nice one zozo. i am crap with computers how did you do that. put santa hats on the fish. brilliant haha

nice one zozo. i am crap with computers how did you do that. put santa hats on the fish. brilliant haha🙂
Go back about 10 years mort. I was clueless as well. Just picked stuff up as i went a long. Like take that black alge. Untill this year never heard of it. Scratching my napper for weeks wondering what the hell was wrong. Been keeping fish all my life. Never come across it. When i found this woman called trace. She read my symptoms. And we talked.I could be wrong as I don't have any control of this site but since you listed the source earlier and never claimed these photos were your I don't see how you are breaking any rules, the site owner might have a different opinion though so we are both naive in that area.
I find it interesting as I'm really a marine keeper and have worked in that industry, so very used to marine diseases, coral pests etc but not much experience with koi. It's also very refreshing to see someone who is knowledgeable about what they are keeping as I'd say the majority of people I met were completely clueless and disease was something they tried to find out about after they had it.