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Journal Freds new pond build

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hi everyone just a update had to pump out five inches of water out of the new build pond
lots of rain here in hull. also my hold vat for fish. had to pump out about four inches of water
have to keep an eye on the fish holding vat. don't want my fish spilling out on the ground.
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Thanks Tim for liking the thread work should start again today weather depending.

Also arron thanks for the liking same as above.
today brought a little work. rain then stopped play what it looked like before base to upper pond went down and was laid.
concrete laid for upper pond and start of filter house
notice TPR returns cemented in
close up of TPR returns in filter base
4"inch bottom drain bagged up so as cement does not go down pipe
That's all for now folks until Thursday for Shaun and matt are moving a large aquarium.hope you enjoyed best fred
Cheers nielson for the reply. I was like you once upon a time. We all start some where
I started the hobby for some thing to take the place of sport. And glad I did. It is a great hobby.
Weather it be out door ponds or aquarium s . Costs a lot of money though this koi keeping.
But worth it in the end. It's a bug. A.i have learned lots of all the sites. Like koi mag.co
Extreme koi. And this site. I had to do my home work. Because of the cost. If I had been younger I would have had a go myself. Like when I did my first pond. This ones different though. A hell of a lot more technical. My other one was just basic. This is my dream pond. All the best Fred. Glad you like the read.

London dragon thanks for continuing the read mate. What do you think so far.
Take care fred
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i bought the draco drum for £1.250.00 today should be delivered on Friday Saturday
i asked the wife for my Christmas present and birthday gift early. took some working on her.ha ha.
i was looking at the echo profi drum from £2.500 to £3.500 so does not sound to bad oase proficlear £2,799.99
so if it works as good bargin. even half as good bargin
take care fred
London dragon thanks a lot mate. don't matter if you know much about ponds mate its your interest that counts. and making friends on the forum all the best fred
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Today's graft on pond laying of part of base floor for filter house. ran out of ballast thats why middle is missing. soon fill this in. Reason outside was done first another bricklayer will come on Saturday to finish wall height Notice dogs signiture in cement ha ha
and start filter house and upper pond. Shaun only works Monday to friday
Notice Pipe hose all coiled added today. ribbed for drains from filter house it will go around right side of pond toward where you can see my garden hose put in then back filled


better photo of lead for drain where plank is
shaun sightin window frame before bricking in the wall
still looking for level
window now been bricked in and i am sat in my chair in conservatory looking through perfect view ohhhh yyeeaagghhh
brick work at back where my infinity window is going

some photos from different angles to show progress
small half bricks on corners
different angle

brick work laid out for brick layer at weekend

some of my fish this is what it is all for ha ha

That's it for today folks good days work pond build slowly looking like a pond. hope your enjoying the thread. all the best Fred
Wisey and Gill.thanks for your reply. Buzzing now.starting to look like a pond now.
The lads did a lot of work yesterday. Weather don't half help
Best fred
notice hammers and chisels some concrete gt into bottom drain all out now concrete laying by bucket
back window frame window brick work measured out and bricked in
drainage hoese been cemented in in filter house and run down side of pond to drains to be buried
engineering bricks been laid for upper pond bricklayer coming tomorrow to build this
and main wall
filter house with double door so as i can change filters in future engineer bricks laid and tomorrow brick layers build this or part of it.
my new draco drum arrived today piece of cake to install waste pipe stood along side of this. it will fit inside my nexus.
thats it for today folks all the best fred
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Cheers Tim and troi for your kind words. I will keep on plugging away with the thread
All the best fred
thought i would take a few photos and update you all on info of drum that you cannot see online
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Don't think its just me, but I for one can not see the latest pictures.........perhaps its because you have linked to pictures that are on another forum?
No there from my phone took in my own home.then put on my computer. Then uploaded so you can see them only thing I can think of is there to large for the site. I will try and resize them.
here is draco drum and how the plates sit it on drum this first photo of drum is of the net.as you all know i dont have a pond no i am building one notice plates to hold the drum in place. I have had lots of questions how it sits in the drum. There are four that bolt on. One for each corner. Also there are four spare holes on plates so you can sit it lower or higher as required for water hight.everyones water is different in filter.
07 draco drum.jpg
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