Hi Clive,
So yesterday I did a big clean in the tank, cleaning glasses, scrubbing plants, stir substrate in some area, clean the stones ....
I made a change in distribution. I put back the 25mm hose of FX5, put the big ceramic disc in the tank. Up the power of FX5 to almost 50%. With a bigger outlet and a bit more power, distribution is way better !!! a have a bigger mass of water that moves across the tank with out too much velocity. I can clearly see that with the ceramic disc I can pump more CO2 in the water. But as it is cheap disc, all the bubbles are not very small, but I am sure I will have better result.
The filter media, is just foam from different size. About CO2 in the filter, when I tried it months ago when it was in my older tank (bigger) it was running at 100%, but still the gas was trap at the top of the filter and was burping big bubbles.
Would you advice me to run the second filter with second FE and up aqua, pointing in the same way than the FX5 ?
Hope I am going on the good road.