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saintlys "The Henge"

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Sorry saintly, downoi is the common name of postogama helferi, and by pillows I mean moss tied to a rock then "planted", after a while the branch out and spread and form mossy pillows, like riccia but nice.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Garuf said:
Sorry saintly, downoi is the common name of postogama helferi, and by pillows I mean moss tied to a rock then "planted", after a while the branch out and spread and form mossy pillows, like riccia but nice.

cheers garuf :lol: when you were talking about pillows and downoi i just had beds in my head for some reason :lol: :lol:

do reckon moss would work? im trying to picture it....

Garuf said:
like riccia but nice.

not a riccia fan i take it ? :lol:
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

I think moss would work, yeah. The green machine use it and a fair few people use it in competition iwagumis.


Spot the moss? I think it'd be a nice touch.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

yeh yor right garuf, i love it when you dont spot something when its there, but you'd miss it if it wasnt there!

i'll consider it mate. thanks for the input. and the effort! 😀 watch this space....
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Spiky or Taiwan moss would be the best 2 for this from my experiences. The best part is if you don't like them you can just as soon whip them out.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

first of all, thanks to dan crawford for his contribution to my tank, several cuttings of Staurogyne sp.! 😀 cheers mate.

secondly, in the same parcel ive received my newly bought ukaps aquascaping kit. you see for as long as ive been keeping plants, ive been using a pair of KITCHEN scissors and a pair of good quality tweezers as shown below

so from this.......dont laugh 😳


to this...


so you see, theres no reason for me not to get right in there and trim! :lol: these surgical scissors are fantastic. to be honest i dont know how ive managed without them :?

ive pulled out several e tennelus plants and p helferi. and infront of the main rock, planted the Staurogyne sp. hopefully it'l take hold and i can then take more cuttings and move it around the tank where i want it.

aquascaping kit in use


and finaly the positioning of the Staurogyne sp.....early days, so let it fill out!


im going to give it a week or so before posting any pics just to let the Staurogyne sp root.

thansk for looking everyone.

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Tanks Looking good as always Mark 8) but when that Staurogyne sp. grows in it'll looking even better(if that's possible) 😀 .
Is that the tank finished now or is there still some adjusting to do?
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Looking better and better mate, and I also love my UKAPS tool kit, really good quality, Dan's research paid off big time 🙂
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Ha ha, theres a lot of love for the tools hey? well that makes it all worth while!

Loving the tank as always mate and that Staurogyne is the perfect addition IMO.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

The tanks look great Saintly.

They say a man is only good as his tools. You have the best tools, so we expect the best skills!!! 😀 No pressure.
Joking a side, Its very important to have the right equipment. You will be suprised how the use of good tools and easy to use equipment will free up the creative flow of a budding and experianced aquascaper.

Keep up the good work. I look forward to your final shot. It will be intersesting to see how a former pro photographer will go about your new challange.

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

cichlidsrgr8 said:
Is that the tank finished now or is there still some adjusting to do?

good question, i'll probably fiddle around with it, you know, as ya do :lol:

planter said:
Tanks looking awesome saintly
Tanks looking awesome saintly 😀

thanks planter, im rather looking forward to seeing yours 😉

LondonDragon said:
Looking better and better mate

cheers LD. i might be calling on you for some moss for my big tank 😉

Dan Crawford said:
Loving the tank as always mate and that Staurogyne is the perfect addition IMO.
Dan Crawford said:
yeh i think so to dan, ive made one more addition too 🙄 dont know how it will look, but ive planted some iLilaeopsis brasiliensis in and around the rocks. just for a different height to the e tennelus. god only knows if it will work. thats the noob coming out in me. :?

Graeme Edwards said:
Keep up the good work. I look forward to your final shot. It will be intersesting to see how a former pro photographer will go about your new challange.

thanks for the encouragement graeme 🙂 ive already phoned a local studio to price up some time in a studio.its not so much to take pics of my tank (which may end up looking average)more so i can practice some photo techniques.im realy fired up for it. obviously months away, but at least im enthusiastic about my photography again 😀 oh, not so much pro, but semi pro 😉 i hate the word pro anyway.it means nothing nowadays, overused word IMO

thanks everyone.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

well, its a rather quiet day today. and i got bored! 🙁

i was thinking what graeme said ....

Graeme Edwards said:
It will be intersesting to see how a former pro photographer will go about your new challange.

and thought id try and brush up on some photography skills. 🙂 firstly i rang a local photography studio to enquire about hiring it! she wasnt interested, so it got me to thinking what i could at home!

i think with a couple of strobes and a big white background its possible to do it at home.

this pic is with

1 x white cardboard
1 x cheap 500w tungsten bulb
1 x hairdryer :lol:

my fish wouldnt play ball though! and my substrate is not straight, AND my plants havnt grown in yet.but you get the jist!

2 identical shots 1 under exposed 1 overexposed layered together with a bit of iggle piggle....voila! ive put it on a white background so when you click on it you'll see it borderless 😉 or rather with a black border 🙄

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

A little too overexposed in the background and the surface IMO, but still really cool. Please can we see a photo of how you took the photo, if you know what I mean?

I didn't realise all those Amano and CAU photo's used a fan on the surface to get the ripples - I feel kind of cheated :shock:
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

well you cant please everyone 🙂

yes its overexposed in the background but thats the intention. just look through aqua journal and you'll see amano setups in the same manner. infact some are even more blown out(over exposed)

each to there own i guess 😉
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Ray said:
didn't realise all those Amano and CAU photo's used a fan on the surface to get the ripples - I feel kind of cheated

yeh, a good technique IMO. how else could you do it?

another trick to get fish to shoal, which some of you might know....turn lights off briefly then switch them on agian. they'll all be together!
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

this is only experimentation dont forget. if you were to see the full file on a 22inch monitor like i have, you might just change your mind 😉

ray ive edited the image using dodge and burn in photoshop, just to retain detail in the edges of rocks and ripple.

sure its image manipulation, but only with contrast nothing else. ive studied amano pics and im pretty sure he or his team uses the same techniques to some degree. he also has thousands of pounds worth of lighting, i have a cheap 500w bulb and a piece of cardboard :lol:

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

well if nothing else, ive got a new signature :? and a titkle for the scape 😉

"The Henge" what do ya reckon? it has an unaturel, man made, overgrown feel to it....hang on, thats everything a scape shouldnt be :lol: :lol:

it was a good excerise anyway.

cheers mark