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saintlys "The Henge"

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

jay said:
... latest PFK magazine and theres an article about too much nitrate and potassium being the culprits. It can be very confusing.

Who wrote that? Were they referring to a non-planted tank? And was it potassium or phosphate?

Mark - I can recommend dosing 2ml TPN+ per day, with 2x 1/2 weekly water changes for the first 8 weeks. Then 1x 1/2 weekly water change. Works for me. Has done for nearly 2 years now. You can add more if required, no problem.

The user-friendliness that some ADA-fans like is there with TPN+. In fact I've made it even easier by putting my TPN+ into a pump/squirt bottle that doses exactly 1ml per pump. It was an old ADA fert bottle actually... 😉

It's more expensive than dry ferts though, so bear that in mind.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

ceg4048 said:
Hi Jay,
I'm going to have to check out the PFK article and prepare a blog response. The nutrient haters are really getting out of hand. :twisted:

Go for it Clive. I love a good verbal scrap, backed up by pictures of flourishing planted tanks soaked in toxins. :lol:

I have been thinking of starting an `algae causes` thread on the TFF scientific section forum, but I lack your eloquence.

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

jay said:
... latest PFK magazine and theres an article about too much nitrate and potassium being the culprits. It can be very confusing.

Yeah I saw that too, really confused the hell out of me after what I have learned here over the past 4 months, and knowing George is part of the magazine was thinking they would have the facts straight by now too!
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

well anyway, back to the journal.... :?

thansk for the input guys, im much clearer on my dosing regimes. i'll just see what happens i guess.

didnt shakespear write " do dose or not to dose, that is the question" :lol:

ceg i checked out your tank, and theres certainly a thumbs up for EI my friend, beautifull i have to say. 😀

George Farmer said:
Mark - I can recommend dosing 2ml TPN+ per day, with 2x 1/2 weekly water changes for the first 8 weeks. Then 1x 1/2 weekly water change. Works for me. Has done for nearly 2 years now.

cheers buddy.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

George Farmer said:
jay said:
... latest PFK magazine and theres an article about too much nitrate and potassium being the culprits. It can be very confusing.

Who wrote that? Were they referring to a non-planted tank? And was it potassium or phosphate?

Mark - I can recommend dosing 2ml TPN+ per day, with 2x 1/2 weekly water changes for the first 8 weeks. Then 1x 1/2 weekly water change. Works for me. Has done for nearly 2 years now. You can add more if required, no problem.

The user-friendliness that some ADA-fans like is there with TPN+. In fact I've made it even easier by putting my TPN+ into a pump/squirt bottle that doses exactly 1ml per pump. It was an old ADA fert bottle actually... 😉

It's more expensive than dry ferts though, so bear that in mind.

I got it slightly wrong, it was nitrate and PHOSPHATE, although Jeremy Gay does take into consideration that ammonia is also blamed, it is suggested in any form of tank.
Apologies to anyone miffed at my mistake. 😳

Also sorry to saintly for a lil thread hijacking. Shouldn't take away from his work.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

jay said:
Also sorry to saintly for a lil thread hijacking. Shouldn't take away from his work.

dont worry mate, it's fine. im learning too so all this debate is good. 😀
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

well ive been rained off today so im at home sat around doing nothing. and gues what.... i just found my camera :lol: :lol:

to dose or not to dose, that is the question.... 😀

here's 2 comparison shots.now you must understand that both images, because shot in raw, have identical settings i.e whitebalance contrast etc. etc....just so you can see the progress.

the first is from the 28th june 08 1 day after planting. the hc was in 2 days prior along with the vivpara.


and this one is from today 9th july 2008, almost 2 weeks on. the big ugly filter in the corner is just there to help with amonia levels. it mature from my arcadia tank.

i was doubting the growth of my p helferi, but on closer inspection its grown more than id previously thought.im also discovering that e tenelus is a quick grower! :?

i reckon this is going to be high maintenance, but i realy dont mind.


thanks for looking guys and gals!
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Hi Saintly,i like it very much it has come on really well,what is your dosing programme and how much are you feeding the plants,regards john.
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

It will be filled in pretty quickly 🙂 looking great. Keep us posted and always more photos 😉
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

thanks chaps,

aaronnorth said:
a few more weeks and everything will be filled in. Good work Mark

cheers aaron 😀

LondonDragon said:
Keep us posted and always more photos
will do 😉

john starkey said:
what is your dosing programme and how much are you feeding the plants,regards john.

i started with tpn after the 3rd day, and i was only adding like 1ml p/d.

now im in to week 2 im dosing tpn+ @ 2ml p/d. all seems well.

john, i can see by your journal you have a lovely p heferi carpet. nice mate 😀
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

at last...my p helferi is growing. its took 2 weeks to settlte in now its growing. 😀
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

saintly said:
at last...my p helferi is growing. its took 2 weeks to settlte in now its growing. 😀
Nice 🙂 need to get some of that for my tank, would be nice to place it between the carpet and the stem plants! 😉
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

LD, if you can wait a month you can have some of mine?... i would guess i cut the runners. not totaly sure. :?
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

saintly said:
LD, if you can wait a month you can have some of mine?... i would guess i cut the runners. not totaly sure. :?
Thanks, I will keep that in mind, I should pop in to my LFS soon usually has them for £2.50 a pot, so if I am there I will get some, I will let you know 😉
Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

ok LD 😀

well chaps, im off in the morning fishing!im going for a couple of days carp fishing, actualy match carp fishing. so i'll save you all from a load old post and pics.

heres 1 from tonight i dont know if you can see the p helferi has perked up loads.

the e tennelus is growing like a weed and the vivipara is spreading nicely. i'll do my trimming next week! when i receive my new ukaps triming kit 😉

please ignore that filter in the corner, it's not staying...just to help out untill the xp2 kicks in properly.

Re: saintlys 60 x 30 x36 optiwhite

Coming along nicely, Mark.

Have you considered putting another plant in front of the main rock? Maybe some tenellus to soften the transition? Or are you waiting for the P. helferi to grow?