My Lords, ladies, fluid neutral and Mx on the sidelines... Allow me to present my aquarium update 😉
For health reasons
@LondonDragon I've re sized all the photos.
Let's start with crudy fts.
How do I begin. Mmm, lost a few fish in the last couple of months, Most of them have been with me from the start of these tanks (3yrs) which is comforting, but let's be honest, they died young.
Anways, onwards and upwards. Ferts..
Currently dosing at water change front loading (120L), targeting incoming water at.
No3: 12.91ppm
Po4: 1.82
K: 6.33
Mg: 5
Ca: 12
Added in 6x doses, total weekly dose.
Fe: 0.082 from solufeed
Fe: 0.06 from Dtpa
Mn: 0.068
N: 0.35 from urea.
Anybody got a full house?
No two plants are the same, here we have 2 Ludwigia cuttings from the same mother plant, planted inches apart, and look totally different.
Rotala Mac!!! Jeeze, if plants had periods.
Sulking old growth on the right, new couldn't care less growth on the left.
Are you ready for some 📸
Whoo, a bubble.
Dicrossus filamentosus anyone.

Intermission; whats the ph of these tanks, erm..
One with mainly stems:
Tother overgrown one;
Aponogeton undulatus having babies.
Snails and fish.
Fish without Snails.
Plants, oh go on.
More fish...
Araguia have spawned 4 times, unfortunately the fry don't last that long.

Mum and dad.
Some other random fish pics.

Have a good week peeps 😊