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Journal Freds new pond build

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spraybar and rotary arm
rotary arm that turns drum
blue valve is water valve and juction box see my ducks in back ground ha ha i also fitted apiece of my garden hose to show it and how water goes in
plates and bolts on my coffee table to fit on drum to hang in nexus
i fitted waste pipe to my new drum so as to show what it looks like and also the larger hose is water inlet to drum notice it is a T piece it used to be a90 degree fitting.reason for change is if you have a blockage you can rod it out or blast it.

control box to operate the drum

thats all folks hope these are okay martin. they where taken on my phone of my drum in my own home fred
thanks london dragon all the best fred
martin if you look at photo with the ducks. you will see bricks stacked in the background
through the conservatory and i have shown enough of these to show my build.
so this shows the photos are for real of my phone and not of the web copy and pasted in.
i know you have not meant anything by it mate. but it could be read in the wrong concept.i actualy made the photos smaller mate.
thanks fred
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Thanks troi glad your liking the thread mate. Spend a lot of time updating the thread pal.
Because I am very busy with the pond and garden. I have to do this on a night mate. Like writing this
Now it's 1.30am. What with planning and surfing the net for stuff to get for the build.
Even though the pond is getting done now.
I still have to plan as I go along.as things change on a daily bases.
Take yesterday I spent about 4 hours looking at pavers. And summer houses
Then another couple of hours looking at firms to do this . Lots go into it.
More then I ever thought. Glad you like the read mate. Best fred
Did the bucket test for running volume to see if i needed a pump for my new draco drum. these where my readings
timed a 14 litre bucket test with hose that you can see in photo one straight from tap and one with hose on tap without nozzle just hose end
the readings where exactly the same. this is what i got for 14 litre test
14 x 60 = 840 divided by 52 seconds from tap = 16.1 LPM
so i reckon that should be good enough for to work drum without buying the pump. have to see when we set it up.But i believe it will be okay.if not buy the small pump. also it will be a trickle feed constantly running water. and dumping straight out not a lot. i do a 25% water change every week anyway so should' nt be to much problem with chlorene. i might fit a de chlorination filter in first .
best fred
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thanks brian trying my best. glad you like the post good to hear from you. all the very best fred
also troi thanks again for the reply. good to hear from you to. all the best fred
today's progress about one hour to two hours work rain stopped progress i did't think i would see that done
bad forecast for rest of the week.
back filling corner
This is the hight of wall on outer wall coping stones to go on top. which will be brick crossed the other way. notice window have to slice bricks with brick cutter to fit.
has not been designed to take full brick
notice brick how it is laying across the top that will be finish coping stones after render and fibre glass. also where brick ties are for inner block work that is my water level
photo of what it looks like from this side of pond

view from end of pond
biggrin.gif today's progress about one hour to two hours work frown.gif rain stopped progress i did't think i would see that done
bad forecast for rest of the week.confused.gif all the best fred


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troi and tim thanks for your reply. the builder got two hours in today. then the rain came down. that's life so
basicl'y some donebut not a lot. what is a positive though i now know what it looks like with the hight and also know where my water level is at.
i new roughly where it was at.but seeing one part of the wall up. shows it better view of it. i am well happy with the hight.thought it might be to high
when the paver's go down the floor will raise by six inches at least.so even though it is 3 feet above ground. it will then become 2 and a half feet. Also thanks to nelson for reply
all the best fred
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todays work the lads put a good days graft in. i am well chuffed




thats some differant angles also when i was taking photos i thought should'nt i be taking a photo of the skimmer here. so i phoned pond builder up and he said oh yeah you got it. can't repeat on here. then we both laugthed our heads off. ha ha pond builder icon_redface.gif me icon_lol.gif
never mind put it right tomorrow.he was trying to get as much brick work done as possible to day as forecast is not good for a few days.

thats where skimmer should have gone




we also measured the pond to water level its six foot deep. result i thought it was going to be 5 and a half feet deep icon_mrgreen.gif

last two. so as you can gather i am bouncing great days work i thought it was going to rain all
day.some days you win some you lose and today i was awinner oh yeeaagghh



also a delivery for tomorrow need more blocks for inside upper and lower pond
thats it today folks enjoy i know i am all the best fred

London dragon thanks for reply mate fred
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glass suckers brought in for my glass windows
also a delivery for tomorrow need more blocks for inside upper and lower pond
thats it today folks enjoy i know i am also measured pond depth its six foot, result was supposed to be 5 and a half feet
all the best fred

Here is my other love my dog the red staffie died during the year jess. (cancer.) my other dog Baily he apart from my wife is the love of my life. man's best friend and it is true. he is 12 1\2 years old
thats the dogs rocking chair they calimed that as there's. ha ha. thats a photo of jess with the cancer. had to put her to sleep next day.and i miss her like crazy. what a dog.
see what tomorrow brings best fred
today s work and a couple of helpers matty and shaun s lads. good little workers

sucker arrive for when the glass get s fitted
one of the corners needed re bricking at windows edge slightly out. so knocked a couple of bricks out
also other side forgot to put skimmer in so bricks knocked out for skimmer to be set
where skimmer is going where bricks are knocked out. shaun reckons it is a large skimmer.
you can see it sat on the wall there
start of upper bond build
another angle of upper pond. outer wall then blocks on inside this upper pond will have about 18 inches to 24 inches of water
its going t have plants and gravel so a reinforced board will go across about half way up. rendered and fibre glassed

main garden wall being finished off. so that upper pond and filter house can be built of this

main garde wall what was bricked today
upper pond wall where it is at

that s it folks hope your enjoying. not bad considering the weather
all the best fred
Andy d. And Nelson thanks for the liking. Good to hear. Just wonder if it's worth carrying on
With this thread on here. I know it is not a pond site.
But it could be a part of this site. But it does make me think what is the point. I spend a lot of time and effort
Trying to help people. But you get hardly any feed back. So you can help people. I know most on here
Do not have ponds. But if it was me. I would be firing lots of questions of to who ever was doing a thread
Best Fred
But if it was me, I would be firing lots of questions of to who ever was doing a thread.

First of all, it isn't you reading it, it is you who is writing it. You then answer your own question when you go on to say

I know it is not a pond site.

I will give you my opinion of your post.

The pictures you post of your pond build are mostly interesting. I say mostly simply because any pictures that are nothing to do with the pond build, I for one can not relate to, since I do not know said participants. It would be like me showing a picture of "auntie Mary" standing next to a pond and saying mostly about what "auntie Mary does for a living............it would be of interest to me, but not to any one else.

Also your pictures are nice, as are some of the descriptions, but to repeatedly say "thanks" in such a long winded way after every polite comment is again, in my opinion some what distracting from the thread. e.g. Oh thanks Fred what an interesting post, glad you like it, all the best Aaron. (See what I mean)

As I also mentioned. How do you expect people to "fire lots of questions at you" if by your own admission they know little of ponds, let alone koi ponds, Often in life people will be amazed and fascinated to just watch. I believe your post is one such case, people like to watch, but have no desire to ask questions.

Carry on with posting your pond build pictures, it would be a shame if you don't and sorry if your ego is now smaller than it was.
Fred, you've had over 3100 views so people are interested / keep coming back to see how you are getting on.

If it's becoming a headache, do an update less often, but definitely do another post when the build is finished.

Write the minimum, but include photos. Don't feel you have to reply to every comment or like. People would be happier to read how you're getting on.

I understand what you mean about this not being the best forum for this project, but there are real experts (not me). Ask your questions, someone could be watching who knows the answer.
Im enjoying the thread for sure. This build is way out of my league though. Im not familiar with the equipment or methods so find it hard to relate. Its hard for me to visualise at the moment.

Needless to say i think this will look fantastic when finished and it will be a real shame if you stop posting Fred. I think the forum is better with you mate.

Keep up the hard work!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
First of all i will reply to Martin. Thanks for the advice. it s not an Ego trip. and to be fair you have given good constructive advice. But lets get one thing clear here.
you do not know me as a person. i have been brought up that way to respect my elders and peer s and thank people when i believe they deserve it. and i respect peoples opinions. but No one will ever ever stop me being polite and respectful.
and i will carry on posting to thread. also i will be saying thank you to everyone.

to Andy McD Thanks for the reply mate. it s not becoming an headache mate. but maybe your right. Maybe i am doing an update to much. and posting photo s to often.
so what i think i will do is maybe once every 2 weeks instead of every day. and how you put it about the views .i never looked at it like that..
thanks for the advice mate all the best fred
:cigar:Russchilds. Thanks pal for the kind:happy: words. I will keep it up mate. Do you have a fish tank in your flat. If so how large is the fish tank. Take care:what: mate fred
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Russchilds. Thanks pal for the kind😵 words. I will keep it up mate. Do you have a fish tank in your flat. If so how large is the fish tank. Also I am in the same boat.as the saying goes. I cannot wait to see my fish in there new home. Take care🙂 mate fred:happy:
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