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saintlys "The Henge"

my wife has come back from her hols, and ive been given my orders. the henge had to be moved. so here it is in its new position.the lighting looks completely different with a different coloured wall!


HA HA ...looks like we know who wears the trousers in your house..lol i spose on the bright side at least now when u look at this tank you haven’t got your big tank distracting you…. Stealing some of the well deserved attention from "The henge" . if you get what i mean.
ive just tested my water for amonia (first test ever carried out on this tank)

from 10ml of water i get a reading of 1 mg/1 its middway on the table provided from sera.

i cant work out if this high 😳

jay said:
ammonia in a tank is bad in my book.

Water change?

im aware of the water changes, i do 2 x 50% a week. i also know about AS amazonia leaching amonia. (should call it AS amonia)
are the readings high? if so i'll double my water changing routine.

That sounds dodgy pal, i'd get another kind of test and try that. Your tank is clearly doing well so try not to obsess too much about it! Four 50% WCs in a week would be too much, no need mate, surely there is something wrong with the tester.
Dan Crawford said:
That sounds dodgy pal, i'd get another kind of test and try that. Your tank is clearly doing well so try not to obsess too much about it! Four 50% WCs in a week would be too much, no need mate, surely there is something wrong with the tester.

thanks mate, ive just done it again and its different again.

0.5mg/l for 10ml of water.
JAmesM said:
Bin the test kits anyway


actualy, today the tank looks amazingly clear and vibrant more than usual! i acidentily spilt TPN+ in yesterday (lid was off the other side) there must of been at least 20ml go in. ive left it and today every plant looks stunningly green.

now i know i wont dose 20ml everyday, but this tells me my plants want more ferts....would you say folks? what do you reckon clive? 😀

oh and one other thing im running just 2 of my 24w t5's does anyone reckon all 4 would be too much? it looks even better with all of them on.
or is it asking for trouble?

saintly said:
JAmesM said:
Bin the test kits anyway


actualy, today the tank looks amazingly clear and vibrant more than usual! i acidentily spilt TPN+ in yesterday (lid was off the other side) there must of been at least 20ml go in. ive left it and today every plant looks stunningly green.

now i know i wont dose 20ml everyday, but this tells me my plants want more ferts....would you say folks? what do you reckon clive? 😀

Well.... gosh... heck yeah, I'd keep adding more until adding more didn't result in any more improvement. That's when you know you have presented the plants with unlimited availability of ferts. This is the credo of EI. But then again, I'm a fanatic as you well know. :shock:

The thing is that TPN+ get expensive, so that's why we use the dry powders because for the same money you can more or less roll your own for a fraction of the cost and so you'll never have to worry about spillage. I mean, 20 whole milliliters, wooptie doo... :lol:

The other thing to consider is that higher nutrient dosing causes higher growth rates and higher maintenance requirements. It puts pressure on to keep a cleaner tank, and, due to higher organic waste, you need to be more strict about water changes. So you really need to think about all that.

saintly said:
oh and one other thing im running just 2 of my 24w t5's does anyone reckon all 4 would be too much? it looks even better with all of them on.
or is it asking for trouble?

Do you remember what happened when they first loaded the "Jump" program for Neo? Well that's whats going to happen to you.

First find your max growth rate using the lighting you have. Then slowly add more light and CO2 so that you just have the extra lighting on for a few hours at first for a few weeks, and then later extend this duration. This enables you to see trouble coming and to take appropriate action before things get out of hand.

ceg4048 said:
Do you remember what happened when they first loaded the "Jump" program for Neo? Well that's whats going to happen to you.

:lol: genius!

clive, thanks so much my friend.

ceg4048 said:
First find you max growth rate using the lighting you have. Then slowly add more light and CO2 so that you just have the extra lighting on for a few hours at first for a few weeks, and then later extend this duration. This enables you to see trouble coming and to take appropriate action before things get out of hand.


Do you remember what happened when they first loaded the "Jump" program for Neo? Well that's whats going to happen to you.

First find you max growth rate using the lighting you have. Then slowly add more light and CO2 so that you just have the extra lighting on for a few hours at first for a few weeks, and then later extend this duration. This enables you to see trouble coming and to take appropriate action before things get out of hand.


The matrix explains so many things while being so conusing at the same time :?