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I have also upgraded the filter pump, to a 2/3 LPM pump, as want a much stronger flow in this one. And it only cost 5.75GBP, and is smaller than the pump that comes with it. So will give more room for media etc.
USB Mini pump

I also need to drain this down and fix the outlet weir, as for some reason it has slightly warped. So will need to Glue it into place. As it has fallen off into the tank. I could just buy a brand new one, but like that I have one of the original designs.
Just need to find a nice Cheese board for it to sit on.
I have also upgraded the filter pump, to a 2/3 LPM pump, as want a much stronger flow in this one. And it only cost 5.75GBP, and is smaller than the pump that comes with it. So will give more room for media etc.
USB Mini pump

I also need to drain this down and fix the outlet weir, as for some reason it has slightly warped. So will need to Glue it into place. As it has fallen off into the tank. I could just buy a brand new one, but like that I have one of the original designs.
Just need to find a nice Cheese board for it to sit on.
Wow - that's a serious turnover, like 120x-180x per hour? I assume they achieve no where near that in reality then?
Wow - that's a serious turnover, like 120x-180x per hour? I assume they achieve no where near that in reality then?
No TBH, they don't really. The flow is a trickle. And I wanted a proper Turnover, I Will have to modify the outlet to count for the increased flow. As The original design uses the weight of the Lid with the LED unit sitting ontop, to deflect the flow into the tank. A small piece of plastic should be enough to deflect the flow into the tank, without putting too much pressure on the Lid. Will just glue it into place to act as a baffle.
No TBH, they don't really. The flow is a trickle. And I wanted a proper Turnover, I Will have to modify the outlet to count for the increased flow. As The original design uses the weight of the Lid with the LED unit sitting ontop, to deflect the flow into the tank. A small piece of plastic should be enough to deflect the flow into the tank, without putting too much pressure on the Lid. Will just glue it into place to act as a baffle.

Sounds like a good plan. Am I right in thinking that the outflow is just a surface level overflow weir also? I was thinking of adding an additional element to make it draw from the bottom of the tank instead (without removing the original weir, so the tank water level is maintained)
Interesting project. I have seen these for sale on Scaped Nature website, I dismissed them as novelty yo be honest. Will be interested to see how this this develops.
Interesting project. I have seen these for sale on Scaped Nature website, I dismissed them as novelty yo be honest. Will be interested to see how this this develops.

Oh they're very much a novelty Paul - I can't see anyone buying one as their main tank - but they look great for a bit of fun using a few spare cuttings, and chippings from the bottom of your hardscape stash box.

They might also be ideal for those places where even a typical nano cube/tank isn't really practical (like my desk at work 🙂) - though I'm looking forward to the comments from my guys in the factory asking me "What the f@#k's that supposed to be?!" 😂
Sounds like a good plan. Am I right in thinking that the outflow is just a surface level overflow weir also? I was thinking of adding an additional element to make it draw from the bottom of the tank instead (without removing the original weir, so the tank water level is maintained)
Yeah it is, just a weir teeth outflow.

The Inlet is multi level. Top is just one slit and Just low middle weir. It works well.
Oh they're very much a novelty Paul - I can't see anyone buying one as their main tank - but they look great for a bit of fun using a few spare cuttings, and chippings from the bottom of your hardscape stash box.

They might also be ideal for those places where even a typical nano cube/tank isn't really practical (like my desk at work 🙂) - though I'm looking forward to the comments from my guys in the factory asking me "What the f@#k's that supposed to be?!" 😂
Exactly, it is a fun little tank to experiment with. And seeing what you can do with it and see what sense of scale you can achieve.

I have moved this to the dresser, as the dog keeps trying to knock it off the desk.
All plants have been ordered and will see what kind of scape i can make this time.
Wow - that's a serious turnover, like 120x-180x per hour? I assume they achieve no where near that in reality then?
We used to sell these at work for water changes for the Marine keepers. As they are small enough to fit inside their water barrels of RO or Salt.
So the plants arrived at the same time as the main tank and all the things to go with it.
So had dumped these plants in to tub to wait untill i had finished that one.
I have not attached any of the plants to anything. All I have done is added a layer of Spiky Moss to the substrate and then placed these plants ontop.
The anubias as soooo tiny and loook lost even i this size. Instead of making a background. I though I would try using the IAL and place them across the back and see what happens. So far I like it.
There was a random stem sprig, so added that also, and will see what becomes of it.
Little to no scaping, just chucked them in.
Spiky moss for a base and ricardia.

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The new pump was a fail, Far too powerful for this size. so much so that it was overflowing from where the inlet sits into the sump area. So switched it back out for the original pump.
More plants came, had ordered some Orange Juice. Will see what it looks like in here. So far it is doing well within a few days and showing new growth.
I am contemplating making a lilly type outlet for for this using drinking straws, as they fit onto the outlet pipe.

I have ordered a new one of these tanks, and will keep this one for spares.
I am contemplating making a lilly type outlet for for this using drinking straws, as they fit onto the outlet pipe.

That would look the part, make it more like a big tank. Would you eventually try it on some acrylic tube, or you going to wait and see how it pans out on a straw? A mini acrylic lilly pipe would look very smart, but maybe tricky to get right!
That would look the part, make it more like a big tank. Would you eventually try it on some acrylic tube, or you going to wait and see how it pans out on a straw? A mini acrylic lilly pipe would look very smart, but maybe tricky to get right!
I will see how it goes with using the straws. One advantage would be that when they get algae build up I can just cut a new one to size and replace.