Thought I'd do a quick update on the Araguaia.
The parents nurtured the fry for about 4 days before the inevitable happened. I say the inevitable as my tank is a community tank and isn't really an ideal arena for fish to breed in. I was hoping the dense vegetation would offer some refuge towards the youngsters, but it wasn't to be. I'm quite philosophical about the circle of life in my aquariums, sadly somethings aren't meant to be.
My first inclination that things had gone sour was when the female finally broke cover and I realised her colour had faded, she looked well, but didn't have that "motherly glow"
The male, who had also been sharing in with the parental duties was also more active and prowling the tank again.
When I originally stalked out the nursery I mentioned I'd seen the female chase off an unsuspecting fish that had infringed on her nursery, that fish was a small male corydoras. Here he is pictured the day before the run in with the araguia.
I'll draw your attention to his tail.
About 2hrs after feeling the wrath of the female araguia. 11th April.
And photo of tail taken today.
So within a week the tail fin is regenerating.
Mother nature's ways can sometimes be difficult to accept, but sometimes her ways can amaze.