Here is a conversation i had with ZOZO Marcel. so i pasted it other to here.
Yes mine are tropical, little very small 15mm corydoras pygmaeus.. They are so small and wiggly fast bottom dwelling fish that it's difficult to spot when something is wrong. If skin damage gets obvious than it already is in severe stadium. I noticed after a few days that some of them had a grey eye. And probably the stress of beeing moved again to a complete new invironment accelerated the sympthoms and a day later again spotted a few with an excess of mucus excretion on their skinn. Saw one dying and looking at that one with a microscope i found trichodinas. It all added up with the mucus and going blind, obviously if a trichodina ends up in the eye it destroyes it.
Went back to the lfs to look at the rest and also found a few there looking like missing an eye.. So the Trichodina came from the lfs.
The first i tried was a med from Sera (Liquid praziquantel).. But the product description said 24 hour treatment and a repeat 7 days later. this didn't help very much. And putting alcohol in the tank also didn't do it very good. Than
@sciencefiction adviced me to contact
Dr. Fiona Mcdonald a UK fish vet. And i wrote her an e-mail, she replied with the solution, i bought a bag of her own developed "fluke solve" powder based prazi, she said just use it for 14 days long. I did and all got better again. Trichodina is to tuff for a short term treatment with repeatment, and this Fluke Solve product can be used for long term 14 day treatment without ill effects and this also kills the later hatched eggs.
Through this conversation with
ZOZO Marcel. i learnt a wee bit more. as it made me use google. i found out that there are over 200 species of trichodina. which amazed me. Also that site
Dr. Fiona Mcdonald a UK fish vet was very
informative. so i now have another site to learn off. through a conversation with a forum member and a friend.
As i have said on lot s of occasions in this thread we are water keepers first and foremost
When i first seen this picture above. i was belly laughing. i thought it was funny.
but lets be serious here. its not far off the truth that is going on in any fish populated environment be it a pond or
Aquarium fish tank or gold fish bowl. That is inadequately maintained or poorly filtered.
fish live in a totally different environment to us humans. in fundamental terms they draw life giving oxygen from water.
through the gill. with a process known as osmosis and diffusion.
we can walk away from pollutants in the air. when we sense it,
Fish cannot. they are enclosed in a pond or a tank. so this is where we humans come in to play.
By helping to maintain the fishes environment.
water quality has very little to do with water clarity.
it is all to do with with the absence of deadly pollutants and the presence of good bacterial minerals and oxygen.
The biggest pollutant to our system is food. fish excrete Ammonia. through the gill. and also the urinary and faeces discharge systems into ammonia then we have a problem.
because if we don t help the fish. the water starts to go
we deal with it through getting a good filtration system put into place. enough to deal with the amount of fish in the space of there environment .
In a koi pond filter system. the Pump is the heart. and the lungs is the biological filtration stage.
when you analyse most systems two distinct functions are under taken by a filter system
Firstly mechanical removal of Particulate material waste
Secondly fish toxic water pollutant removal.
so in reality we could be considered a water re usage system. simply put. take dirty water from the pond and put clean water back
how we do this in the koi pond. we use micro screens. sieves. vortexes and bio media. they come in all shapes and sizes.
some for debris removing. some for biomass colonisation. i have both. the biomass is the good bacteria . we help to make.
it forms on the filter media like plastic pieces. in my case moving K1 which is moved with air pump.after my auto drum 58 micron screens thats where they wait.
so in a nutshell my drum cleans first then the very fine pass through. and get to second stage plastic media. which then colonise this and en mass this.
it took my filter systems 15 months to mature. and that was after reusing my old plastic K1 media. if it had been brand new. probably would have took two and a half years
plus we add oxygen via air pumps