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  1. VarunA

    ADA 60F : The valley iwagumi

    Hi everyone, As before, here is a journal that is pretty late (scape has been setup since November 2022). The tank has gone though a lot of changes since the start. As always, it isn't as easy as you would imagine it to be. You would see that my early vision was to have a nice clean layer of...
  2. finniche

    60P Variations

    Introduction: This journal is about creating different scape concepts in 60x45x36 cm ADA60P tank. After getting into the aquascaping side of this versatile hobby I have watched and sort of analysed hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures(and videos) of aquascapes. More than a few have stuck in...
  3. monzajim

    Another Noob

    Critique my hardscape Before I start big thanks to Dave @ AG first time I have used them ordered yesterday arrived today excellent service First attempt at a Iwagumi well 3 hours worth (too late to break rock for fore ground detailing 😁) Would appreciate thoughts on my first attempt Blue fin...
  4. Shoshi Scaping

    Iwagumi Journal for an EPQ

    14/03/2021 Hi everyone, I have decided to start this journal in order to document the process of my new iwagumi aquascape. This journal will also tie into a school project that I’m doing called an EPQ. An EPQ is worth 50% of an A-Level and is essentially an essay or artefact on any topic you’d...
  5. Shoshi Scaping

    Critique my hardscape New Iwagumi Hardscape

    Hey everyone! I'm new here so hope I'm doing this right haha... I'd love it if I could get some feedback on my first ever iwagumi hardscape! This is 36cm tank so pretty small and will have the Chihiros WRGB light hanging above it. I hope to plant a Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba' carpet with...
  6. Whitebeard

    Crystal Iwagumi - The Story of an Inspired Scape

    Hi All, Big Fan and a Heartfelt Thank You! I am a great fan of UKAPS and have been following the interesting trials, tribulations and conversations as a mute spectator for a long time. I would like to start with a sincere “Thank You” to all the members of this forum, who have helped planted...
  7. ricardodarmali

    Critique my aquascape My First Iwagumi Scape

    Hi Everyone, I have stumbled across this wonderful forum and have done my 'study' in several threads regarding Iwagumi layout, and here is my first attempt to do Iwagumi layout, any feedback, critique are most welcome. Stats: Tank: ADA 60p Substrate: Neo Soil Compact normal 8L + Neo Media...
  8. A

    Thinking inside the box

    Hi everyone, I just got back into aquascaping! The last time I had a planted tank George Farmer had a juwel rio, so it’s been a while. I thought I’d delve back in by setting up a 60P Iwagumi with a very minimal planting palette. Would highly appreciate any and all advice on my latest hard...
  9. Kalum

    Nano Jungle - Flexi Mini - fully planted

    So sticking with my film themed journals I bought this tank a few days ago for a bit of fun. It will be a caridina shrimp tank and I'm facing my nemesis by trying a carpet scape again after failing 3 times previously Won't be anything fancy and still deciding on background plants (if any) so...
  10. W

    Elatine hydropiper problem

    Hi guys! So I posted this thread and I made a basic mistake. I wrote that I had a problem with Glossostigma elatinoides when in reality I have Elatine hydropiper. Sorry about that. So.... I have a nano iwagumi with only 1 plant ( Elatine hydropiper) and 1 moss (Riccia). I started 5 months ago...
  11. C

    CmLaracy's 90P ADA

    **COLOR CORRECTED PHOTOS IN UPDATES** Hello! It's been a while (~10 years) since I've done one of these, upgraded from a 75P (all my previous journals using that tank are are on the plantedtank.net which is where I used to post) and a hand made cabinet, to a 90P and an ADA cabinet, because I'm...
  12. Bopowarls

    Hi! - Complete Noob

    Hi Everyone, Complete noob here. Basically a couple of week ago I decided I wanted a fish tank. I assumed i'd just get a tank, fill it with water and add some sunken pirate ships and done. Little did I know... I knew nothing at all about proper aquascaping and the 'science' behind it. After...
  13. Ray_Norwich

    Iwagumi style wabi-kusa

    A little wabi-kusa experiment, mostly mosses from my garden with rotalia rotundafolia growing in behind and random terrestrial plants sprouting from the moss.
  14. E

    amano shrimp eating hairgrass

    hello, i added a few amano shrimp to my aquarium a few days ago, and i noticed that some of them have been nibbling the tips of my eleocharis hairgrass , which is strange as i didn't think they eat plants , could it be that there just hungry as i have not fed them anything yet, and the aquarium...
  15. I

    Superfish Home 25 First aquascape (Looking for advice)

    Hi all, I'm in the process of cleaning down my Superfish Home 25 aquarium and have some dragon stone soaking downstairs. I also have some JBL Volcano Rock and ADA Aquasoil Amazonia powder type on it's way to use as the substrate, with a co2 kit and Aquael PAT Mini filter. The plan is for this...
  16. enviroman

    Dennerle 30 litre nano

    Here is my initial hardscape for my nano dennerle tank. I’ve spent ages balancing the rocks, gluing them where necessary and filling in all the gaps to stop the soil getting through to the sand. Have temporarily filled it with water to see if any sloping soil rolls down/filters through gaps ...
  17. Robertus van Tilburg

    New Scape Dragon stones.

    Made a new Scape. Starting the hardscape: Included the details: Ready: Will return after a few weeks growth.
  18. MrDecisive

    Rock Slump :(

    Here is my first attempt at aquascaping. The mounds of gravel were a bit higher than they are in the picture before I started but as the water was added (through the filter housing) the gravel started to slump under the weight of the rock. I'm happy with the way it looks but I wondered how other...
  19. Richard Swales

    The Iwagumi Journal

    Hi There I am undergoing a new project to create an Iwagumi style Aqua Scape aquarium. This series of posts will journal my project week to week as a progress to keep you and indeed myself in the loop! I want to use this build my skills in aquascaping by being able to reflect and critique...
  20. Richard Swales

    Iwagumi Layout

    Hi, Picked up some rocks for my Sanzon Iwagumi today, pretty happy with them, but can't decide on a placement layout. I liked this one (see pic) but something just isn't quite right, can any body spot something that might help me? Perhaps I need more rocks to go with these three, possibly...
  21. Richard Swales

    A Fresh (water) Start!

    Hi Everyone! I am Richard a 23 year old tropical fish keeper from up north (West Yorkshire) and I have kept fish for around 3 years now. I started out with two fancy goldfish and quickly turned my attention to tropical and planted tanks, and I now run a 72 litre planted tank with the hopes of...
  22. Nigel95

    Iwagumi - 25L

    My first tank but way to small so I bought a bigger one. Maybe you like to see my first attempt ;). Have a look at my Youtube channel :) >> www.youtube.com/nigelaquascaping << If a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, What Is a Video Worth? Specs Tank Superfish home 25: 25 litre / 6,6 gallon...
  23. Nigel95

    Nigel's Iwagumi 128L

    Hello welcome to my Iwagumi minimalist journal! Started with the hobby around march 2017 and I really like it so far. This is my second tank, my first tank was a 25L but it was way to small IMO. Specs Tank 80x40x40 cm / 31,49x15,75x15,75" opticwhite 8mm 34 gallon / 128 litre Lighting...
  24. E

    help needed mont carlo deficiency?

    hello everyone, as the title suggests I'm not sure whats wrong with my mont carlo, its been carpeting well however i have noticed some deficiency or something wrong. some leaves don't appear healthy. leaves seem to be almost transparent around the outside or darker and lighter in the middle ...
  25. J

    16l Iwagumi-Dry Start

    Tank: 16l Clearseal Lighting: TMC Mini LED 400 Filter: Fluval Edge HOB Heater: None CO2: JBL ProFlora u500 Hardscape: Dragon Stone Plants: Micranthemum micranthemoides, Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' and Fissidens fontanus. I put this tank together last year with items I had boxed away...
  26. O

    Iwagumi Nano 30 x 21 x 26cm

    Hi All, After browsing on the forum for the past couple of years I decided to take the plunge and set up an account, and thought what better way to start than to create a journal for a new scape! The aim is to try and create a steep mountain creek inspired by recent travelling, thus I thought...
  27. Loefgreenscape

    New site www.theiwagumi.com

    Hi, Just want to share this site with you: www.theiwagumi.com I hope it will become a site with many useful information about the iwagumi style. What do you think about it? And are there something missing?
  28. C

    How much Eleocharis sp. 'Mini to buy?

    Does anybody have any idea how many pots of Tropica 1-2 Grow Eleocharis sp. 'mini I'd need to buy to ground cover my whole tank? Tank is 60cm x 45cm
  29. Richard Dowling

    Jade Mountain - 60x45x30

    Hi All, Here is my new scape which has been going a month now. Im having problems with green spot algae on the rocks. Im thinking of going back to EI salts and making sure phosphate is in there. The current method (whilst being nice and lazy) doesnt seem to be doing the problem much good...
  30. Sub1117

    Sub's 5.4g Mini-M-ish Ohko Iwagumi

    Hey all, this is my first post/journal on this forum, although I frequent this site quite a lot. My old aquascape sprung a leak a few weeks ago, which ultimately prompted me to buy a new tank. I've always wanted an ADA nano tank, but the price never agreed with me. So, shopping around my lfs, I...
  31. J

    Jagz`s Iwagumi

    So then, i think i should do a journal for this scape so this is the start of it, Ok so i have had a 24x15x15 optiwhite rimless braceless tank for a while now and have only had one scape in it and this is it But i have always wanted to do a iwagumi so guess what, last week i sold all plants...
  32. Robertus van Tilburg

    Mountain view

    Mountain view. Iwagumi 60 cm. At 1 week: More to follow.
  33. S

    Saurek`s 90p iwagumi

    Greetings fellow scapers. It`s been a while since my last journal. It was 125g tank which is empty for about two years now - I have to get a new room - so forced to abandon it. And decided to shift into the smaller dimensions - main reason was the size of the stones - you have to get really big...
  34. DivZero

    Daniel's first Iwagumi - 64L Eheim Scubacube

    Hello all, I'm Daniel, 27 and from The Netherlands. This is my first post as I'm new to the forum but I have been lurking and reading up for the last couple of weeks. About 5 years ago I've had 4 planted nano aquaria of about 25 liters which ran for two years. I then moved and unfortunately had...
  35. Chris Jackson

    Island Shore - 60 x 30 x 45 Rock, grass and hopefully class!

    Hello! So a new project commences... Having run a v large 120x60x60 tank for the last 9 years I've decided to downsize to something smaller and easier to manage tightly. For this fresh start I wanted only v high quality equipment that will integrate beautifully into our home. I spent ages...
  36. Robertus van Tilburg

    New Scape Robertus

    After my last scape "3 stones" i am now starting a new thread for my next scape. It is made with kei stones and spider wood. I wanted a v shape layout this time and also wanted to include white sand in front. I am at this moment in de hardscape stage and refining the layout. I will post...
  37. A

    My new Aquanano 40 Iwagumi Style Tank

    Hi I thought I would create this journal about my new aquarium. I have kept many planted tanks over the years and when I was working in an aquatic shop in the early 2000's we had the Amano books and I would look at every photo with awe and admiriation and I said one day I would give it a go...
  38. Sebastian Costin

    Iwagumi: Aquael Shrimp Set Aquascape

    Hi, In an attempt to create a cube iwagumi below you find the hardware: Tank: Aquael Shrimp Set 30 Lighting: Aquael Leddy Tube 6W/6500k Filtration: JBL E701 Greenline + 13mm Lilypipe Soil: ADA Amazonia Powder Decoration: ADA Seiryu Stone Fertilization: Tropica Plant Growth Specialised...
  39. michael woods

    Out with the old in with the new...ADA 60p

    As some of you may be aware, I posted a few threads on here when I was struggling with my first scape. It was an interpet fish box with an amalgamation of all sorts of remedies to try and get it something like some of the stunning scapes featured on here. I received some invaluable advice from...
  40. B

    Hardscape for 60cm tank

    I am planning to set up 60cm tank an iwagumi style.I would like to get some opinion on my hardscape. 1. 2. 3. 4. Any comment and critic would be appreciated Tank Size: 60x45x45 optiwhite Ligthing: LED DIY 50watt Filtration: Eheim 2217 Flora: HC cuba or Montecarlo
  41. Robertus van Tilburg


    My name is Robertus. I have been keeping aquariums for over 30 years now. Some of you might know me (Robertus-Reeftanks.nl) During that time I always had freshwater setups. Now I have become more active in the aquascaping direction. I will open a thread with my latest iwagumi setup called...
  42. Robertus van Tilburg

    "3 stones"

    In this thread, i will be posting some new info on my latest iwagumi aquascape called "3 stones" Because a picture says more than thousand words I start with that.
  43. James Butterworth

    7 stone iwagumi

    Hello,my first post on here but I have been lurking and learning from here for over a couple of years. This is my journal... Aquarium Clearseal tank 100l Lighting 2 x 39w HO t5's 1 x 6500k osram and 1 x grolux overhead luminaire Filter and flow all pond solutions 1000ef and hydor...
  44. S

    My iwagumi

    Hi guys Just introducing myself I'm Craig from gillingham Kent and below is my tank It is jewel vision 180 with a fluval led light And fluval 306 external filter Substrate is 18l Ada Amazonia soil and I have used aprox 6kg of slate from a local builders merchant Plants Hemianthus...
  45. Richard Dowling

    Banff Mountain Springs

    Hi All, Im Finally here! Ready start my first journal of what should be my first ever respectable effort at an Aquascape. I made my decision of which tank to buy after seeing Ed Gercog’s tank at Aquatics Live. I swiftly went with a TMC Signature 60x45x30. With Lighting I took Inspiration...
  46. steveno

    My own iwagumi scape

    Hello All, After being a avid follower of every bodies journals and learn so much, I thought it was high time I started a journal myself. I've had a few attempts at putting a scape together in the pass but none have really turned out very well and typically result in me tearing down and...
  47. Eboeagles

    Tropica Aquacube - Coastal Path

    This is something I've been wanting to do for quite a while now, but not had the stones to make the steps - I've tried all sorts with varying degrees of success, but have recently found some miniature dry stone thats meant to build model walls etc from (I'm sad I know)... I guess the idea of...
  48. George Farmer

    George's One-Pot Iwagumi Challenge

    Hi all, New journal time. :) Spec - Tank and Cabinet - TMC Signature Range Lighting - TMC GroBeam 1500 Ultima x 2 CO2 - 2Kg FE, Dennerle reg with solenoid, 1BPS with Fluval bubble counter, Up Aqua inline diffuser Filter - Fluval G3 Substrate - 15 litres TMC nutraSoil (black) Ferts -...
  49. Richard Dowling

    Rock Placement Help

    Hi All, After a grueling 7 months (for various reasons) I am finally in a position to start putting my new tank together. I had originally planned to go for a wood and rock Island layout, because I only have one 1000ND Grobeam Unit so I figured there wouldnt be enough light spread on a...
  50. Lexy

    Watcha' from Dorset.

    Hey all, Like many other posts I've seen on here I've also been 'lurking' for some time. I've been in the hobby for two years and have two tanks. First one being an 'iwagumi' inspired axolotl tank. And the second of which being my new high tech planted iwagumi (upgraded from a ten gal to a...
  51. G

    Primordial - The beginning of the end.

    pri·mor·di·al(pr-môrd-l) adj. 1. Being or happening first in sequence of time; original. 2. Primary or fundamental: play a primordial role. 3. Biology Belonging to or characteristic of the earliest stage of development of an organism or a part: primordial cells. n. A basic principle. My first...
  52. terry82517

    1st iwagumi attempt....

    After a year playing with easy growing plants in a rio 180, the time has come for my first iwagumi tank... Asking a few questions and reading (a lot) in the forums taught me a lot and by the time I shut down that tank I had it full with healthy java fern, valis, swords and and big riccia carpet...
  53. pompeyfan

    Mount Manten, the Beginings...

    Greetings 'scapers A couple of photos of an Iwagumi style idea for my 100x50cm. Plants are likely to be Riccia stones and Glosso in the front. Hairgrass and a Blyxa tufts at the back, possibly some stems behind the main stones... Please excuse photography, background and tempoary use of...
  54. Vito

    New hardscape for new tank...

    Hey guys, took delivery of some stuff from TGM, and included was a box of Seiryu, I already had another box bought from a member here a few weeks ago and whilst im waiting for the tank to come from NA/FreshWaterShrimp I thought I would attempt to create a hardscape, at first I was a bit baffled...