Thanks guys, its been exciting and hard work, had taken the week off to set up, so much to do. Lol the guy who delivered the tank asked whether i had a Wife or girlfriend or am i getting divorced now.
I have been trying to recycle some of the wood and hardscape from the previous setup...everything is so expensive in this hobby!
Anyway still have not thought of a great name for this scape, but i have known for months roughly how it would look...yes as I mentioned somthing of the Junglesque.
Anyway does Blue stone and wood go to together... I was not sure, but then I had to use what I had, bank balance is looking pretty unhealthy at the moment.
There were basically two formations I was going to go for either bring the two tree stumps closer together and create a mound effect or space them apart more with somthing of a valley between. I went for the latter, this being the formation I kept going back to. I know its not anything spectacular or ground breaking, but i wanted it to be pleasant.
There are always physical constaints and in the photo below there left tree stump was right up against a brace, thats as far as it could go, on the otherside of the brace it would have been too far left.