A Chocolate Puddle Now with Chocolates
Ha ha I'm super impressed with the rotala mate, it looks really impressive in person. Could possibly be the tank being shallow, or that the coloured one is at the side the sun comes through too???
When I eventually get round ordering the bigger one this tank will be going mate, wouldn't have room for two and the ati will be going too. 😉 (possibly).
I've contemplated even turning all 4 tubes on now that the unit is almost 4 foot from the substrate as the shaded end isn't getting much light through but then I'm thinking I'd end up with algae on the unshaded side? Any ideas? It's 1.8wpg but the unit is raised very high.
Lmao I know mate, it's never ending this hobby....I've had this running two months and want a bigger one. The whole idea was low tech - save money.....hmmmmmmm
Thanks mate, it's stocked with 5 chocolate gouramis which will me added to each week until I get about 15 in total, 8 small amano shrimp, my trusty otto who I've had 3 years and bloody lots of baby corys that I need to catch and take to people who want them. I'm seriously contemplating putting in Celestial pearl danios as I think they'd add colour to this. Any thoughts???
It does look well for a non co2 tank actually but I can tell from my high tech that I ran the difference massive and plants dont appear as full. Or maybe it's just that the higher light ferts and co2 drive the plants more making them grow quicker and fuller. I'm very very happy with this though hence wanting to go Much much bigger.
Thanks polyester, I'm happy with how it's doing and the inhabitants love it. I've owned chocco's for a while and they seem far happier in this set up.
Plans wise, I'm going to let this run a good 2 months more or so, by then it will be filling in and I'll know how well low tech no water change goes then next plans will be to go more square shaped eventually, this tank is deep 70cm front to back, but I'm thinking more 120 x 120, or 120 x 90/100. Am even contemplating a 130x130. And will stil have room for my dining table ha ha (bonus) I'll have bought the new tank with in the next month or two it's just deciding on size. Lighting positioning etc.,
but that's not any time soon as I'm seeing how this goes first and this is big anyway.
I do think how this would look with co2 added but I'm not even letting temptation take over
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easerthegeezer said:sexy, very...! kind of blows the high light - red plants theory out the window. Bloody rotala looks way better than mine 🙁
does that mean you'll be selling this puddle or in addition?
Very impressed mate. Its seeing tanks like these that make me want more tanks and drain my my bank account... must buy an ATI![]()
Keep it coming though mate.
Ha ha I'm super impressed with the rotala mate, it looks really impressive in person. Could possibly be the tank being shallow, or that the coloured one is at the side the sun comes through too???
When I eventually get round ordering the bigger one this tank will be going mate, wouldn't have room for two and the ati will be going too. 😉 (possibly).
I've contemplated even turning all 4 tubes on now that the unit is almost 4 foot from the substrate as the shaded end isn't getting much light through but then I'm thinking I'd end up with algae on the unshaded side? Any ideas? It's 1.8wpg but the unit is raised very high.
Lmao I know mate, it's never ending this hobby....I've had this running two months and want a bigger one. The whole idea was low tech - save money.....hmmmmmmm
sr20det said:Awesome, whats it stocked with so far fauna wise?
It looks like a co2 tank, amazingly.
Thanks mate, it's stocked with 5 chocolate gouramis which will me added to each week until I get about 15 in total, 8 small amano shrimp, my trusty otto who I've had 3 years and bloody lots of baby corys that I need to catch and take to people who want them. I'm seriously contemplating putting in Celestial pearl danios as I think they'd add colour to this. Any thoughts???
It does look well for a non co2 tank actually but I can tell from my high tech that I ran the difference massive and plants dont appear as full. Or maybe it's just that the higher light ferts and co2 drive the plants more making them grow quicker and fuller. I'm very very happy with this though hence wanting to go Much much bigger.
Polyester said:Very nice progress Alastair!
Tell us more about your plans!![]()
Thanks polyester, I'm happy with how it's doing and the inhabitants love it. I've owned chocco's for a while and they seem far happier in this set up.
Plans wise, I'm going to let this run a good 2 months more or so, by then it will be filling in and I'll know how well low tech no water change goes then next plans will be to go more square shaped eventually, this tank is deep 70cm front to back, but I'm thinking more 120 x 120, or 120 x 90/100. Am even contemplating a 130x130. And will stil have room for my dining table ha ha (bonus) I'll have bought the new tank with in the next month or two it's just deciding on size. Lighting positioning etc.,
but that's not any time soon as I'm seeing how this goes first and this is big anyway.
I do think how this would look with co2 added but I'm not even letting temptation take over
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