Well at least it is in the right ball park, it is actually a smidge lighter green than this...every now and then my camera tells little white elephants.

A slight sidetrack, this is somthing else in the offing; "Project Nano Porn."
I could not find it in the UK so ended up shipping it from Allemagne. It will house my small tribe of Psuedomugil gertrudae "Eubenangee Swamp". The reason being I also keep the P.gertrudae "Aru II" and I can not mix them otherwise they will hybridise; rotten hybrid rainbows infest the commercial trade unfortunately.

A slight sidetrack, this is somthing else in the offing; "Project Nano Porn."

I could not find it in the UK so ended up shipping it from Allemagne. It will house my small tribe of Psuedomugil gertrudae "Eubenangee Swamp". The reason being I also keep the P.gertrudae "Aru II" and I can not mix them otherwise they will hybridise; rotten hybrid rainbows infest the commercial trade unfortunately.