Sorry I have argue that. If you go down that road then it would probably be fair to think that most companies that produce fertlizer obviously know something or two about plants, yet they all have very different concoctions.
Well I'll be blunt. I don't see much evidence other than talking and talking and recipes all over the place. If you call that convincing evidence then fine. To me, convincing evidence would be pictures after picture of full tanks taken month after month. That's the only evidence I am willing to accept. Short of that it's just talking, which is fine as long as magnificent claims aren't made. Also keep in mind this lean thing is nowhere being new. It's been trailing the hobby for years and years and years. So either everyone is brainwashed with rich dosing either something else is wrong.
Well that's all good and dandy but let's see actual long term, beautiful results. I think each time a new fert formula or claim or ratio is made and is splashed out in forums it should be accompanied with a picture of a tank for several months see how that goes. That should be a requirement. No matter the regime.
Indeed nowhere near "lean". I used to dose my tank with a Tropica DIY formula since we don't have Tropica here. It is slightly different but not far off. Mostly more K.
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That's not what is being argued. The problem is replicability at larger scale and time and this seems to be avoided over and over again in discussions of lean dosing.
No one, including Tom Barr, Vin, Raj, Dennis and several others I talk to or who often post in forums or any actual botanist in the hobby claims plants need a ton of nutrients. The idea of rich dosing is not because plant need it, it's simply to fill up the possible fert gaps that exist between plant sp. That's it. Nothing more nothing less and is certainly is not because plant need humongous amount of ppm of K, NO3 or PO4. Lean dosing in high tech tanks is all good as long as you have good experience and a good understanding of most plants nutrient uptake. But even then, lean dosing is unpractical specially when you are keeping multiple plant species in a tank that can have a wide range of requirements. That's really the whole issue here. Not really if lean dosing is good or bad per say.
Yes I did that last year unintentionally until I started noting deficiencies in my Myriophyllum tuberculatum. The tops turned white and some bucep started showing veining marks. Probably an Fe and trace deficiencies combination. I could be wrong but even actual botanists I asked couldn't tell me with precision the type of deficiency.
This was very progressive and it took a good 8 months to start showing up.
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As much as the lean approach has it benefits/advantages environmentally speaking, it also has it drawbacks. The problem with lean is that it implies that one is growing plant species that have similar requirements. That's far from what happens in the hobby, specially in high tech tanks and I think that is where all this antagonism lean vs rich stems from. You can't expect to have/replicate "natural" conditions in a tank where nothing in that tank is natural by definition starting with 25+ sp plants that have no business being together in the same environment. Going lean in tanks like that is like walking on a cable connecting two mountains. Can it be done? Sure but the probability of falling is high.
I don't mind being proven wrong but perhaps if many people with high tech tanks dosing lean (or dosing ferts with complicated ratios and whatnot at cut throat levels) care to post full tank pictures over a certain period of time, it would alleviate this overwhelming trend towards rich dosing. But that's the thing. I don't see many tanks like that. All I see is isolated pictures of plants and tests setups done in specific closed environments down the garage in obscure settings. That's not what aquascaping or growing plants is about. You want to have a nice tank that you can enjoy with the plants that you like growing well not some test tube where you can affirm that a theory works. So if lean dosing works for some that's fantastic but it would be beneficial to the hobby if those individuals posted actual pictures of their high tech tanks with all their fert regime and then perhaps we can all start having some constructive talks. Until then it's all a lot of talking to me and as the say goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.