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Journal Freds new pond build

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I noticed nobody was really commenting yesterday and meant to write something but clean forgot, now i feel guilty.

I for one love the journal and the style in which you write it. To be honest as with many of the journals on here as a reader i feel i am getting to know not just your pond but you as well. I have no desire to have a pond at the moment and would have had no idea how to go about building one, however i find your build interesting and really informative.

I think journals are a good way to chart your own progress and to let others know how it is/was done. Your journal does both.

Keep up the great work.

russchilds what does that mean pal. is it just plants No fish. if so is it just like a giant plant pot i know i sound stupid hear mate
but i have not seen anything like that. or has it got fish in with the plants. i suppose it is a good idea.see this is what it is all about
i am learning some thing new. and through talking to you i have learned some thing new. if it is the case of just plants.
and stay in touch mate all the best and thanks 😉mate.

to mark livermore do not feel guilty mate. that s not why i am doing the thread i am doing the thread so people can see how a pond is built
for those that have never had one. some people obviously think other wise. but that s not the case. i know you do not have a pond mate. but say you decided to.
all you do is remember mine and other peoples pond building threads.and it will make it easier when you read up on it again in the future. that s what it is all about.
let us just say out of 1000 people read this thread. and one person builds a pond and takes one little item out of this thread. then bingo its achieved what i set out to do.
as far a my style goes mate i am just a working man off the street just like most people. and i try to put it down as i see it. take yesterday s photo i put that photo on here to show people that even the youngest
generation have got involved. also that was the first time i had met those two little lads. and they had a great day. while there dads where working. but they had lots of fun too.
and i am glad you feel as though you are getting to know me. thats what friendship is all about. either if you meet in person or just communicate. its still builds friendship.:lol:
and thanks:clap: mark for your very kind😉 words.stay in touch mate and do not ever feel guilty. your a star
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Well what can one say?? 😱 Holy crap Fred!! That's one of the most beautifull pond projects i've seen in a long time. Waiting in aw to to see it come together. Unbelieveble metamorphosis.. :clap: btw, did you also order a diving suite? 😛 That looking glass realy screams for some scaping with plant and hardware setup in the pond, can't wait to see that comming together..Top job!! :thumbup:
:happy:greenfinger been an absolutely gorgeous morning here in this morning. sun blazing away. the lads hae been working on the upper pond
this morning😀 so i am happy with that. also thanks for liking the updates. i will post some photo s at the end of play. its good to hear from all of you. best fred

:crazy::wave:ZoZo thank s for the reply yes its six feet deep. i just told the builder what you said. they both laughed there head s off holy crap plus diving board and what ever. and yes it is getting there.
and it is starting to look good. once its rendered it will look even better. then fibre glassed even better again. plant wise zozo i am doing that all in the upper pond. i am having about 18 inches to 2 feet of water
even though in the photo s when i do them it will look about 5 feet. putting reinforced board inside at about 2 foot. gravel then plants.:clap: that s where you people come in. you can help me on that side
of things.🙁 i have not got a clue about plants. remember there to also help clean the pond.:thumbup: don t know might put them in baskets in upper pond or straight in gravel i might try growing lilys
in upper pond and trail them down the water fall and in to the pond. to help give shade. i tried all that stuff with pot s in the pond and the fish just rip them to bit s thanks agai fred😎
Keep posting Fred! I'm watching, like others have said, I don't know much about Koi ponds and all the kit, so I am just watching and learning and enjoying your progress. I have built wildlife ponds, but never anything high tech like this.
cheers wisey it s pleasure mate. i am going to upload some photos now mate it getting there slowly. keep reading and i am over the moon your enjoying and learning.
all the best fred.
to days progress. mostly on upper pond work and running of water to filter house i went for cheap method
and repair of infinity window. first we ran the hose and put new taps on.
new taps hozellock 2 way tap the hose will be buried under indian stone slabs.

then it runs along side pond to upper pond and through wall at the bottom
across bottom of upper pond which i explained earlier will be from 2 foot from boom with reinforced board fibre glassed.
then out the far side hozelock 4 way tap then from the tap to filter house
and thats it now in the filter house to connect to the draco drum. this will be permanently
switched on running. a the draco is automatic and senses when it needs a clean. its 58 micro
mesh so what happens is as the micro holes fill with muck the water rises and trigger s the
jets to activate. wash it down well blast it. and the waste runs to drain where you saw that
black ribbed hose at my drain. no more cleaning hopefully. gin clear pond simple oh yyeeaagh
picture of block work been finished on inside of upper pond.noticed the back of upper pond
where bricks are on the right red bricks this is the hight. where you see block and brick at the
front. this is where water fall will come in to main pond. water level will be one block down at back
top view in to upper pond.see the blocks in corners that s where reinforced board will sit on
then fibre glassed from there upwards so underneath will be hollow. and from the board upwards this will have gravel
and plants. to help clean pond.plus it will put oxygen in the pond, even though i will be pumping
air through bottom drain. that will be natures way.
view from other side of upper pond
repair on window brick work
that s it for today s update enjoy all the best fred
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Eagerly reading...keep it up.

Be careful as the Hozelock stuff is not frost rated and, plastic fittings at least, can be pushed off both taps and hosepipe, when the pipe freezes, as has happened to me when I failed to put the hosepipe away one winter, after washing the car 🙁. Luckily didn't come off fully, as frozen on, but did leak water and form a nice icicle. Damaged the O ring as well. Also caused bulges in the pipe where it froze that then sprang millions of tiny cracks/pin hole dribbly leaks when thawed.
thanks for the info ian i have used this gear before. but you are giving me very good advice there mate
i suppose i have been very lucky. i will have to keep an eye on that. and thanks for reading also thanks for the info
best fred
to russchilds. zozo. nelson ian_m. greenfinger troi thanks for the reading of this thread hope you all liked the update it s slowly getting there once the upper pond is in place and its rendered then the proper shape and the hiding off the ugly bricks on the inside will be gone. mind you the blocks will hide them. come to think of it. best fred and cheers
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thanks to all who replied green finger zozo ian_m nelson russchild troi greenfinger and if i forgotten anyone i am sorry sorry. that s it for today. supposed to be 2 brick layer s coming tomorrow.to do the wall ,the fiter house and finish outer bricks of upper pond. forecast is bad for here. saying that it was supposed to be bad today. but it was sunny as hell. all the best fred
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Be careful as the Hozelock stuff is not frost rated
Only the green style Hozelock hose is not frost rated. All their other hoses (more expensive surprise surprise) are frost resistant, so that's, ultimate hose, ultraflex hose and ultramax hose.

Personally after having numerous Hozelock failures, frost forcing pipe out of connector, hose connectors wearing away and failing at high water pressure. I now use CK fittings (Ebay & Amazon).

I have to trust them as I use them to fill my water butt next to the fish tank IN THE LOUNGE for each water change. They hold tight even at my mains water pressure of 8bar.
🙂Thank s again Ian. That green hose I have used before on my old pond. It lasted for 18 years.all with hozelock
Fittings. I used it on a dechlorinater hose outside. And off same tap at 2.2 bar on my garden hose

😉Thanks martin
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Sk4lly cheers mate I am away tomorrow for three weeks work. My wife will be sending me photos of progress.so I will be updating as I go along.all the best mate.
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Cheers tim I have been planning the build for a couple of years now. And yes mate I am over the moon with
The progress. It s starting to take shape and look s like a pond now. Thing s to do now.
Window frames put in and be bricked in. From half way up in main pond. Block work to finish. Upper pond block work on left side. And brick work outer. Then next rendering the floor. And walls. The benching this is a term for rendering the floor. Will slope 4 inch to 0 inch from side wall to centre bottom drain.this will put a slight slope down to centre. So as crap and sludge slides down to drain. Helped with returns and air. Then it will slow up. For it then needs to all dry out.
Which takes time. So as to fibre glass. Also as this is all being done. Filter house build.that was supposed to be today but weather stopped this today. Then plumbing. And then fill it up with water. Let it run for a week. Through filters. Then the best part fish in new home. Hope this gives you an insight of what's to come. Oh forgot. Plants and stuff to put in upper pond. All the best Tim fred
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