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"Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

I have struggled with Bucephalandra in the past with this tank and I am not sure why
Buce does better in CO2 IME but some people seem to grow it without CO2.

Not sure about Anubias petite/Pangalino etc. I have some but they seem to be slightly more demanding that other anubis.
Still looking mint Sanj, some of those fish are huge now! That rainbow shark is a beast.
Are you still running the 'smaller' rainbow tank as well?
Thanks Ian, female red tail sharks kind of give their name some justice. Beautiful fish. I do have the two others going they are primarily single rainbowfish species aquariums. I will post an update soon. They are all in process of regeneration since neglecting them a bit last year.
Looks amazing!

How do the red tail and ruby shark get on?

I think there are about 9 in total red tail and red finned sharks. One is an albino.
There are two chunky female rtbs who regularly square off against each other. There are no serious squabbles, but they do have a pecking order. Any chased are just to move out of the way, but relentless chases don't happen.
What a behemoth of a tank, looks amazing. I'm surprised you haven't pulled your sofa right Infront, feet up a wee brew and watch fish tank TV all night.
Very jealous.