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Journal Freds new pond build

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If you need dry weather, its lucky you only work out of Aberdeen rather than live here; I have the joy of living in Aberdeen! On Friday it snowed, on Saturday it was sleet and hail, on Sunday I was sat by the River Dee with a glass of wine without a coat on. You can't plan anything weather dependent here!

I assume you are offshore in the North Sea somewhere? Not a good time for the oil right now, so if you are close to retirement that's probably a nice option to have in this climate. Got a few friends who have had no option but to take work in Algeria and other unsafe locations in Africa. Not good times.

Anyway, back to the topic in hand! Pond build is looking awesome, still following, just want to see it finished now, have never been known for patience 😀
Yeah mate worked out of Aberdeen for 30 years. I have never seen a place rain as much. And yeah its a shame with the amount of lay offs. I think it was 65000 last count. Pond wise you maybe better of not looking for a while mate. On your patience I mean. For I believe it may slow up now mate. Because of other projects. Like walls and filter house. So you will just have to be a little more patient. All the best mate fted
rendering view from further down garden
inside view of upper pond with board in place. all this has concrete underneath and next will be
rendered then fibre glassed get in there

thats it for today folks enjoy and have a good weekend best fred


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Yeah Ian i am offshore right at this moment and wisey is spot on mate my wife is giving me update s and sending me photos of certain thing s that i need to show
as the build progresses. like take the photo of inside the upper pond i had to ask her last evening to go outside and take that photo. as people would be wondering how we did
this part. i should be home on Thursday or Friday. wisey will tell you the weather in Aberdeen is very unpredictable. so you never can say i will be home on that day. as wisey is from that neck of the wood s i believe.
also the lads on my pond are doing a job in Scarborough. some thing to do with the blokes water having problems, nitrates and PH. so they are sorting that out.also zozo thanks for reply
best folks Fred
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The photo with the board inside upper pond. For people who did not read post earlier. The reason I am not going so deep in upper pond I am going to make this into another type of filteration.2feet instead of five feet. There will be gravel and plants in there. So I want it shallower for the plants. This I hope will help polish the water off. Plus it should look nicer with a few plants at the top. And I am going to try and grow a lot of Lily's .and stream them down from top to bottom pond. For when I had a load of lily s in my last pond. Once the koi grew to a large size they just destroyed them.
And I am with the attitude of you won t beat me.ha ha. So I am trying a new tact so to speak. All the best fred
Cheers russ childs its starting to look good now. Just had a lorry come and move another 26 ton of soil and crap. Yes pal the windows will both look good. The infinity window originally was not planned. Just added that in during the build.but the 4 sided window was always planned. What I like about that window.is when the fish go against the glass from my view it will look like there also in a fish tank aquarium. Best mate fred
Today about 16 ton of soil and debrie was took away today
Another 10 ton moved away. The plan next is to bring a mini digger in tomorrow. And Lorry Bring fences down
And dig base for the summer house And also dig footings out for the walls.

Thanks guy s for your reply s today s update. Nothing was done on the pond today. It was all about the rest of the build.which obviously interests me more then the people who only care about ponds. Well 15 to 20 ton of rubbish and soil was took away today. Also fences. That's the first time I have seen my garden clear. Footings for side wall dug out. Back end of garden has been cleared for base. For summer house. And shed. Also back wall is being built inside of the back fence. That's the doctors fence. All filters have been moved to filter house. For safety until they get plumbed in.
when i got home of the rig got some more photos of progress notice part of wall missing
far end of pond. this is for skimmer. skimmer now bricked in
notice in photo base has wood down for summer house at back of garden
also filter house now at hight. needs roof on plus double doors another row of bricks been
put on pond. and bricks been put in window at back
that s the progress. i was going to put photos up on each item but this one photo covers it. rain stopped play plus snow.
best fred.
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