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A Little Slice Of Nature

I would go for as many as you can afford, up to 20. I added 10 to my 600.
Also you are now on EI ferts, I’d be dosing 30-40ml per day, I’m sure it’s 10ml per 50l tank water?
plants are looking good to be honest. I think you are on the right path and need to persist and be patient. Keep up with the good practice, make sure co2 is good and I’m sure the plants will reward you 🙂
Iv made a AIO mix and been told 5ml per 50l on this mix mate. Thanks mate for kind words and i will keep up the maintenance etc.

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1 month update.

Tank doing well the pinitifida growing very well so chopped some off and moved to along the wood. Also the limnophila hippuridoides growing well just not as much or fast growth as i thought so going to up my ferts.

The blyxa looks well along with the alternanthera reinckii stopped melting and starting to looks ok now so happy about that some stems need another trim after a week

Going to purchase a dozen amanos this week coming up you think thats enough for one time then wait until add some cherries and otos ?

Also sand looks a mess as want larger grains so less powdery but tank looking good still some diatoms but hopefully clears up and lasty dosed some snail killer today as getting to be a lot. Lights still at 60 percent may up what you think ?9bd2595e34b2c2125438a7586551aac3.jpgdcaac0991e2eddd90465a0d3cb12e9a5.jpg92e7104ec30a5660877ab36a6c4cb025.jpgecfc84f362563e641e9876a2b62fd75b.jpg

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Off to biy some amanos tomorro thinking of getting 10 as already got 4 in there now, also cant make mind up about a couple of snails or just stick with shrimp for now but not getting snails yet as still trying to get rid of pest ones.

You think i should buy any ottos tomorro or just stick with shrimp for now just dont want to add to much bioload at once or you think will be ok.?

Cant wait to get some very red shrimp in there i have a couple of cherries but worried end up with low grade ones so going to start a fresh with good grades in there bit i dont know whats classed as good grades.

Any help will be great


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Off to biy some amanos tomorro thinking of getting 10 as already got 4 in there now, also cant make mind up about a couple of snails or just stick with shrimp for now but not getting snails yet as still trying to get rid of pest ones.

You think i should buy any ottos tomorro or just stick with shrimp for now just dont want to add to much bioload at once or you think will be ok.?

Cant wait to get some very red shrimp in there i have a couple of cherries but worried end up with low grade ones so going to start a fresh with good grades in there bit i dont know whats classed as good grades.

Any help will be great


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As long as your tanks is cycled, I don’t think adding more Amanos and some Otos will be a significant bioload. The Otos will certainly clear up any diatoms in short order, and your bigger issue will be making sure they have sufficient food available, which means a chunk of blanched cucumber every few days and half an algae wafer in between (I recommend a glass dish a low flow area for the latter, as they are messy).

As for red cherries, I can thoroughly recommend Bloody Mary’s - expensive, but worth it for the colouration.

Horned nerites are also very effective at tank cleaning. I also wouldn’t worry too much about the ‘pest’ snails. As long as they are not plant eaters, they will also help to deal with algae, CO2 injection (and the resulting shell attrition), along with lack of food availability (due to having other more efficient algae eaters) will control their numbers.
Personally I'd add more shrimp and wait on the otos until there is significant algae or food for them to eat. They can be quite fragile in my experience. I'd probably try to get cherry's in first if it was me, but Amanos are still good.
Thanks for replys guys , there is algae in the tank on the wood and glass and certain plants so.maybe 5 ottos or so and another 6 amanos so i have 10 in there will do.

Also looked at the bloody marys and agree there colouration is stunning i am only worroed about loosing to my skimmers and inlet as dont want to add a guard to it. Do you have any problems with the inlets ?

Thanks again

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Tank tickimg along nicely got 10 amanos and 6 ottos in there, 2 of the ottos looked like they were dead and floating but when touched them swam away so left them and cant see them floating so hopefully ok, i did acclimatise them very slowly aswel.

Hopefully wont have to feed as a bit of algae in there for now, really looking forward to getting some colourful shrimp in there

If you look below the wood there is some soil and a little bit monte carlo seems to be very little flow there, removed the skimmer as dodnt seem to he making much difference and most plants have a gentle sway apart from that area and were the rotla is, any recomendations for that area something small or will it suffer due to flow and co2 ?

Thanks dean0c6b5ac55722a6f1643ce2194e30eb5c.jpgf79c8b30aa5957527239d8681d648c9c.jpg00889fb06fe77d12c6fdeaa816a9d9c8.jpg

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That is the spot struggling to grow montecarlo carpet is there any plants you recommend i could add there to grow with little flow and not much co2 as seems to be a bit of a dead spot amd dont think the soil is very deep at the front, only want something small and low just not sure what to do in that area.


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Tank still ticking along ok doing water changes on average every 4 -7 days , lights are at 75 percent and have good pearling most of the day.

Since adding the ottos i think i have only seen 4 out of the 6 and same with amanos never seen all 12 but hopefully they there somewere. I still have a lot of brown looking plants like the sessiliflora isnt a vibrant green and more brown i was hoping this would pass and was diatoms what do you think ?

Also the dead spot with the rotala is still not growing or lookong great but the higher stems are doing ok for now so see how it goes.

Also thinking of removimg the large anubias at the rear and maube the wood and adding more small anubias and bucephlandra. Think the anubias looks out of place and to large leaves and maybe without the wood will help a little with flow up the rocks. Looking foward to adding some cherries very soon, still insire of amount maybe 20-30 to start i also may buy a few more amanos.

Also added esha gastroplex and snails reduced but starting again so may get more and add a lot just unsure if will harm any other inhabitants?


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Forgot how much better trimmed plants look, the sessiliflora was at the surface so give it a good trim, to be honest want to remove it once my limnophila hippuridoides grows and needs a trim and will put along the back as looks great and love the plant were as the limnophila looks brownish and not vibrant or maybe even pit some more alternanthera reinckii instead,Also removed wood at rear and the large anubias and placed in 45p for now think looks much better and allows for better flow i think as a gradual incline of the rocks pushes flow over the tops.

What you think ?

How many cherries should i get ?257823dc01ff708b42b343cc64296911.jpg043ccf76422f3385bd69bf941824c6a2.jpg148179e0936141c84dad49070499705d.jpg

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Cherries will he coming later this week but purchased 12 rummy nose tetras today from horizon aquatics, stunning fish amd amazing shouling fish.

Also got 2x 5kg co2 FEs for £25 they are huge so be much betterb70ffb81ee2b32af004ce6362a6a2d47.jpg84b123df397c8751973b3699074fa5d1.jpg281046eeb590943b5722bc6860af31c6.jpg3d7fb61d4d85371f8004d7e500306edf.jpg

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Limnophila hippuridoides has to be one of my favourite plants and syarting to pink up nicely now, tank going very well now looking forward to adding more rummy nose tetras and some shrimp 1d2ebdefd45fba76eb09987143ad9317.jpg3ca5d1d0a50fb45b2dc4ec91987188e0.jpgd98ebc7774094e5efc1aa7a9aca0ffb8.jpg

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Looking great Dean.
Some height on the stems now offering some nice visuals 🙂
Thanks @Ady34 and @Jayefc1 yeah the stems have taken off and going to let rear hit surface befire any trimming, still have a spot in middle were rotala is what doesn't grow much so need to do something there.

Any plants recomendations that can take the light but do well in lower flow and co2

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still have a spot in middle were rotala is what doesn't grow much so need to do something there.

Any plants recomendations that can take the light but do well in lower flow and co2 //emoji.tapatalk-cdn.com/emoji4.png
Perhaps try ludwigia repens.
Perhaps try ludwigia repens.
I have ludwigia palustrus in there is there much a difference mate ? Does it normally do ok in lower flow areas ? The rotala has never really taken off in that area.

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Did large water change today things going well noticed a few bits of staghorn on the java fern and buce just at the front also noticed some dead leaves etc at the rear right as the flow through the denser leaves must be hard as now starting to grow a lot thicker.

Some grear reds on the ludwigia palustrus and the moss is looking great but i need to start taking bits off and movong it down i think should i remove the deD leaves woth some tweezers ?

Getting 20 bloody marys on wednesday and maybe another half a dozen rummy nose.


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