Dear Zeus, Hanuman, and other contributors,
Congratulations on an excellent spreadsheet, it really is great, thank you. I don't know if you keep a list of small modifications people might suggest, but as you spent so many hours creating it, I feel I should spend my five minutes saying a) congratulations, and b) if you find it useful... I initially got a little confused on the "Target Calculator" and "DIY Calculator" tabs where you have one set of ppms in the row above where it says "YOUR CLONE'S PPM vs. >>" and another set of ppms in the row below. I did work it out after playing with the numbers and seeing which ppms changed vs stayed static, but it would have been immediate for me if it had said "YOUR CLONE'S PPM (ABOVE) vs. >> [Name of Target] (BELOW)". This is a very small thing so don't worry, but if there is an update in the future, it might be worth adding.
Thank you again for an excellent solution that gave me the confidence to go to using dry ferts after several years of fighting algae, which I now believe (thanks to your spreadsheet) was due to not dosing enough of a commercial all in one fert.