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Sun kissed Wabi Kusa


25 Jan 2009
Hi everyone,

just decided to share with you my latest wabi kusa bowl. This is an experiment and in its early stage. I wanted to create a wabi kusa in this bowl for quite some time and a couple of months ago, I have started it using cat litter for substrate, enriched with some miracle grow organic fertilizer from BQ, I had laying around. The plants are 1-2 Grow Pogostemon Erectus, Eleocharis sp. Mini,
Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini', Hottonia Palustris, a small bit of Ludwigia arcuata and uknown carpeting plant from Paulo. Will add some more plants soon.

No artificial light, I'm relaying only on the sun, as the bowl is on the window sill. The growth is really slow, but I need to admit that it has been started during the winter months, so I think, now it will start grow faster.

I'm spraying it once a day with RO with really small amount of Tropica ferts in it and I have it covered half way with clink foil.

I have taken couple of pictures tonight.

Here is a shot of the Pogo starting to form flower!


Here is a shot of the wabi from the front.


The HC is just starting to grow and I hope in couple of weeks, will cover the substrate. From the bottom of the bowl you can see the roots of the plants...lots of them. Should take a picture of this next time.

And there is a shot from above:

Looks really nice and I'm sure the hc will go for it. I managed to cover a 6" x 6" pot in 3 weeks 😉

I am keen to try one myself but what sort of maintenance ie misting and keeping the temp up is involved?
Thanks Ali! It is almost mainanence free. I spray it every morning, but keep a bit of clink foil covering half of it, just to retain some of the water, as it is on the window sill and when is sunny outside, it dries out quickly. You can spray it every morning/evening and to add some water to the substrate, when doing water changes in your tanks. This way, will add some nutrients to the substrate as well. That is all 🙂
I absolutely love this. I never knew anything about wabi kusa before reading this prompted me to google it and also look around the emersed forum. Really makes me want to give it a go.
Just took 2 quick shots with daylight only, nothing fancy, but wanted to share the new flowers 🙂 Please excuse the dust on the glass.... but it was spontaneous shot, without any preparation 🙄


Hmmm - hold ur horses ........... flowers of Rotala are usually not impressive.
If you can find space for Hygrophila (fx. corymbosa or pinnatifida) you will have something nice to look forward to. Hyg. araguaia if space is limited.
Bacoba carolineana has nice, blue flowers, Limn. hippuroides readily give nice, purple flowers and so does Lindernia.The variegated type of Lindernia gives the added bonus of green/white patterned, small leaves.
Those are all really easy to grow to flower :thumbup: