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saintlys "The Henge"

LondonDragon said:
George has a good point as always, I have seen Tom Barr prune is HC at the front of the glass, makes a huge different straight away, you should check it out.

any links LD? love to see it.i'll trim tomorrow

Dan Crawford said:
It's all a big fat learning curve pal and you've come a great distance in a minute amount of time! Love ya work.

ta dan 😀 love yours more though.

thanks LD. i remember seeing this thread. i didnt remember the hc though.

i fully understand the hc trimming process now 😀 did tom think of that?

going to give it a go i think.

:lol: :lol: :lol: ive gone insane.... ive ripped my hc out 🙄 :lol: 🙄



cichlidsrgr8 said:
Well they always say that geniuses are always slightly insane 😉 :lol:

:lol: i can hear sirens....ooo, a man with a white jacket is knocking at my door.... :lol:

now seriously, it needed doing. it was 2 inches thick. ive never felt so anxious doing something...am i doing right thing?....am i doing wrong thing?.... :?
even more anxious when i added the sand :lol:

i can see it in the future. you may hate IT, but its all experimentation. its not like its my last scape in the world. should look better when the newly planted hc grows over the sand slightly.


I hope to god you put a barrier in to stop the substrates mixing up?
I didn't the first time and I can tell you it was hellish trying to keep it tidy. I've got one in there now and so far it seems to work a charm.
Garuf said:
hope to god you put a barrier in to stop the substrates mixing up?

nah, the whole front is sand. was quite a job to do full of water. so when the hc grows over the " border line it should be too bad. same as any ada setup really.

i put a peice of lead between the AS and sand dividing line, scooped the AS out, filled with sand took lead out. there was still a bit of AS in the bottom which has mixed...which you can see.i''ll pick the bits out.

I found the best way of doing it is once you have your divider in place is to just siphon of the little bits that are left, also it has the added bonus of getting out and settled much that has been disturbed.
I love the look of the sand in scapes but I've always found it to be a hassle without boarders to prevent mixing.
Garuf said:
I love the look of the sand in scapes but I've always found it to be a hassle without boarders to prevent mixing.

thansk garuf, it was after looking at your setup that swayed me. after george commented on the hc, that was what i was looking for. an excuse to do it.

so thanks to you and george. ive done the quickest job (and i mean quick about 30 seconds to be precise) of emulating the hc re grown to give some of you a clue as to how it may look.

I really like that, if when it's grown in you don't like it think about using mini pelia as an alternative, it's a moss but you get such nice texture from it especially in small setups.
Also, I'm glad I proved an inspiration. 🙂

Try some larger grains of gravel or tiny rocks for the transition from sand to HC. Hairgrass and/downoi accents in HC would be nice too. The more texture the better, whilst maintaining a natural appearance.
George Farmer said:
Try some larger grains of gravel
done! 😀

George Farmer said:
tiny rocks for the transition from sand to HC.
tomorrow! 😉

George Farmer said:
Hairgrass and/downoi accents in HC would be nice too
actualy, garufs having a handfull of the downoi. and ive put a load in my big tank. i didnt realise how well that had done. 😀
i might buy some hairgrass.

Garuf said:
I really like that, if when it's grown in you don't like it think about using mini pelia as an alternative, it's a moss but you get such nice texture from it especially in small setups.
i'll consider it mate.

im chomping at the bit to set up my rena 😛

Oh my God!! You've ruined it Mark!!!
Totally ruined it!!
I suppose you better give the whole set up to me and I'll see if I can save it in any way 😉

Honestly though mate, its very brave to do that and its worked a treat.

Good stuff.
jay said:
Oh my God!! You've ruined it Mark!!!
Totally ruined it!!
I suppose you better give the whole set up to me and I'll see if I can save it in any way 😉

its yours mate.

well im writing this post after looking at tdlines tank 🙁 have to say its pretty good.

anyway heres a pic after the waters fully cleared and added a few small rocks and a few grains of gravel (which you cant see that well)

you can also see the newly planted hc, now ive cleared the front area, runners of e tennelus are already coming through to the front! DAMN stuff 🙄

theres 3 elusive embers in there which are going. ANY IDEAS ON A FISH? EVERYBODY!


How much water changes did you do, post HC removal? Lots I hope, as big 'upsets' like that are massive algae inducers.

I can't see any pics at the moments, as the connection here is so poor. I trust it looks good though...

Go to MA @ Crowland for fish. You'll find something you'll like. Keep it simple IMO, not too gawdy, one species. Gold tetras (they're more silver than gold) or something similar. Say 'hi' to Sarah from me too. She's the only lady member of staff in there.
George Farmer said:
How much water changes did you do

as explained in the pm sent, but for everyone else....

50% out took hc out, 5%more to get debris. much there wasnt much in the way of crap or clouding. filled. today 25% w/c everything looking fine. hc pearling 😀

i'll venture to MA next week to look for some fish.
