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saintlys "The Henge"

Nah, don't think your a true Don till you've done a week blackout to get rid of the fluff 😀

Anyway Mark, you not think a selection of your previous pics would'nt be good enough for the 15th?
Don't think the scape needs to be in existence when they judge it?
JAmesM said:
Green water is where its at mate. You're not done until you get it :lol:

i got that too

jay said:
Nah, don't think your a true Don till you've done a week blackout to get rid of the fluff 😀

and that....

nah not really guys... just thought id play around :twisted:

Bet theres nothing wrong with it and you've done some scaping and created some form of genius and now you're doing back flips trying not to show us 😛
jay said:
Bet theres nothing wrong with it and you've done some scaping and created some form of genius and now you're doing back flips trying not to show us 😛

i wish, no its still the same.no genius in my household.

theres some riccia in there now ( nooooooooooooooooooo, i hear the cries) but thats about the only change. the p helferi is bushing out. the stems are bushing out too. ive trimmed them tonight. the e tenneluss is doing the usual "crawling all over the place" thing that it does. im desperate now to get a good sized algae crew in there. and then pich a good shoal of fish.

ahhh, what the heck. this is for you ray....you can see the hc has started to grow back in now 😀

this is after tonights stem trim


oh well, at least aaron likes it. i post, no comments. i dont post, comments 🙁 us amateur scapers have to rely on quick fixes to fill holes in sparse gaps. praise be to riccia :lol:
Tank is looking great Mark, just think now its too open at the front! before was HC pressed against the glass and now a large shore! I would plant it out a bit further with HC, just keep it lower this time.
George Farmer said:
There's a lot of growth left yet before deadline...

i dont think it will be ready to be honest.like ld suggests the shore is too big.i'll let the hc take it back. theres going to be no algae crew this weekend neither, im working sat and sunday 🙁

JAmesM said:
I already said it was nice 😛 I agree with LD though mate...

i know mate, i sounded like a spoilt little brat :lol:
Hey relax Mark, it'll be ready. You need to adjust the front shore so it slopes up to the HC, trim one last time knowing how much things will grow in 10 - 14 days so it is exactly how it should look then. I think in 2 weeks your stems will be touching the surface, HC will have covered the shore and the E. tenellus and P. Helfrei will be even wilder than ever.

It will be tight but that's how it is with deadlines 😀 . On the bright side, at least you don't have to contend with disgusting brown surface scum and a WWI battlefield scene of crypt melt like me 🙂 - I'm quite jealous!
Ray said:
Hey relax Mark, it'll be ready.

hopefully ray, hopefully. the stems were at the surface a few days ago, but i trimmed them. it will be the last trim all round before the 15th....13th realisticly

if in 2 weeks the riccia slate tio the left of the maIN STONE HASNT GROWN, i'll trim p helferi and plant as a quick fix. this area has been a pain!


im pretty sure the hc will cover the substrate by then, you can see it's "creeping" which im going to leave. e tennelus is growing in amongst the hc which also im going to leave alone. if i dont make the deadline i dont think i'll put the tank in to the aga. i'll persist in getting this scape looking as good as it can get though. 🙂

my one otto is fattening up and soon he shall have some tank mates.