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Journal Freds new pond build

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the new manifold has been running now for 3 or 4 days. the flow rate is exactly the same. so good news for me on that front
was nt sure if by putting drill hole in or cutting slots in the pipe work. would work better. most drill. the reason i put slots in was because it was a larger gap
and less chance of blocking. and take it from me. it works as good. it is a lot less quieter now as well. very tranquil .
so i am well happy.
the new manifold has been running now for 3 or 4 days. the flow rate is exactly the same. so good news for me on that front
was nt sure if by putting drill hole in or cutting slots in the pipe work. would work better. most drill. the reason i put slots in was because it was a larger gap
and less chance of blocking. and take it from me. it works as good. it is a lot less quieter now as well. very tranquil .
so i am well happy.
Cheers mort. Hope your well

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Zozo hope your well. Ian m. London dragon. And everyone on here i have got to know through this thread.
Hope your all well. And be lucky.
All the best fred

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Just recieved my duncan Griffiths
Step by step fish guide for christmas. Grand bain bought me it.
Hell of a book for fish treatments.
Medical. Water keeping. All the best. Its for koi. But at the end of the day. A fish is a fish.a7e17872d3b44c9cfae408baaf14c526.jpg

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We'll all know who to ask next year then Fred.
I know most of the medical stuff anyway. As in ulcers. Mouth rot. Finrot. Its the chemistry of water. Mort. That intrigues me. But there is stuff like stitching. And injections.
That i need it for. And if you or anyone needs help mate. Just ask away. And if i can help. I will. All the best for christmas mate.

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Fred....and what is next years project now fish "lake" is finished ?
No projects ian. Everything is done.
Just a matter of being a fish keeper.
And water keeper. And bringing small fish on. From small to large.
Them small ones i got at 5 inch are now a 12 inch in size. Not bad in four months. Two out the eight are 8 inch. And six. A foot.
I might get fixed plumbing from my house to the summer house. For the hot tub.
As is now. I use a hose.

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Here is a picture of my 26 inch chag.
Remember he had a big hole. Ulcer in his body. I have repaired it.
And here is the evidence.
Ist picture is the scar tissue and scales healed over
And 2nd picture is this morning.
3rd picture is. Of my fish being active. Which suprised me.
As they have been on the bottom of pond all week. Its 2.9c this morning in the pond. 2c outside atmosphere.

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Also one of my valves broke. On my quarentine grow on tank. From bottom drain to my easy pod filter.
Cheap valve. Lucky enough i had a valve spare. A more exspensive one.
So what i did. Was fit the valve after the broken handle one. Saved me mucking about with an hair dryer.
From when i had hair. Haha.
For those wondering about hair dryer.
You use it to heat the glue. So you can get the pipe out. Also use a knife. To free it up. Or cut it out. It works. I have done it before. But a lot of messing about. So far simpler to put valve after it
And leave broken handle one permantly open.

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Here is the temperature in my outside pond.
Also some photos of my grow on fish

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The fish in the grow on. Will be heated to 22c. With a tank heater.
That if you look back through the thread. Its there the heater when it was first built. 500 gallon tank.
It works out about. Eight english pounds a week. So not real costly for 500 gallons.
If you notice in above photo. I have put a heater in the shed.

For two reasons.

1 for me. When in there.
2 also i set it at 24c just above tank heat at 22c. For condensation.
On a timer at 3 hours on 3 hours off
For 24 hours.
It worked. Stopped condensation.
Reason for no covers to keep condensation in
I don t like them. Also my day and night light. Keeps the colour in the fish. And i hope by feeding all through winter. They will have grown to around 14 to 18 inches in size. Come the spring season. If so that will have saved me a few hundred pounds. Thats the name of the game. Haha All the best fred

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Hi Fred,. Where you get the scar tissue does it just heal over or do you get scale regrowth? I'm only used to seeing wounds heal on fish with minute scales.

And are you feeding the outside fish still or do you give them a winter break until it warms up a bit? I've seen you change foods but just wondered what your water cutoff temperature was or if you simply looked at their behaviour and interest.
Hi Mort what i did Mort was have it in the quarantine tank for 4 weeks with 24c heat. and salt in there for a couple of days. at 0.3 percent. then upped it to 0.6 percent.
after i pp dipped it in a bowl. for 4 dips. over 4 weeks. for 5 minute dips. then what you see first is the raw meat. start to skin over. layer by layer.
until the full depth of the wound is full of new white skin. once this was achieved i put it back in main pond. and over time the scales have come back over the top of the skin.
if i had kept it in the quarantine longer it would have scaled over quicker. the scales are back but still i light grey. hopefully the bronze colour will eventually come back..
just takes time mate. he also had a fin rot which i trimmed and pp pasted solution onto raw bit a couple of times. and his dorsal fin got trimmed and pp pasted over. the
PP is good for killing bacteria and cleaning wounds. also when trimming cauterizing the wound and bones. hope this helps mate
Looking good!!...

And you too Fred i wish you a

And happy new year!!
also mort i have not fed the fish in outside pond for 2 weeks now. to cold mate. i only feed at 8c above. wheat germ easy in cold weather for the koi to digest
i will do you a step by step out of my new book. some photo s out of there taken on my phone mate.
i do not know if this is allowed. i own the book. it will be photos out the book but my wording
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