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The straws arrived, and I cut to size etc and fitted. Works really well, and looks OK.
Also the cleaning brush you get when you buy reusable straws, fits inside the inlet/outlet for cleaning etc.

The Orange juice is also doing very well. And its making its way up and out of the tank.

Please excuse the glue residue. Had made an outlet cover using plastic as lost my piece. And it does not want to come off. Hence why I ordered a new tank.


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A Little problem developed where the Bloody Mary shrimp were making there way down the sides of the outlet.
Solved that by stuffing the sides full of Fissidens Geppi I got from the Forum. So Far no more wandering.
MMMmmm did the weekly filter maintenance and pipe cleaning brush clean on the inlet weir etc. Turned the pump back on and it was like it was snowing worms.
Will have to sterilise everything once then replacement to this arrives. It was literally snowing minute white worms for over 10 mins. Cant see them this morning, and no shrimp missing.
The new model is taller by 1cm.
And cunzo is etched into the bottom right corner of the sump/stand.

The lid is better now, instead of resting simply on the rim. It now has a few mm lip the sits comfortably on the rim now. So the lid will no longer bow at the edges.
The sheet the light unit sits on broke in one corner trying to push it into place, does not bother me though.
Used the straw for the outlet again and works great.

Not sure what the new light unit would be like. As did not order that peice of kit.

Rescaped the tank. And banked the substrate higher at the back, now there is a bit more height to it. And planted all the orange juice stems properly.
All the buces are doing very well and the godzilla look lovely now.


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The Pump has been improved upon as well, and is completely silent. And there is now a visible current and ripple effect from the outlet.
A few pix now all settled down.
X1of the snow White anubias a has melted away. Which is a shame.

And a also there is a permanent resident added, now sourced. A lone male formosa. And it is adult size and less than 1cm.

Feed using ntlabs guppy crumb. And it floats and then sinks.
3ml of tropica fertiliser a week.

Also a quick shot of some shrimp trying to climb up into the straw outlet.

And a shot from the back

am def going to order some more species of buce, they look so good in any sized tank.



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Looks great @Gill - I’m still waiting for mine to arrive, it appears to be quite literally on the slow boat from China!
exactly, I ordered mine on the 1st feb and arrived a few days ago.
did you get the complete kit etc

Yeah, ordered mine on the 27th Jan - I was told that Chinese New Year slowed it down, so they’ve apparently sent me two as an apology.

I went for the MUYE units I linked to earlier in this thread - I’m looking forward to seeing how they work.
I remember when these first came out they were about £30 or so, then once they caught on started selling by £50 more!

Are they still at ridiculous prices or are they modestly priced at source? I think 30 is the absolute max I'd pay for this, despite how cool it is
I remember when these first came out they were about £30 or so, then once they caught on started selling by £50 more!

Are they still at ridiculous prices or are they modestly priced at source? I think 30 is the absolute max I'd pay for this, despite how cool it is
They are back down to around £30 now. Mine was £28