Re: A Chocolate Puddle Now with Chocolates
Antipofish said:
That rotala is amazing Alastair ! I think this is turning into something really special mate
Cheers Chris, the rotala does, or DID look really lush but its had an enormous haircut today and trimmings sent off to mr westwood. Itll probabaly grow back twice as thick though now
xtevo said:
I rarely comment to ukaps, but I can't go away without writing down this is a beauty, and keep up good work mate! It will be more awesome by time.
That my friend ill take as a mahoosive compliment then thank you
foxfish said:
Did you use any type soil or just ADA substrate?
Hiya matey, just a wee bit of john innes no3, and i mean a little bit, topped with a pond aquasoil then capped with columbo florabase with a helping of the Ada Amazonia new for good measure (only becuase the hose had gotten loose and blown a hole through all the layers so had to recap sort of.
tim said:
alastair this is rivaling toms bucket and that is my all time favourite journal on ukaps do you think this could be set up on a nano scale for croacking gouramies around 50 liters ?

dont tell Tom that ha ha, Thanks Tim thats really given me a boost, its a long way off Toms by a long shot but id let to get their someday. Im dreading the day it all gets put into a bigger puddle!!
Toms is my all time fave too hence this tank. I think you could easily set up this on a smaller scale, youd need much smaller riparium/marginal plants, maybe cyperus helferi as an emerged variety???
Quetzalcoatl said:
Blimey mate, things are really taking off. I`ve only been away a couple of weeks and the tanks gone mental.

How long has it been set up now?

I know mate tell me about it, its like having co2 in this thing. Sort of, just plants dont look as filled out as they would co2, the crypts for instance are much shorter than a co2 tank but compared to how it looked a few weeks back its great. This on a bigger scale is going to be a challenge!
Polyester said:
Omg....just keeps getting better Alastair...
Thanks mate, im amazed how much people like it
Troi said:
I'm seriously contemplating putting in Celestial pearl danios as I think they'd add colour to this. Any thoughts???
I inherited Georges, they are pretty special fish, but very shy, they would love it in your amazing tank.
ill definitely be getting some CPD's but will wait until i get the monster puddle, as i dont want to overload with fish plus ive got some liquorice gouramis to go in before them.
MisterB said:
glad you got some more choccos as i know you love those
really jealous of the flowers on the echinodorous, that looks really good mate. well, the whole tank looks really good!
do you know anything about the grade of the CBS? im guessing youve got them in by now?
Cheers mate, me too, soooo tiny but i love them, the bigger the group the better they interact around the tank and really take their place in their.
ermmmm shrimp wise i wouldnt have a clue mate, im not so up on the fancy shrimp, the black on them has a tint of purple/red in it, and now on day two of them and the white is looking much brighter ( when i can see them). The cherries and amanos are out all the time since the cbs went in, one of the cherries is super red, looks great. When i can get a good pic of the shrimp ill pop them up then maybe someone could grade them, im not too fussed as i didnt pay for them
sr20det said:
Alastair said:
sr20det said:
How comes you are removing the corrys? I would have thought they would be ideal for a shallow tank? I read through the thread a while back, but remmeber you mentioning you wanting to add them.
They are ideal but the idea of the organic waste helping to fertilise the plants is going to pot as the corys are just constantly disturbing the substrate and kicking dust off it on the plants. I will keep a few but I have an excessive amount in here at present.
Thought about Pygmy or Dwarf Corries, too small to create any significant disturbances I would have thought?
yes you read my mind, theyll be something ill look into getting when i go bigger
BigTom said:
tim said:
alastair this is rivaling toms bucket
Uh oh, guess I'd better get my act together and do some updates
Alistair, have you tried pruning the Cyperus to hell and back? It's growing so well I'd just be really brutal and lop off any stems that get taller than you want them.

Tom its miles and about ermmmm ten months of your yet by a long shot lol. I have given the cyperus a prune, but since lowering the caddies to almost the bottom of the tank the stems are coming through much thicker and theyre opening out much shorter so maybe theyre adapting to having their root ball fully submersed??? I think ill get the machete out this weekend and hack through most of it???
Im really tempted to put all 4 tubes on as it looks amazing with them on but fear ill be cleaning off algae for a long time if i do with the tank being so shallow