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A Little Slice Of Nature

Thanks jay i know i sometimes just get disheartened, once settles i could try some new stems but will leave that area for time being.

Already looking forward to next scape but want plants healthy by then.

I will stick with it for a while would you advise upping lights to 55 percent for more growth ?


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Hi everyone quick update, tank been running just over 3 week and seems to be doing well apart from spot in middle of tank, i have since added skimmer to rear left for better flow and hope the dead spot in middle gets co2.

I added some rotal hrs i purchased from rowland today and hoping as longer the co2 and ferts can be taken in by leaves at top ( is this how it works if cant get at bottom ? )

If not i will need to move skimmer somewhere else, the 53b isnt growing as good as i though and monte carlo near from has melt, also noticed the 53b has red tinge as in pics ?

Also found a shrimp in tank that mist have came om plant's i want cherries bit want good dark ones so going to be some decent grade ones.

I am also going to make a AIO fert solution this week so easier i got a recipe from jay so looking forward to seeing results.

Also had to trim a few stems loads of ditritus on the sand so did huge running water change today, had this sand as very powder like i want larger particles a a more sandly looking one less white.6e9f24aea894d5cf3d66f373423baae9.jpgbbc3925b4dcbb5620008ab823ed56fea.jpgb1eff60c96b35c6f18fa0978e9a4fc1b.jpge5238207f929ca347944132301b0b5c0.jpg5f4b9c7a1bc8abf3f2cb929a787535b0.jpg46cb3e6b77ddbb91c446031d6d621d18.jpg9565682089c535cb7ceda28685d082f8.jpg

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I added some rotal hrs i purchased from rowland today and hoping as longer the co2 and ferts can be taken in by leaves at top ( is this how it works if cant get at bottom ? )
I don't think that's how the ferts work mate if there in the water colloum they will reach every where c02 is a little different if its fully dissolved the plants will feed of it but the also like the micro bubbles across there leaves but be careful cause new stems don't take kindly to being blown around either
Hi all,
.....in the water column they will reach every where
Yes, it is just like the salt in your soup, once it is fully dissolved give your soup a stir and all your soup is equally salty.

Added CO2 is different, because it is constantly escaping at the gas exchange surface as it attempts to equilibrate with atmospheric CO2 levels.

cheers Darrel
I will see how they go guys thanks for that information as i was a little unsure hopefully with the skimmer it has better flow as hard to see bubbles in middle of tank behind the micro bubbles at front.


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Quick update, things going relatively well lights at 60 percent and nice like green drop checker before lights on.

Hoping to get some nerite snails and shrimp next week i already have 4 amanos in my 45p not sure what to get first maybe some good grade cherrys (hopefully no low grade ones in tank as found 2 doing water changes since my plants went in still unsure of snails aswel as so many say the eggs irritate them, i need to biu a snail trap aswel as keep finding snails in the tank obviously came on some plants.

Pinitifida grows great still not sure how to trim in and replant, i take i can snip off a stem and just glue elsewere ? Still no sign of my cryptocoryne growing yet and still unsure if have better flow in middle.

Getting some algae think a lot of it is just diatoms browm with hair looking bits that wipes off and browning on anubias that is harder to remove and think got some bba etc around edges of anubias and bucephlandra leaves but not much trying to treat with excel.

Think in general everything growing , the 53b etc not as fast as i though but hopefully the rotala takes off soon as not growing straight towards lights. Also ne making a new AIO fertiliser this weekend for ease .

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Stems look to be getting there now Dean, the effort is paying off.
Love the in situ shot also. Always like seeing tanks within their surrounding space.
Stems look to be getting there now Dean, the effort is paying off.
Love the in situ shot also. Always like seeing tanks within their surrounding space.
I love seeing on situ shots aswel to give a better sence of scale, yeah tank looking, good a few bits of bba on anubias here and there but not to bad, spot dosing with excel.

Seem to get a lot of detritus on the sand i am now wanting larger grain sand as this is so fine like a powder.

Also see a few tiny little things moving on the sand and them very small white things in the water but not concerned.

I did large water change last night and now working till thursday night so hopefully will tick along till then, just wanting tomsee some growth from the 53b, lots of diatoms on leaves etc hopefully a clean up crew get right to it. What would you advise buying first amanos or cherrys? And do you ever buy nerite snails mate


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Hi Dean,
I’d increase ferts a touch and see if anything changes. Perhaps wait another week to add livestock so you can really ramp up the co2 and get the small amount of melt under control first.
I’d definitely go for amano shrimp first and a group of ottos. The diatoms will go with time and good maintenance. I do have nerites also and they are definitely not a bad thing. I don’t get too many eggs as my water is soft and I think it discourages them.
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Hi Dean,
I’d increase ferts a touch and see if anything changes. Perhaps wait another week to add livestock so you can really ramp up the co2 and get the small amount of melt under control first.
I’d definitely go for amano shrimp first and a group of ottos. The diatoms will go with time and good maintenance. I do have nerites also and they are definitely not a bad thing. I don’t get too many eggs as my water is soft and I think it discourages them.
Thanks ady i will up ferts slights and will he another week anyway mate, think will go with amanos forst and maybe nerites, how many amanos you recommend? I already have 4 and how many snails ?

Think need to catch all the pest snails first


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Looking good Dean, you're not the only one finding sand a pita, little black parcels everywhere or just general ditritus even though we clean it every week
I have 30 Amanos in my tank, lost 5 due to them climbing out so be on the look out. They will jump at night/end of photoperiod when co2 is still high. Nerites I have 20 and they are great, buy the little horned variety, can't remember the scientific name sorry, as they don't leave any eggs on the hardscape.
To be honest, if I set my tank up again I wouldn't add Amanos, they are a pain with the soil and cherries do just as much imo.
I actually like my ramshorns too, they are constantly cleaning something.
Looking good Dean, you're not the only one finding sand a pita, little black parcels everywhere or just general ditritus even though we clean it every week
I have 30 Amanos in my tank, lost 5 due to them climbing out so be on the look out. They will jump at night/end of photoperiod when co2 is still high. Nerites I have 20 and they are great, buy the little horned variety, can't remember the scientific name sorry, as they don't leave any eggs on the hardscape.
To be honest, if I set my tank up again I wouldn't add Amanos, they are a pain with the soil and cherries do just as much imo.
I actually like my ramshorns too, they are constantly cleaning something.
Hi mate i might get 10 amanos or so next week to help woth algae om wood etc then around 6 ottos i keep changimg mind on snails , i need to catch all the littles ones in my tank but always more so hard. I just keep removing manually when i see bigger ones.

I want some better grade cheerys not sure how the grades work but want some good colour ones and maybe get 20 or so just hope stay away from my intake amd skimmer.

Had some Nice pearling today when got home from work93d7b8ba9fb0d1719e13469651c68fad.jpg7ba2ebb24f81d3d1a16fae277e7d5114.jpg84e0c9fac0d686a8f22d6beb815d3a66.jpg

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i keep changimg mind on snails , i need to catch all the littles ones in my tank but always more so hard. I just keep removing manually when i see bigger ones.
The snails will help clean up any melt or diatoms and if the tank is clean in the long run they won't reproduce quicker than their food if that makes sense. But if you want to remove them then better now than later. You can always try dosing the tank or leaving a lettuce leaf in the tank overnight and dispose of in the morning.
eSHa Gastropex worked for me when I wanted to remove pond snails and Malaysian trumpet snails. Supposed to be fine for shrimp.
Looking good @Deano3 patience is a vertu mate have you started the new ferts
Just this morning mate my tank as 186l so be adding 20ml from now on cheers for the mix jay

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The snails will help clean up any melt or diatoms and if the tank is clean in the long run they won't reproduce quicker than their food if that makes sense. But if you want to remove them then better now than later. You can always try dosing the tank or leaving a lettuce leaf in the tank overnight and dispose of in the morning.
I will try the lettuce leaf or maybe the chemical you recommend mate

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Thanks ady i will up ferts slights and will he another week anyway mate, think will go with amanos forst and maybe nerites, how many amanos you recommend? I already have 4 and how many snails ?

Think need to catch all the pest snails first


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I would go for as many as you can afford, up to 20. I added 10 to my 600.
Also you are now on EI ferts, I’d be dosing 30-40ml per day, I’m sure it’s 10ml per 50l tank water?
plants are looking good to be honest. I think you are on the right path and need to persist and be patient. Keep up with the good practice, make sure co2 is good and I’m sure the plants will reward you 🙂