Had a really lovely day yesterday, went with
@Courtneybst on a lil roadtrip to World of Water, where I was hoping to get some aeschynomene fluitans. To my delight, they had it in stock.... And then I realised they had LOADS OF GREAT PLANTS OMGGGGGGG AW YISSSSS. Honestly I think it is the best place to buy plants in the UK, they have the normal range of tropica and things like that, AND they have all sorts of unusual plants I've never seen anywhere except maybe Aquasabi before Brexit. Very reasonably priced, and a great place to go and nerd out about plants and tanks with Dan who stocks it all. Also, all of the plants are just in fantastic health, and there are common plants I bought here that I'd never considered before, but they looked so luscious I couldn't resist and I'm really glad I didn't! I'm a big fan of buying plants not because it goes with your scape, but because they're just beautiful, they'll always fit if you just get what you love.
Some unusual and VERY NICE plants I acquired, hopefully some do well! -
Aeschynomene fluitans - the reason I went and it does not disappoint!! Just a fabulous beautiful plant.
Hydrocleys nymphoides - eventually this should grow into a floating plant with lovely flowers like poppies. I've got 3 plants growing along runners so planted the first runner and letting the rest rise up to float. Bit of an experiment which is always exciting.
Ludwigia helminthorrhiza - a floating ludwigia, with fascinating modified white roots that are filled with air and act as bouys! One of the things I loved about Green Planet was how they showed the fascinating adaptations of waterplants which all these floating plants really epitomise, so cool.

Lagenandra thwaiteseii - my eyes went 👀👀👀 when I saw this, cos I've never seen it before and it's a lovely aroid (love of aroids runs in my family). It's gone in the front of the tank cos it's so nice, I hope it gets massive. I've got 2 bits in the soil, one on wood as an epiphyte experimentally. Kinda wish I'd bought the second pot!
Echinodorus Regine Hildebrandt - IMPOSSIBLE to not buy, look how PINK these leaves are. Have found it hard to find genuinely nice red echinodorus for ages, v glad to have found this, and lovely ruffles too. What I also love is these plants have been growing in WoW's lowtech system, that they're this pink in lowtech is awesome.
Echinodorus hormanii - interesting small long brown-red-copper leaves, I have 10 types of echinodorus in this tank now, I'm screwed when they all grow bigger (3 of them are originals from my old tank and a bit rubbish tho) I truly cannot stop myself when I see a nice one. You can't see in the picture how nice the colour is, and how the veining stands out on the older green leaves.

Some not so unusual, but very luscious plants I bought:
Potomogenton gayi - couldn't resist how luscious this was, turns out it's the perfect bushy filler plant for my tank I was always missing. Goes great with the trident fern, and the fish look so good swimming amongst it, great for hiding. Kinda wish I'd bought a second bunch, but looking online it seems like it grows v fast so will have plenty more soon.
Lileopsis brasiliensis - a small but wild looking carpeting plant for the little bit of soil in the front, I think it looks a bit more natural than hairgrass.
Anubias barteri glabra - apparently the same as
anubias minima my fav anubias, I already have 2 and when I redid the front right wood I realised I needed at least 1 more. Anyone else a fan? I feel like I don't see it much even though it's lovely with darker purpley stems and yellow new leaves. Very tropical looking and provides great structure to the tank.
Crypt purpura - to fill in the dark gaps in corners, lovely!
I didn't even buy all the nice plants they had, there was loads more that I just don't have space for, particularly the lilies are beaut. Def recommend a visit if you can, I'm looking forward to going again in late spring/early summer for my pond plants and whatever else interesting I can find. I love how good the shops are in this hobby, so satisfying finding great things for the tank!! As a big plant nerd it is so satisfying to have a tank full of beautiful unusual plants, this is what I got CO2 for tbh.
I also bought 5 platinum ricefish which have a gorgeous pearlescent blue sheen. Seeing them made me realise I think in my other group of 5 I only have females lol, so hopefully now they'll start to breed. They've gone in my other tank for now so will take some pics and put them in that journal. They had some other lovely little fish like butterfly barbs and some (very tempting) marginatus PENCILS... with all these new plants the tank is getting closer to be ready for some.
The reason I "
needed" so many plants is that I've
done quite a lot to the tank over the past few weeks, I haven't been happy with the front right for ages and it's really annoyed me, but only just recently had the time to fix it. I've also been vaguely dreading it so got help from @Courtneybst. There were 2 problems - 1 I used old soil to save money when I did the tank at first, which degraded into mud and had no nutrition and plants just die or hang on in it, and 2, the right "horn" of wood kept falling down when I first added it so my dad suggested attaching it to a GIANT rock, which worked but looked rly ugly and made it hard to plant anything.
After adding the soil

So we took everything out and replace the soil, and then thought... hmm, do I even need the horn of wood? Maybe it is nicer just seeing the giant wood piece in the back. We found a spare bit of riverwood in the garden and planted that and I thought it was quite nice, and interesting to see the tank more open.
annnnndddd... I woke up the next morning, looked in the tank and thought NOPE, I must have my horn back! I didn't like how without it the tank felt so open, I much prefer how protected the tank feels with the wood and more jungly and the perfect place for more emergent plants to attach to. It framed it well. So I realised I could take off the rock and screw some azalea twigs on to act as struts to keep it up and at a better angle, which has worked perfectly! The front now looks sooo much better, really happy with it! This pic is rubbish cos it's with the phone, will get the camera out soon.

Then... on the main wood is a lot of buce and moss... And clado algae, particularly on the lower area, so finally I pulled it all out, chucked the moss and algae and carefully picked it out of the buce and other little rarer plants in there. I made a thread "net" with some lead plant weights to hold it all down, which was a bit dodgy but kinda worked. I wish glue worked better for me but it just doesn't seem to stick the plants to the wood at all, just makes a mess and they still float off. Finally I've been moving around the trident as some of the placements in the above photo were off. Also I sifted all the sand using a tea strainer and a huge pile of old soil came out, look so much better now.
Just took some FTS photos with the plants added.... and my card reader won't work so we'll have to say update done for now and see if I can get that working tonight or tomoz or something. Whoops! Can't wait until the plants have settled a bit more, I think it's gonna look really nice. For a while the tank has been serving woodland vibes, and with all these new plants it's finally giving tropical jungle which is awesome, just what I imagined when I first set it up.