I need to update my tank journal, but tap is gh 12, kh 2. Must assume about 35ppm Ca then, using the math...?
At 12 dGH in the suspected Ca:Mg ratio 10:1 your Calcium content would be around 74 ppm and Magnesium would be around 7.4 ppm.
Worth noting, if you already have ION exchange system installed - obviously it's not suitable for fish, but that soft water is excellent to be fed to RO system. The RO membrane will last for years.
I wish that would be the case, however with the ion exchange you're essentially replacing the Ca/Mg with Sodium (Na) - or Potassium (K) if you're using KCl as is the case in our household softener - which in turn will have to be held back by the RO membrane. Whether it is "easier" for the RO system to deal with Na or K vs. Ca/Mg I do not know, but I doubt it, as I haven't noticed any further longevity from my membrane by feeding my RO system softened water.