Hi everyone. The tank has hit a bit of plateau but overall things are getting better. All plants other than Anubias and Java fern are now sending out new, albeit stunted leaves. The Amazon sword is in active growth and growing quite fast. New leaves of any type are not instantly getting covered in algae anymore so fingers crossed.
New growth on the word looking good. A bit pale but that's fine as the plant is finally actively growing.
Crypts are looking a lot better and less covered in algae. New growth is stunted but healthy. Luckily the leaves seem to be getting bigger.
Hygrophila is actively growing and doesn't look unhealthy so I'm happy with that. Java fern also looks a lot cleaner but I'm not sure if it is in active growth yet.
Frogbit looks OK. The photo turned out yellow but they aren't really that yellow, they are quite green and growing readily. Not a nice dark green but acceptable considering they aren't dying.
The dwarf water lily bulb has been chewed on by the Laetacara a bit. Some of the new leaves on my Cryptocoryne and Helanthium have similar damage and I wonder if that is why some of the plants were having issues. The new leaves are coming out already deformed so I'm wondering if something has been nibbling at the actual crown of the plant. One C. Usteriana leaf even grew out with just the bottom part of the leaf attached to the petiole and not much else.
Overall I can't complain as for a tank to recover and for the plants to make all the necessary adjustments to their chemistry etc to suit the new conditions probably takes a while. I'm a lot happier with the tank now.