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  1. D

    Echinodorus in a 45l

    Hi, recently I have been wanting to recreate a jungle style tank in my 45 litre tank. Its 45 cm long, 30 cm deep and 30 cm high. I have also acquired a particular fascination with Echinodorus species and was wondering if it is wise to plant echinodorus plants in such a small tank. I know they...
  2. AlemBa

    Comeback nano tank (Hight tech)

    Hello everyone, After a 7 years of break, I have returned to this wonderful hobby. To start, I opted for a nano aquarium with a simple setup, aiming to reconnect with my past experiences. Tank is 14 days old. All parameters are great, no visible algae. Fish added yesterday. Here are some...
  3. Gill


    New Pico coming soon Tank has been ordered tonight and should be here by next weekend. This one is going to be an Odd one indeed, don't think anyone on here has used this tank before for a nano/pico. The shape of this will make it challenging to scape and plant, but that is what appeals to me...
  4. WaterCulture

    17L Dutch Style Nano Aquascape

    Hi everyone. id like to direct you towards our YouTube channel where we do 12 week long series (The current one is the step by step of a dutch style nano aquarium) we also upload regular shorts on the various fish and plants that we keep, We also have a poll on the channel for ideas for the...
  5. Karmicnull

    The new ice age

    "Look at me; I design coastlines. I got an award for Norway. Where’s the sense in that? None that I’ve been able to make out. I’ve been doing fiords all my life, for a fleeting moment they become fashionable and I get a major award. In this replacement Earth we’re building they’ve given me...
  6. cheesyfeet

    The Cube

    In these strange times I've found myself coming back to an old hobby. I had my first aquarium 17 years ago, and then a 5 year hiatus since 2014. To see all my projects, follow @fishandaquascapes on instagram... I'm now back to 9 aquariums and 4 walstad bowls. 30 x 30 x 30 cm glass cube. I...
  7. T

    Lighting Upgrade - 40cm Cube

    Hi, Just wondered what lights people are running on their nano or cube tanks? Im running a heavily planted 40cm Cube with stock AquaOne LED lighting. Recently started injecting CO2 and am thinking the light could do with an upgrade too. I'm looking at the Kessil A80 - the gooseneck mounting...
  8. L

    Return to Aquascaping (no title yet)

    This is my first tank for a few years. I had a lot of the equipment already,bought for a planned tank a couple of years back that never got started, just waiting for the spark of enthusiasm to get back into it. My first idea was to do a very jungle-y scape but after looking for sources of...
  9. Smithyithy

    3 Weeks - Great Growth, Now Maintenance?

    Hi all, My nano tank is 3 weeks old now, and overall I'm very happy with the plant growth, comparison of Day 1 vs. today (Day 20?): I'm genuinely surprised by the growth rate, so, my question is... I took some close-ups of the plants: Monte Carlo: Staurogyne Repens and Reineckii...
  10. Ginge-96


    Hey guys, I'm new here and need some advice on choosing the right led light for a planted Fluval Spec 19L, the dimensions are 52 x 29.5 x 19 cm. I plan on just using fertilisers and the fertilising soil and will potentially consider infused Co2 in the future depending on how successful...
  11. jameson_uk

    Betta Get Sorted

    Just shy of two years ago I bought an Aqua One Aspire 22 tank from P@H when it was on offer with the intention of creating a planted tank for a Betta. At £55 for a tank, lid, LED, heater and filter it was too good a deal to turn down. The filter is terrible and has gone in the spare parts...
  12. Hanuman

    Deal with snail population explosion (or fish selection)

    Hi everyone, I have this nano tank (36x36x36cm). It's heavily planted. I bought the tank with the scape from someone as is. It had a betta, shrimps (10 or more), blue neons tetras (~6/8), nerites snails (~6/8) and otocinclus (~4/5) I think. Soon after I purchased the tank the betta died and I...
  13. J

    substrate for planted tanks

    Evening. Just three quick separate questions. 1) Can anyone advise on a good substrate for a small 25L Thailand style betta planted tank? 2) For a bigger tank I would like to have with sand, does anyone know if there is a good substrate that is suitable for going underneath with sand on top...
  14. Michael Thomas

    Hello from the North!

    I'm going to assume based on the members map I'm not the only person from the North East, anyway I've always used UKAPS for things like finding reviews and information but finally decided to join and hopefully learn and share my own wisdom. I've been plantkeeping for around a year, and I'm...
  15. J

    Which Nano Tank?

    I am going to be getting a Nano tank or building one myself soon that will be able to fit within my Ikea Expedit or Bonde bookshelf.* Hoping to do a small aquascape in there and intend to have a single betta and maybe a shrimp or two. I already have a betta that I bought but her shipment has...
  16. TAJ-Coral

    Little Bedroom Aquarium Recommendation

    Hi all, been out of the planted aquarium hobby for a few years now and feel inspired to get back into it. I'd love a little planted tank between 40-60 litres next to my bed. Problem is, there are so many nano style tanks these days I don't know what to pick! I've been looking at ones like the...
  17. Nigel95

    Nigel's Mountain scape 36L

    New nano scape for a live contest (Vivarium) in November. Have a look at my Youtube channel :) >> www.youtube.com/nigelaquascaping << Final video Final shot R-Nigel-Hoevenaar-40-cm-nano-aquascape-Taihang-Mountains-- by Nigel Aquascaping, on Flickr Specs planted tank aquarium Tank 40x30x30...
  18. Harry H

    Hello from Emsworth Hampshire UK

    Hi everybody, I am from Emsworth Hampshire, relatively new to the hobby, about 6 months in, currently have 20l nano and 60l cube, both low tech, but using liquid CO2 and fertilisers. I am hoping to find like minded people near, to exchange ideas, know how etc. Also looking for some background...
  19. enviroman

    Dennerle 30 litre nano

    Here is my initial hardscape for my nano dennerle tank. I’ve spent ages balancing the rocks, gluing them where necessary and filling in all the gaps to stop the soil getting through to the sand. Have temporarily filled it with water to see if any sloping soil rolls down/filters through gaps ...
  20. Glenda Steel

    Aquarium size and algae?

    Firstly I apologise if I've posted in the wrong area, I can't seem to find a section on Aquariums (i.e. the actual glass tank). We're thinking of purchasing a second tank and I've been looking at various sizes of nano tanks (up to 55l). Can anyone tell me if the smaller nano tanks (ie the...
  21. Goose157

    Bought my Mrs a uk 4 gallon tank for a Betta - advice...

    Hi all, So my wife has been very encouraging about my planted tank and in passing i asked if she would like a small tank of her own to run... She was really excited about it .... I was pointing her towards a flex 34 ltr but in the end she liked a little pets at home I love fish curve something...
  22. Glenda Steel

    Nano heater recommendations

    I am looking for recommendations for a heater to go into the 23l (6 US GAL) Fluval Edge in white (see below). The tank will be planted but I would like the heater to be as invisible as possible. Does anyone know of a glass, white or perhaps a stainless steel heater for this size of tank?
  23. Joris

    The fallen tree [60L low-tech]

    Hi Guys! Just started an account here after a long time of lurking around. I want to contribute to the forum by sharing my second aquascape journey. Most recent update: In july this year I started with my first ‘aquascape’. It was a 30 liter cube with some easy plants and it currently looks...
  24. -serok-

    35l "Dead wood, new Life"

    Hi folks! Long time nothing new from me. So I wanted to show you my nano tank that ranked #4 in the nano category at this years "The Art of the planted Aquarium" in Magdeburg, Germany. I hope you like it. Final full tank shot: This photo shows the tank at the contest. Thanks to Stefan Graf...
  25. Nigel95

    Iwagumi - 25L

    My first tank but way to small so I bought a bigger one. Maybe you like to see my first attempt ;). Have a look at my Youtube channel :) >> www.youtube.com/nigelaquascaping << If a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, What Is a Video Worth? Specs Tank Superfish home 25: 25 litre / 6,6 gallon...
  26. J

    16l Iwagumi-Dry Start

    Tank: 16l Clearseal Lighting: TMC Mini LED 400 Filter: Fluval Edge HOB Heater: None CO2: JBL ProFlora u500 Hardscape: Dragon Stone Plants: Micranthemum micranthemoides, Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' and Fissidens fontanus. I put this tank together last year with items I had boxed away...
  27. O

    Iwagumi Nano 30 x 21 x 26cm

    Hi All, After browsing on the forum for the past couple of years I decided to take the plunge and set up an account, and thought what better way to start than to create a journal for a new scape! The aim is to try and create a steep mountain creek inspired by recent travelling, thus I thought...
  28. dmallia

    Canister Filter for an 30 ltr tank

    I have an Aquatlantis Nano Cube 30ltr aquarium which is currently running with its own internal filter with some guppies and amano shrimps. I am planning to reconstruct this aquarium to a full aquascape and to increase some space I am going to remove the internal filter. Since I am going for...
  29. jameson_uk

    Low Tech Moss Carpet

    Had a read of http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/riccia-and-java-moss-carpets-step-by-step-guide.297/ and has me tempted... I am planning a 30cm cube cherry shrimp tank and like the thought of having some are of moss carpeting the substrate but every picture I can find of a moss carpet is...
  30. doylecolmdoyle

    1ft Cube - Jungle Scape

    Tank: 30cm Cube lighting: 30cm Up Aqua LED light Filter: Ehiem Aquacompact 40 Hardscape: Driftwood and seiryu stone Substrate: ADA La Plata Big Plants: Narrow leaf java fern, Java Fern Mini, Bolbitis, Anubias Nana, Anubias Nana Petite and maybe some Buce. I recently pulled down my Marimo Hills...
  31. George Farmer

    How to aquascape a nano aquarium

  32. MrHidley

    Lighting for 35L Scapers tank?

    Hi all, Just purchased a Scapers tank for my office at work, but need to get a light for it. I'd rather and LED, because of the size and minimalist design of most units. Does anyone have any recommendations? The main two I've looked at so far is the Dennerle Power LED 5.0 and the Aquael Leddy...
  33. BexM

    Happy accident

    Really happy with how my nano cube is looking. It's funny because I try so hard with my big tank and it keeps going wrong but this nano is so easy!. What I had planned wasn't working and my friend was getting rid of some plants so I just shoved them in and it's worked out really well. All I do...
  34. Ryan Young

    External filters for 30 liter Cube

    Hi all, So I purchased a Dennerle Aqua Cube 30 today from Gumtree, the tank is awesome- clean & fancy. Might have to buy a new bulb for the 11w cause it seems a bit dull and everyone i spoke to said it was bright. Anyway... I set it all up for a fishless cycle then to be scaped but the Dennerle...
  35. Kezzab

    Nano 15ltr scape

    Hi - first nano scape. 15ltr Flexi-mini set up. This is it unplanted (apart from a random crypt i got free with some tweezers at Pets at Home!). Now planted up: Pogostemon Helferi Hydrocotyle tripartita Japan Juncus Repens Rotala Rotundifolia Microsorum 'mini' Cryptocoryne Balansae...
  36. adamt4050

    Nano Aquarium with Fluval G3?

    Hello All, I'm thinking of buying a Do! Aqua 25x25x25(cm) Nano aquarium for my desktop and Im just planning everything out and exploring my options - I have an unused Fluval G3 sat in my attic gathering dust, I was wondering if I would be ale to use it on my desktop setup. Obviously its quite...
  37. Hyoscine

    A bedside garden

    I'm sitting around, waiting for the mailman. Hopefully, today I can get started on this little tank I've been thinking over for a few weeks. I've got room for something small on my bedside table, and I really like the idea of nano (pico?) aquarium with a couple of planted HOB filters. I've seen...
  38. Lauris

    "The roots of petite"

    Hi! It has been a while since my last tank was scaped... now I'm in the process of RIPping apart my current tank, and woke up last Sunday with a tiny inspirational mood. I'm taking it as a little warm up before I re-escape my current project.. A little about this nano project: Tank: Fluval...
  39. Andy Tran

    The Swamp

    The Tank A year ago I decided to get a 23L Fluval Edge, and about a month into owning it I took the top pane of glass off. The Fluval Edge’s design was neat, but the glass and small opening really limits what I wanted to do with it. The tank went through many phases from Walstad to high tech...
  40. Chris Stokes

    30cm Nano Cube Lighting

    Hello to all, First post on the forum, although I've been a fan and follower for the past few months! I'm in the early stages of planning and setting up a 30cm, shrimp only cube and was wondering what would be the best lighting option. The tank with be high tech, and I'll be trying to carpet...
  41. brownmoth

    Adam's Shrimp and Fissidens Tank

    Adam’s Shrimp & Fissidens Tank Aquarium: Aqua One/ Aquanano 25 Co2: Sodastream Adapted Temperature: 23c PH 7.6 GH 6 KH 4 Fauna: Neocaridina davidi var. red Flora: Fissidens fontanus, Cryptocoryne sp., Taxiphyllum barbieri, Vesicularia montagnei Aquired aquarium in October 2014 and proceeded...
  42. Silas Felipe

    Yellow Hemianthus cuba + spots on staurogyne

    Hi everybody My Hemianthus cuba is getting yellow. After seeing the symptoms on the internet, I realized that may be lacking in nitrogen. I started last week a treatment (Seachem nitrogen) and the leaves are still yellow. I realized also that my staurogynes are with black and transparent spots...
  43. DGR

    GlasGarten Mini L "Nemesis"

    Hi all, I want to present you my latest projekt, called "Nemesis". And here a few facts: Hardware: GlasGartenMini L 45 x 24 x 30 cm float glas Gross~30L, net - still don't know Daytime eco 40.3 Eheim 2213 ADA Lily Pipe Spin P Outflow Do!aqua Violet Glass Inflow UP Aqua Inline Atomizer + 500gr...
  44. russell

    From south Essex.. greetings

    Hello, have been keeping fish for 2.5 years now in a 130 litre tank I was given. Put in live plants after 6 months with limited budget and success. Due to small home and growing kids my infra structure just wont support a tank of that size any more so I'm moving the Aquarium on and...
  45. tmiravent

    crumb [migalhas]

    Hi, thi is my re-scape from the previous CovaMoura. a lot of work to do...:cigar:
  46. George Farmer

    30cm - The Cube

    Hi all I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year! :) Here's a few shots of my home tank, a 30cm cube. It's been set up for a few months and is surprisingly low maintenance. I'm not using CO2 injection but add liquid carbon and Tropica Specialised daily, 1ml each. I...
  47. J

    No quintaessence.

    Just presenting my new nano tank. Its in growing process. Hopefully I will be updating it as the echinodorus tennellus carpet grows in. http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah5/nanananannanananananan/Mobile Uploads/20141218_120629_zps8c357f2d.jpg By the way, has anyone noticed the echinodorus...
  48. M

    Aqua One - 'Aqua plant plus'?

    Has anyone tried this substrate? My LFS has a selection of Aqua One sands and gravels. Mostly of the 'barbie pink' variety, apart from this one. It's mostly small balls, and definitely a soil or clay based product. It's hard and porous like a baked clay, but has a strong composty smell from the...
  49. J

    5 l nano highish tech

    Specs: CO2: X bps (no bubble counter) via CO2 atomizer. Light: 9 watts I think on for 6 hours a day. Ferts: Around 10ppm NO3, 4ppm PO4, ? ppm of K and bit of micros a week. 1 water change when I feel like it... It has a very small internal filter. Substrate is plane black sand with some small...
  50. Pedro Viveiros

    Estimative Index and Light

    Hello everyone, This is my first tank, as described below. Recently I had some Stag Horn algae, and diatoms, I tested the NO3, that was 0 ppm, and made some “emergency” fertilization, noticing improvement in plants... After that, I decided to initiate the EI method, but I’m confused about the EI...
  51. Lauris

    30L Nano. No name yet

    This i my third tank now. As recently replaced my 30 nano scape with 60L, now decided not leave it in shed to collect dust. Today new tank layout created. Only hardscape for few weeks. I still need to decide what plants I would like to see in. Used available rock and wood from previous scapes...
  52. Lauris

    Nano escape

    Decided to "move things around'. done and dusted with this one: http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/crystal-meadow-f-spec19l-nanao.32439/ so.. Fuval Spec 19L tank. I guess I managed to fit as much as possible in it. lol So tech pecs are pretty much same: Light Hi-Lumen LED 1000 Lumen...
  53. jommy

    Nano 10L Red Cherry

    AquaEl Shrimp Set 10L Red Cherry Plants: lilaeopsis brasiliensis hemianthus micranthemoides eleocharis acicularis Dosing every day with EasyCarbo and once weekly with ProFito 6 June 10 June 6 July
  54. Hamza

    Betta Face-off

    Hi, Visited a fellow hobbyist yesterday. Had some quality fun watching and freezing these beauties flare.. Some orange crowntail it is...(am bad with betta names and classifications, please excuse me for it ;) ) The salamander plakat who occupied next cube...uber cool colors on this guy...
  55. M

    Leaving the sea to go lowtech and green

    I will start my journal with a misinformed confession; I never thought I would go down the freshwater route as I thought it was boring. I can hear booing and hissing from the seats in the back. ;) I was a marine girl through and through. My saltwater aquarium was my pride and joy, I had LPS, a...
  56. peke

    Twinstar nano problems

    Hello guys i hope you can help me. My twinstar nano isn't working how it should be, if you watch the video you see that its doesn't create the fine mist till i push it up and down so that those big airbubbles escape en then the device work like its should. When i do that the device works like...
  57. Lauris

    Crystal Meadow. (F.spec19L nanao)

    OK.. too late for verbal diarrhea. too late.. or should I say..too early? lost in time but came up with this.. some plants will go in. dunno yet what kind of.. no name yet.. any suggestions on plats welcome (top right side corner and left side of the tank) Time-lapse will follow tomorrow..or...
  58. CalebWM

    30cm cube

    Hi guys first journal here, glad it has finally happened after many delays! Specs: Tank: 30cm cube - superfish Lighting: Superfish led - came with the bundle Filter: Internal superfish aqua 100 CO2: TMC glass kit Fertiliser: Tropica premium fertiliser Hardscape: Mini landscape rock and...
  59. darthpaul

    The Crystal Island

    This weekend I stripped down my 30L Fluval Ebi | UK Aquatic Plant Society as I am setting it up to finally try CRS. I have bought myself an RO unit, put Ebi Gold in for substrate and added lava rock and redmoor wood. So far the planting is rotala and pelia from my stripped down tank but I need...
  60. Lauris

    Dwarf pass. (My First nano)

    1week old busy nano community tank. Capacity: 30L Light: Beamswork Hi-Lumen 30 LED + Beamswork Hi-Lumen 50 LED Co2: Pressurized co2 Filtration: Eheim2213 Classic Heating: 200w external in-line Soil: ADA Amazonia Live stock: 3 Amano shrimps 7 x Yellow Shrimps 2 x Sakura red shrimps 2 x...
  61. Gill

    IAPLC 2014

    Who is entering this year. After the resounding success of last year, and getting a place last year. I am entering this year, and started the scape in October of last year. Decided to go a little larger than 30ml and this one is just under 1Gallon.
  62. Jason King

    Dennerle Nano Cube 30 Litre Complete Plus Aquarium?

    Firstly I wanted to say hello to all at ukaps :wave: I have been browsing for while now learning from this great site. I'm interested in the dennerle 30l nano and was wondering if its worth getting the complete set? I'm after a small all in one setup without the extra external filters, the...
  63. Alastair

    8 minute mini Nano

    yesterday i was routing through my cupboard finding bits to get plants posted out next week and found some hardscape bits so decided to set up a mini shrimp habitat as quickly as i could as had to move the big tank. so out came a little 12 litre azoo tank, some mature tmc nutrasoil and a few...
  64. RolyMo

    Nano or Sponge Filter

    Hi Guys & Gals I am a couple of months into my new shrimp tank which is populated with plants and CRS and all doing well. The nano tank I got came with a Dennerle nano filter which has worked well to date. It silently ripples the water surface in my low tech tank. Oxygen is supplied by a...
  65. Iain Sutherland

    Taiwan Bee Nano

    Hey all, set this up a couple of days ago for some more Taiwan Bees. Nothing too fancy and got a few things that need tweaking like the detail stones etc but the idea of this one was always function over form. Tank- optiwhite 40x30x30 Filtration - eheim liberty Lighting - 11w CFL with 9w par38...
  66. Ben22

    motionless Nano Optiwhite updated

    Ladies and Gentleman.... I recently posted a journal of two Nano tanks that I was reasonably happy with, however it has come about that a optiwhite tank has fallen into my hands built by a fellow ukaps user and friend Jackrythm. from the previous thread a couple of users suggested that one...
  67. NeilW

    Simplicity - Neil's Mini S

    Inspired from ADA's Do!Aqua concept I wanted to go for a back to basics approach and concentrate on growing easy plants well in a nice simplified composition. I also wanted an emersed element to the tank. I also liked the idea of a modular scape that could be easily 'unassembled' to make...
  68. callmephathead

    Lily pipes for shallow tanks

    Hi, I am in the process of setting up a shallow tank, only 30cm high without substrate so probably 25cm from top of substrate to top of the tank. I have been looking for a lily pipe with a diameter of 17mm for a 16/22 pipe that is less than 25cm long, and it has proved very difficult to...
  69. GreenGrow

    New 30l Nano!!

    Hi all! Thought that I'd post my newest scape to the forum to see what you guys think of it! Tank specs are... 45x26x26cm - 30l Lights - 2x24w T5 Filtration - Rena XP3 - 1350 lph (bit overkill I know but I already had it!) CO2 - Pressurised 4bps - Up Aqua inline diffuser Substrate - ADA...
  70. Sussexdiver


    Hello new hear from sussex
  71. darthpaul

    Mini S Walstad

    So for a while now I have wanted a small tank on my desk, I already have a high tech setup shrimp tank and a 70L tank that is EI dosed and tended to. I have been reading a lot about Walstad bowls and was really interested in how they work so decided to setup one myself. Although I strayed from...
  72. leonroy

    Teak Root Mini 2

    It's been an interesting year and a half and I (think) I've learned a lot. I'm ready to tear down my tank and start anew. I like the nano layout, it allows you to make mistakes without serious financial consequences. It does however allow you make mistakes very easily. One small change can...
  73. Steve Smith

    Steve's Shrimp Pile - Planted

    Hey folks. It's been a long time since I started a scape of any kind. I've not even had a tank set up for 12 months. Life has had other ideas lately. As it stands I have limited space so I'm setting up a little tank which, most likely, will be a shrimp tank. It's an old clearseal 40x20x20 I...
  74. Fernando

    Please help me identify this wierd moss

    Hi everyone! I am an brazilian guy in a brazilian place without many plants news, believe or not. I friend of my brought a wierd moss. His not know it name, just said "an japanese moss". Well, I tryed search on web and I can't find any moss likely! Anyone in across the Atlantic know what...
  75. Antoni

    The Forest floor - Tropica aquascape New pics

    Hi everybody, after taking down my 20 l scape the Hare hill after Christmas, I have started a new aquascape with plants and substrate, kindly provided by Tropica. The tank has been set up in the beginning of February and is now about 2 months old. Spec: 20 l Boyo nano tank with filter...
  76. mafoo

    30L Fluval Ebi

    I thought I'd start a journal as it goes along. 30L fluval ebi. Substrate: 1 Bag stock fluval shrimp stratum, 1 bag Colombia Florabase Hardscape: Bogwood Plants: No idea. So far Bobilis Deformis, a little fissidens fontamus and some mini pelia on the bogwood. Rough Hardscape...
  77. tim

    Blue jelly island :-) journal finished

    Hi folks, I've been missing my nano of late ( mostly the low cost of rescaping when you've had enough :-) ) so it's back out of storage. The specs 12 ltr clear seal tank 11w clip on light 150 ltr an hour mini external filter with acrylic in/ outflow pipes Unipac Senegal sand Dragon stone and...
  78. The Doctor's Companion

    Bowl of Shrimp

    Journal for my little zen-jungle aka my bowl of shrimp. For all of you who geek out about high-tech tanks this will be completely boring as my tank contains absolutely no addition of technology (yet). (If you'd be so kind to ignore the reflection in the glass, as obviously I am no...
  79. LondonDragon

    Interesting concept by Oliver Knott

    At Hannover 2013 nano competition! Enjoy! :)
  80. Ady34

    Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

    Hello, after my first planted scape and the introduction to the enjoyable antics of shrimp, ive decided to dedicate a tank to them. Looking at various nano set ups i stumbled upon this Aqua One set up, which at 40 x 40 x 40cm, 55l is a little larger than some, but hopefully that should offer...
  81. Stu Worrall

    Stu's ADA Mini M nano - Seiryu scape

    Hi All. Long time no scape! As the wedding season has now tailed off I decided to re-do my nano with some seiryu Ive had for a few years but never used. Specs Tank: ADA Cube Garden Mini M - 36x22x26cm / 5mm optiwhite glass Hardscape: Seiryu Stone Co2: Pressurised via Do!Aqua Music Glass -...