Thanks so much! I love your tanks too, fellow twig-lover 🙂 Honestly it's mad how much twigs make things look more naturalI love your use of twigs and such to add that natural vibe 🙂
Big thank you!! 😁 Talking about this made me realise that my aquarium "design" style is actually very similar to my fashion design ethos, even though they look very different with very different formats! Didn't start out thinking that aquariums are a disciplined art form and practice, but I definitely do now! And I love that I can define what that means to myself. I think I prefer the tanks to the fashion now though, whoops!
Still got a long way to go, a lot of growing to do, very exciting!
IT'S GREAT! It just suddenly opens up the tank to the room, it feels much more part of the room and much more beautiful. Just seeing the whole top is great, I forget about how deep it is with the bar in the middle breaking it up.
The surface is a whole new area to get looking beautiful, now the top is fully open and has height. 😀 I have a schismatoglotis roseospatha along the top of my wood and some of it's leaves stick out the water, but all the emergent leaves end up burnt on one edge by hitting the light, so now they can grow a bit healthier and beautiful. What other emergent plants would you guys suggest? The ones I have atm are just as good in other tanks so I can try all sorts of different plants (ludwigias and rotalas grow amazingly for me as emergents/just below surface plants in my lowtech nano, no need for them in this tank!). I'm thinking hygrophila lancea/araguia emersed. Also kinda wanna try a nice grass? Maybe experimentally bloodgrass? IDK, but I think I can go for something a bit more fab. Another big OOH MAYBE is the Aeschynomene fluitans. I want to make the top a really special part of the tank, I have this theory that it will be better for the fish too, having the light broken up further, I have noticed they will sue the top of the tank more if it has better cover. Also just think it will look awesome.
The back of my tank is now way more illuminated now due to the wider spread. Tbh the back has always had dodgy growth - because of the wood disrupting the flow and also being so close to the light that it shadowed the back of the tank. Now the light is higher it's spread is wider. Really hoping that with this and the shedload of root tabs I've added in the back (which already seem to be taking effect), the nice big echinodorus can grow lovely and big (and also hopefully stick out the top). It's quite cool how my wall blue and the tank blue are two different colours, I think from all the leaves I added staining the water to be a bit more green.
FINALLY... maintenance is way easier now too, again because the light and the wood were so close I couldn't reach the back from the front and had to move the furniture to get to the back via the sides. Now I can reach and see and do maintenance waaayyyyy easier.
It's hard to show you the right angles of it that I see with this camera as my room isn't big enough to get more in frame, tho I might try and stand on a chair tomoz to get one of the whole top in a good way.