Re: A Chocolate Puddle Now with Chocolates and licorice
tim said:
bloody awsome licorice gouramis rock stunning fish this just gets better and better mate

totally agree mate, gorgeous fish. Im not bigging myslef up but the tank has really exceeded my expectations
Antipofish said:
Those liqourice gouramies are even lovelier than the chocos 🙂 And the tank is looking fabulous mate.
Thanks matey i cant decide which are nicer, they're unique in their own ways i think.
easerthegeezer said:
Looks fantastic alistair, makes me really regret not sticking to the emersed route with mine... only would have been over shadowed by this anyway :?
Any sign of some the chocolates getting jiggy with it?
What filter are you running now?
Thanks buddy, did you get rid of all your emmersed stuff then in your other tank???
funny you mention the getting jiggy with it lol, there are two that are constantly circling each other recently, one being the bright red tailed one in the video and i presume its a he as he chases away any other chocco that comes near them so fingers crossed im hoping so. there's plenty of places for babies to survive in their and my gh is 4, kh 1 and ph 6 so conditions are ideal for them plus all my fish are fed live food daily barring the occasional freeze dried tubifex for the choccos (licorice will only eat live food nothing else).
Filter wise im now running a fluval 306 but set on half flow and mainly packed with mechanical and filter floss.
Westyggx said:
Looks awsome mate, is that my E.SChlutueri Leopard looks gorgeous!
Are those albino corys the babies that i saw a few months back?
hey matey, well sort of yeah ha ha. its one of the plantlets off the stems it keeps sending up, i snipped it off and attached it to the side of the tank and its throwing out bigger and taller leaves every 3 or 4 days now. im interested to see how big and tall it will go. Doesnt keep its spots for long emmersed though like underwater.
The albinos are 4 of those babies lol, i gave the other god knows how many away although these are now showing signs of getting it owwwwwn
sarahtermite said:
Wow - you have created an utterly bewitching underwater world there. Your fish look ever so happy, and it's lovely to see. I really like the first pic, too - somehow it manages to look jungly-wild and elegant at the same time. Quite an achievement!
Thank you Sarah, i love the way you describe tanks on here, ill use your descriptions instead so i dont have to upload pics ha ha. Thank you
ianho said:
enjoyed the the vid mate, really good, everything looks super healthy. How do the Liquorice's get on with the Cherries?
Hiya Ian, thanks for the comments, i know the vid is rubbish quality but hopefully ill be able to invest in some good camera equipment..........eventually
The licorice dont bother with the cherries, cbs or amanos at all, although i imagine any babies theyll snap up as they hide amongst the mosses and leaf litter anyway plus they will only eat live food so always darting in and out looking for nibbles. Definitely not a fish for a show though, a tank should really be set up around their requirements. I read up for a bit before i got them as i know how hard they are to keep. Lots of sites say they'll accept dried food etc but they don't.