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wabi kusa

  1. Courtneybst

    Aquatic Flower Compendium (ish)

    Hi everyone, After reading a suggestion made by @dean in an old thread by @Guest , I thought I'd kick things off. This thread aims to be a collection of photos of flowering aquatic plants that we often keep in aquaria. Please feel free to contribute with photos of your aquatic plant flowers...
  2. laurenb252

    Dooa Shizuku setup 3 months in

    I’ve had this Dooa Shizuku setup for 3 months now, and I’m very pleased with how the plants are growing in. I attached some anubias to the substrate ball, and planted some Hydrocotyle into it. The Hydrocotyle is slowly starting to grow around the substrate ball, which is what I was hoping for!
  3. Ömer Karaahmet

    Dooa Wabi Kusa VS Springtails

    Hi folks, I added springtail and ordered Dooa Wabi Kusa to prevent mold from forming in an aquarium set up with the Dry Start method. If I spray Dooa Wabi Kusa into the aquarium, will it damage the springtails?
  4. Ullalaaqua

    Planted IKEA bowl - is it a Wabi-Kusa or something else?

    Hei! Five months ago I scaped this little bown with some trimmings and leftovers I had after planting. The soil is Tropicas aquarium soil and hardscape is made of frodo stones and small redmoor twigs. It took quite awhile for it to grow well, but now I just love it. I have some isobods and...
  5. bettaguy

    Tiny anubias wabikusa in a glass dome

    You could argue it’s a terrarium because of the dome I guess. It’ll always be a wabikusa to me haha: it’s my favourite because it’s so simple and the rock has so much detail! I believe it’s a anubias nana and the rock is elephant skin rock.
  6. C

    Covering up emersed plants

    Hello, I am looking into starting up a waterfall Wabi Kusa setup very soon. But I have a question, once I have the plants fully converted to their emersed state do I need to keep the Wabi Kusa covered up with clear plastic sheets or will I be able to leave it uncovered and just spray it? The...
  7. oscarlloydjohn

    Wabi kusa lighting

    Can anyone suggest an appropriate light bulb for a small/medium Wabi Kusa? It's about 20cm in diameter. I was thinking more like a generic light bulb rather than an aquarium/wabi kusa specific one. Could something like a 13w fluorescent work? Cheers
  8. Hanuman

    Lighting for wabi kusa

    Got my hand dirty, literally, and did a wabi kuza from scratch. Amazonia, sphagnum moss, sand, osmocote. Plugged in some Rotala indica "red", Rotala indica "green", Ludwigia repen, Ludwigia SP. super red mini, Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, HM, mosses. All looks nice and sweet but now me and my...
  9. W

    Hello everyone, I need help with getting started (Wabi-Kusa)

    Hello everyone! My name is Ioannis, I live in Stockholm, Sweden and Im a proud owner of a nano reef tank :) I recently traveled to Japan and i stumbled upon a fantastic pet shop in Tokyo, where I found out about wabi-kusa. I got fascinated and I would like to try make my own. I did some...
  10. Ray_Norwich

    Iwagumi style wabi-kusa

    A little wabi-kusa experiment, mostly mosses from my garden with rotalia rotundafolia growing in behind and random terrestrial plants sprouting from the moss.
  11. doylecolmdoyle

    Mossarium Dome

    I purchased a Botanica boutique "Sanctuary M Rainforest" Mossarium Dome, here is a photo with two small chunks of seiryu stone, not sure if I should try only mosses or also some small plants to grow emersed also. Should be a fun little project. IMG_9663 by Colm Doyle, on Flickr
  12. Jink82

    Journal First 2 Wabi Kusa's

    Hi, Here's my first Wabi Kusa. When I started I did realize how difficult the cleaning would be of the glass. But actually do it is a pain in the but. So after 2 days starting this one I started another one.
  13. Martin in Holland

    Moss balls (wabi kusa)

    I'm trying to grow some moss balls with moss I collected (looks like Java moss) and some left over plants I had in my propagator. The balls are filled stockings with some ADA substrate and stones, wrapped spaghnum and (Java) moss around it and tight the plants on top of that covering their roots...
  14. tmiravent


    Hi, I've been reading very interesting post's about putting water plants 'out of water'. There are some very good Wabi Kusa here in UKAPS. Along with my 2 year old son i grab my first aquarium 15 liters, a few stones, soil, plant's and water. Let's see how it works...Day one: 15|6|2014 Rules...
  15. Antoni

    Wabi kusa - Spontaneous setup - unexpected visit - Ladybug

    HI guys, a week ago, I have started this new wabi kusa project. Had a small tank laying around (dirt cheap tank from Pets at home) used to use it as a storage for excessive plants- kind of a overflow tank :) but got bored to keep it half empty with some random sad looking plants in....so I have...
  16. NeilW

    Simplicity - Neil's Mini S

    Inspired from ADA's Do!Aqua concept I wanted to go for a back to basics approach and concentrate on growing easy plants well in a nice simplified composition. I also wanted an emersed element to the tank. I also liked the idea of a modular scape that could be easily 'unassembled' to make...
  17. tim

    Wabi kusa attempt

    Insipired by this YouTube Started with DIY substrate ball Colombo flora base wrapped in a cut up wash bag for baby clothes Some tana sand and petrified wood and a few Plants later ( no pics men can't multitask :lol: ) Spraying twice a day at the moment with ro water shouldn't need ferts as...
  18. Antoni

    Sun kissed Wabi Kusa

    Hi everyone, just decided to share with you my latest wabi kusa bowl. This is an experiment and in its early stage. I wanted to create a wabi kusa in this bowl for quite some time and a couple of months ago, I have started it using cat litter for substrate, enriched with some miracle grow...
  19. Ian Holdich

    Ian's Wabi Kusa

    I have fancied doing a Wabi Kusa for a while now, i was in (being dragged around) Asda Living today when i came across a bowl that i thought would suit a Wabi (this made Asda my friend). For the last few weeks when taking my dog out i have been spying all the plants on the banks in my local...