and mentally checked it off the list 😂 If is good for fish though... Looking forward to having a look around.

Hopefully the boyfriend won't mind the quarantining lols, how long do you guys generally so it for if you see no issues?
an experimental collaboration with an artist friend of mine but it won't be conventional
My mind is racing with the possibilities of what this could be, im very excited to see this now, you must show us at some point! I think I speak for all of us when I say that we demand it :twisted::lol:

Maybe the fish will be plants.. Or the plants will be fish! The possibilities are endless
My mind is racing with the possibilities of what this could be, im very excited to see this now, you must show us at some point! I think I speak for all of us when I say that we demand it :twisted::lol:

Maybe the fish will be plants.. Or the plants will be fish! The possibilities are endless
Lmaoooooooo I'm not a conceptual artist... the aim is still a beautiful aquarium eventually! Though no fish for quite a while! Will be having fun with materials 🙂
I was wondering how many plants I have now as I really think I can't fit many more in, so decided to write a list of all the plant species.

How many do I have?

49 LOL

Looking forward to the new plants growing in better over the new 2 months and showing that you can have loads of different species and it still works! 🙂 I guess it's more of a garden than a natural scene, but it has nice flow and feel to it. I always was a maximalist! Very pleased that the CO2 is now working and plants are growing well enabling me to become this mad collector 🙂

Maybe just want one more emergent stem or grass and then I'm fully done 😳👀

Echinodorus Palaefolius
Echinodorus Cordifolius red
Echinodorus Red flame
Echinodorus Yellow sun
Echinodorus Rose
Echinodorus Red sword
Echinodorus Rubra
Echinodorus Hadi red pearl
Echinodorus Regine Hildebrant
Echinodorus Hormanii

Bucephalandra Theia
Bucephalandra Kedagang
Bucephalandra Mini
Bucephalandra Brownie ghost (invitro)

Anubias minima/barteri glabra
Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Coin

Lagenandra thwaiteseii
Schismatoglotis roseospatha
Aridarum sp.
Bolbitis heudelotii
Microsorum pteropus 'Trident'
Hymenasplenium obscurum

Cryptocoryne purpura
Cryptocoryne Wendtii green
Cryptocoryne Wendtii red
Cryptocoryne lucens

Hydrocotyle Leucocephala
Hydrocotyle verticillata

Marsilea Hirsuta
Nymphaea Santarem (I think)
Ludwigia sp red
Potomogenton gayi

Helanthium tenellum
Lileopsis brasiliensis
Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini'

Aeschynomene fluitans
Hydrocleys nymphoides
Ludwigia helminthorrhiza
Salvinia sp.
Phyllanthus fluitans
Pistia stratiotes

Cameroon moss
Phoenix moss
Monosolenium tenerum
Mini christmas moss

Philodendron micans
Asplenium scolopendrium

I'll probably take out the echinodorus rose, red sword and hadi red pearl eventually as they're a bit rubbish compared to the other beautiful echinodorus which will need space. Those three were from my original tank and have never thrived, but the newer ones I've bought are all doing much better. Also kept duckweed in the list, I keep trying to get rid of it but it seems impossible to eradicate in a tank like this, luckily the other floaters keep it minimal. I'm also slowly taking out the christmas moss as it looks kinda messy, my fav is the cameroon moss and I hope eventually that can take over more!

Might need one more plant just... to reach 50. Maybe an orchid!!
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My mind is racing with the possibilities of what this could be, im very excited to see this now, you must show us at some point! I think I speak for all of us when I say that we demand it :twisted::lol:

Maybe the fish will be plants.. Or the plants will be fish! The possibilities are endless
Less a work of conceptual art, more a miracle...