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New pheonix 60x30x30 scape.

ok, thanks guys, not going to get opti white unless its about the same price as float, which it isnt
I think samc gave like £160 for his optiwhite and that's custom I think.

I've altered the position of my lily pipes and now I'm getting much better distribution of CO2, I can see all the bubbles all through the water column and much more movement in the foreground and also all the plants sway more pronouncedly in the flow. I'm hoping this should stem the HC die off and help everything else get stronger. That's the plan at least. I'll post pictures later tonight, the didiplis diandra is really taking off, so much for being difficult. 🙄
Sounds good, Gareth.

Good luck with the HC - seems a few folk are having similar issues right now. :?

I've never grown D. diandra. Looks like a nice stem for nanos.
i am having terrible issues with my hc at the moment, covered it is, diatoms all over it, i will sort it out, one way or the other.

dd looks an ace plant, glad its going well for you mate, you got any new pics, cant wait to see some 🙂
Thanks, George, Ill pull through. Determination for this tank to succeed is high so I'll be okay. Worst come to worst I'll swap it out for marslei. I did my water change today and the last of the downoi foated off, the stems entirely dead. I'm certain it was down to my lack of delicacy when planting, that and that they had no root stock when I planted, it could be anything though. I find it best to not jump to conclusions till I can try new things. As such I'm torn between trying staurgauyne or more Downoi, or something else, I need a good transitionary plant to merge with the hairgrass and hc.
I'm really liking the Didiplis Diandra, it's like a softer prettier rottalla green I've not trimmed it yet and it's not doing the "rotalla creep" but it looks like it'll bush out well. It's a good all rounder I think. It's definitely a more controlled grower than other stems I've used.
One whole week has passed since I filled her up with water, I think it's a week at least. There's been noticeable growth in everything but the HC and Downoi. Terrible plants! :lol:
Aside from my dissapointment with the Hc, Pogostemma, I'm really pleased with how she's shaping up. The wood's still not sank as I'm sure you can tell by the brick holding it in place. Please excuse the skateboard on the tank, it's there to block out as much light as I can to try and get a better picture. I'll probably add some anubias nana to the wood but I don't know, I've not decided. It's there if I decide to. The limnipohia entered the tank as a 6 stems 3 inches long It now takes up most of the tank as a nutrient sponge, I'm always really paranoid about start up issues so I'm trying to get this one done as smoothly as possible.
Enough talk, Here she is.
Also, added a second drop checker to make sure co2 is as good as I thought it was.
Hi garuf,its well nice mate,pity about the hc but dont give up on it yet,it may just suddenly go rampant,
regards john.
I hope so, John. I'm not in the mood to give up don't worry.
Cegs recent poor co2 comment made me a little paranoid, however. So I've winged in a second drop checker so I can see what the actual level is. I'm dosing EI recommended for 10gallons which might be another reason but in all fairness it really should be plenty.
Garuf said:
I hope so, John. I'm not in the mood to give up don't worry.
Cegs recent poor co2 comment made me a little paranoid, however. So I've winged in a second drop checker so I can see what the actual level is. I'm dosing EI recommended for 10gallons which might be another reason but in all fairness it really should be plenty.
Hi garuf,just an idea as you know I run everyhing at it's highest without harming fish/shrimps why not hit it with high co2 and higher nutrients,maybe what the hc need,like a kick start.
Regards john
It's an idea, but she's still really new. I'll hit it with the big guns once I know I won't get algae I think.
Garuf said:
I'll hit it with the big guns once I know I won't get algae I think.

and when' s that then?....does a little sign appear from the surface saying "dose me"? :lol:

i go full guns from the off. my HC is pearling like a mother...
Haha, I'm dosing already! I'm thinking after 3 weeks I'll up my dosing. That way I've got higher biomass and the plants will all be adapted to underwater life and as such can take higher amounts of ferts from the water rather than having them accessible to algae.
This is what Ceg has always said with the "feeding the monster" analogy.
Please don't tell me after all this time I've not understood it properly. 🙄
That'll look ace in a few months, when all the leaves of the different plants start to intertwine...

I can't help but think maybe some moss for the wood would help?
Garuf said:
Please don't tell me after all this time I've not understood it properly. 🙄
Haha, I'm dosing already! I'm thinking after 3 weeks I'll up my dosing. That way I've got higher biomass and the plants will all be adapted to underwater life and as such can take higher amounts of ferts from the water rather than having them accessible to algae.
This is what Ceg has always said with the "feeding the monster" analogy.
Please don't tell me after all this time I've not understood it properly. 🙄

i dunno mate, different regimes work for different people. ok, ignore me mate 😀 (toddles off to corner)
No mate, you could be right. I just like to do things right that's all. I always get algae so I'm determined to avoid it at all costs. I'll post up what he said once I've filtered through my emails.

The Co2 seems okay, the second drop checker is now exactly the same colour as the one below it so I'm confident I'm in the upper 30ppm area.
From Ceg
On the other hand new tanks are susceptible to algae due to bacterial instability so there is no point dosing more than the EI values unless you see some specific deficiency. Adding more only feeds whatever algae forms so more isn't always better. If you have poor CO2 or poor flow, or too much light you can easily get algae and then you have a Frankenstein in your tank. This is one reason why people blame nutrients for algae - they induce it for some reason and it only gets worse as they feed.

Try severely limiting your light for the first couple of months and you can dose whatever you want. Massive flow, multiple water changes and Co2 will do the trick but the light is the real problem... Even 24 watts over a 15 gallon is a lot of light, especially if you have reflectors.
Well, I'd round down and dose 1/2 the quantities of the 20G. That should still be plenty. Just dose every other day. 3 times a week macros and twice micros. One doesn't need to go overboard or worry too much about micros. I do it to prove a point, but unless your other conditions such as flow/CO2 are perfect, you'll just wind up feeding the monster.

From George
Top tips would be daily 50% water changes for the first 2-3 weeks.

CO2 at 30ppm, dose regular qtys. 6 hour photoperiod, half lighting.
I'm dosing EI levels for a 10gallon tank like recommended which should be okay, and it's what I plan on dosing once everything's grown in. I reckon I could up it but I don't know I dare.
Yeah I'm doing every day 50-60% water changes and my co2 is pretty high. My filter outlet is in the same place as yours and I can see the bubbles all through the water column.