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  1. sa80mark

    Will shrimp be compatible with these tank mates?

    I may be completely wrong but I think I read somewhere that kuhli loach and shrimp are a big no no ?
  2. sa80mark

    Juwel Rio 240l lighting

    Oh thats a bugger, you could try freshwater shrimp they to are a sponsor and have great reviews then theres the green machine there the only other 2 ive had experience with, failing that theres java plants and plants alive but ive got no experience with either A google search has thrown up...
  3. sa80mark

    90 cm fresh start. Thread finished.

    What a change, looks great, what is the rock youve used ? And whats the plant front right hand side of the picture ? Blyxa ? Mark
  4. sa80mark

    Juwel Rio 240l lighting

    Im a bit bias but have a look at aqua essential (one of our sponsor) they are quite simply superb, great price and service is second to none
  5. sa80mark

    Juwel Rio 240l lighting

    2 x 54w with reflectors is more than enough light it may even turn out to be to much, one thing ive learnt from this forum is that lighting is not the key to a successful tank, pretty much all plants will grow in a lot less light than we think by far the most important things are ferts and co2...
  6. sa80mark

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    I cant believe the size of that wood, judging by you other tanks this is going to be pretty special, your a brave man taking on a tank that size im nervous about upgrading to an 80l, most importantly though come on let us all into the secret.... how do you get around your misses ? If mine...
  7. sa80mark

    Common problem with DIY FE?. Danger to fish and cylinder?

    As far as I know there a no dual stage regs made for aquatics the only way is to buy a welding dual stage reg and the fittings required such as needle valve etc as a rough idea you would be looking somewhere between £125 -£175 for a good reg modified for aquatics
  8. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    Theres a few journals ive come across with diy cabinets its just a case of finding them, try the seach feature also theres a few in the diy section, For your tank a standard 18mm mdf carcass will be more than enough :)
  9. sa80mark

    Plumbing Query re RO Housing

    Yes thats how I did mine although I did install an isolation tap between this and the ro filter mostly for ease incase I wanted to remove it for any reason, flow rate is entirely dependent on your water pressure, if pressure is low you may need to install a booster pump between the fitting and...
  10. sa80mark

    Any runners out there?

    I used to do a lot back in my army days but not much now due to my back, now I mostly do a lot of cycling, keeps me trim but much less impact :)
  11. sa80mark

    Common problem with DIY FE?. Danger to fish and cylinder?

    This is known as end of tank dump theres 2 ways to solve this fisrt is to weight your new fe with regulator on and keep weighing it every few weeks / month once the fe weight has dropped 1.5kg buy a new one and replace it, the second option is to buy a dual stage regulator this will also pretty...
  12. sa80mark

    Plumbing Query re RO Housing

    This is what I used for mine when I had it under the sink Water Supply Fittings : John Guest Acetal Angle Stop Valve 3/8 inch Water Supply Fittings : Waste Clamp
  13. sa80mark


    I think the only punp thats going to have that amount of grunt is going to be a central heating pump, foxfish might be the man for this question, hes clued up on them :)
  14. sa80mark

    LED penetration

    Im only just starting to read up on leds but I think im right to say that the depth they can get down to is dependent on the lenses used, for instance a 40 degree lense will punch more light further down than a 120 degree lense
  15. sa80mark

    The Grassy knol

    Looks great makes them greens really pop :)
  16. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    Yes mate there the ones :)
  17. sa80mark

    Flame moss - Tropica 1-2 grow

    Im pretty sure the pots I saw were the weeping moss and they were green as you would expect, id be surprised if that pot youve got is "normal"
  18. sa80mark

    Flame moss - Tropica 1-2 grow

    That certainly doesn't look like the pots ive seen
  19. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

    A few more pics :) sorry about the quality, taken during water change and perhaps more importantly im terrible with a camera :(
  20. sa80mark

    Hydor Koralia UK- where to get replacement parts??.

    Charterhouse aquatics is the only one I know of
  21. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    Just to second what ali said the co2 art solinoids although cheap are exceptionally good i bought one as a quick cheap fix and was so happy with it bought another as a spare, :)
  22. sa80mark

    Supernova - from eBay to NA

    Regulator porn :)
  23. sa80mark

    Out of Africana - shrimp nano

    Looking good I like the idea of the scape, almost a rocky outcrop thats caught drifting wood, Let me know how those acrylic pipes work out im looking at some on ebay for the same price so im guessing the same ones :)
  24. sa80mark

    Heater / Heater-stat / Temp Controller...

    There pretty useless tbh not accurate at all, my advice would be spend a little extra and go for one of these, AQUARIUM TC-10 DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER, HEATER + COOLER, FISH TANK MARINE | eBay UK Local--Digital Auto Aquarium Temperature Controller Heater & Cooler ATC-800+ | eBay
  25. sa80mark

    Acrylic Spraybar/Intake

    Yes you might be right there
  26. sa80mark

    Acrylic Spraybar/Intake

    How about seeing if you can some with an internal of 20mm and push your hose inside the acrylic ? Ive done this all be it on a 9mm pipe
  27. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

    Small update, everything growing really well no issues upto now and ive ordered some more plants, ive got Bacopa australis to go in the rear right corner and ive got some Chladoflora that im going to use in between the rocks Pics to follow :)
  28. sa80mark

    Tropica 1-2 Grow

    Ive just got my first 2 pots of 1-2 grow 8 days ago Ammania sp. 'bonsai and Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' Im not sure whats so different about them apart from whats already been said but as for how they grow well all I can say is bloody superb, when I first planted them they looked shrivelled...
  29. sa80mark

    Aqua-medic Regulator turning up the pressure

    You cant adjust it, its fixed pressure 1.5 bar
  30. sa80mark

    1300 litre chocolate lake

    Wow what a find :)
  31. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

    It can be a nightmare to find a bowl you want I looked everywhere before I found this one, it was expensive but worth it for the size, The light is 4watt according to the box but its really bright, hurts your eyes pretty quickly, ive got it on for 12 hours at the moment and it seems to be...
  32. sa80mark

    Tropica 1-2 grow planting?

    You can do either, splitting them makes them go much further though :)
  33. sa80mark

    Stainless Mesh Shrimp Filters

    Halfords do it in little packs about £1.20 or b and q, electrical shops etc :)
  34. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

    Thanks Ian :) Thanks Tim, it was a led desk lamp that I got from aldi for £4 I took the light bar of the top and mounted it to the stand I made there 8000k white leds, I wasnt sure if it would work but for the money I couldnt not try it :) heres a couple of pics of it, not great but I hope you...
  35. sa80mark

    My 260 l second attempt

    Lol they do all have a water fascination god knows why its great to see there little faces though :)
  36. sa80mark

    New plans, finally got me opti. 80x40x40

    Nice build or in the words of my idol keith lemon, Bang tidy :) You know whats coming next though dont you.... coffee table :)
  37. sa80mark

    New plans, finally got me opti. 80x40x40

    Come on kirk dont keep us in suspense WE NEED PICTURES ;)
  38. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

    Definitely worth a go :) looking forward to seeing what you come up with next :)
  39. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

    Yes this is tropica 1-2 grow I used half a pot in this and the other half in my dennerle cube I also used tropica 1-2 grow Ammania sp. 'Bonsai' which I wish I had used some in the wabi. The tropica 1-2 grow is absolutely superb you get quite a lot in a pot and its growing brilliantly and I think...
  40. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

    Thank you :) its a loose copy of one ive seen on Google images they used glosso and a red ludwigia, upto now its doing really well early days but im a lot more hopeful than I was :)
  41. sa80mark

    Stainless Mesh Shrimp Filters

    That good old auction site that begins with an E stainless steel mesh is what to search for try to find t316 stainless rarther than the 304 grade although both wont rest the 316 seems to last much better, and yes heat shrink is what most use the only thing to be careful of is make sure your heat...
  42. sa80mark

    My 260 l second attempt

    Looks great mate, once that Fissidens grows in your onto a winner, little bob looked like he had fun, my 4 year old daughter love helping with the water changes fingers crossed she will soon be wanting her own tank :)
  43. sa80mark

    Just how much C02 do you use!

    My 30l cube is running 5- 6 bps and im using 2kg every 12 weeks if I had less surface movement im sure I could lower bps and maybe double the 12 weeks but I would rarther use more gas and know everything is happy
  44. sa80mark

    Red Ryuboku

    nice, I can imagine spending hours sat in that chair looking into the tank, it will come to life brilliantly once you stock it, any ideas yet as to fish/ shrimp Mark
  45. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

    Ive got no idea to be honest I bought it about 6 years ago when I was breeding fish, I bought it from a lfs in crewe it came in unlabelled bags, grain size is 1- 3 mm if your wanting some ive got approx 2 kg left Mark
  46. sa80mark

    ADA 60fs Last Chance

    On your budget my preference would be an up aqua from aqua essential this to my knowledge is the only adjustable pressure rwgulator in the price range
  47. sa80mark

    IAPLC top 27

    Nice find :)
  48. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

  49. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

    A couple of pictures during water change :) and I have to say my new favourite plant is tropica 1- 2 grow Ammania sp. 'bonsai' im not sure if im just having a bit of luck but this thing is growing absolutely brilliantly and looks great to :) and riccia is doing well to
  50. sa80mark

    Journal Starting point Wabi-Kusa

    Well thays encouraging to hear as ive just put xmas moss and some Fissidens in mine so fingers crossed :) I can reall see the fascination with wabi's I can see myself collecting a few more :)
  51. sa80mark

    fluval impeller

    It all depends how old the filter is, how much its been used etc, but in short yes it can make a noticeable difference hth Mark
  52. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

    Thanks guys, means alot, this was a bit of a rush setup as I was getting frustrated sat watching an empty tank while waiting for my upgrade, so I decided to throw this together and I have to say im really happy with it, I just hope it grows as ive got pictured in my head :)
  53. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

    Thats got to be worth a try :)
  54. sa80mark

    soon to be wabi kusa

    After far to long ive finally managed to get this planted :) Ive just this second finished it hench the water on the glass Plants are xmas moss, Fissidens, Alternanthera reineckii mini and Hemianthus callitrichoides Ive got no idea at all if this is going to work but its all good fun and...
  55. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

    A few pics at last everything is doing well so far apart from the anubias which was bad before it went in so it may have to be removed as I dont think iys going to pick up
  56. sa80mark

    Brandis Edge (Flamingo)

    Nice :) very different from your last scape, stunning root aswell
  57. sa80mark

    Aquarium Liquid Glass nano coating from Germany

    As above, if not try asda or poundland etc for a few of those cheap picture frames with the metal clips there normally £ 1 for 2
  58. sa80mark

    Giving up, please help me with pricing before I list it all!

    I agree the lido is not a good seller they seem to go very cheap with you other items the best way to get an id3a of prices is to look on ebay hth Mark
  59. sa80mark

    Journal Starting point Wabi-Kusa

    2 more stunners, have you had any success with aquatic Mosses ?
  60. sa80mark


    Welcome aboard :) look forward to your input, I purchased some bits and pieces from you recently and was extremely impressed with quality and delivery so its great to see you on here :) Mark
  61. sa80mark

    CO2 regulator dead

    If the solinoid is going on and off and allowing co2 through you can 99% rule that out as the problem in nearly all solinoid failures they completely stop working, again you can almost certainly rule out the regulator again for the same reasons so personally id check the needle valve but I...
  62. sa80mark

    CO2 regulator dead

    Is it the solinoid thats died or the regulator ?
  63. sa80mark

    30L Low tech Cherry Shrimp Tank

    It does look good im very impressed with how it looks, I always presumed cat litter would be white or pink or something daft I really didnt expert it to look so multi coloured and I suppose natural, I would definitely consider it for a future tank
  64. sa80mark

    30L Low tech Cherry Shrimp Tank

    Is that really cat litter ? I dont think ive ever seen cat litter but that stuff looks great more like a gravel, very interesting stuff What brand is it ?
  65. sa80mark

    Roots and Lava

    I love this tank to me it looks like youve dropped a class cube into a river a caught a piece of the bank, I can only imagine that looking at it in real life shows so many more details that picture just cant show, your shrimp must be in heaven with all the little nooks and crannies How are you...
  66. sa80mark

    dennerle 30l new scape

    Little update: its planted :) not overly happy with how it looks but fingers crossed once I get more growth it might start to resemble what ive got pictured in my head :) Plants are: Hemianthus callitrichoides 'cuba' Pogostemon helferi Lilaeopsis novea-zealandiae Eleocharis acicularis Anubias...
  67. sa80mark

    Journal Starting point Wabi-Kusa

    Yes ive already got a thread on here somewhere, I was meant to build it ages ago but work took over and it kept getting put back :( heres a link showing where im upto soon to be wabi kusa | UK Aquatic Plant Society
  68. sa80mark

    Journal Starting point Wabi-Kusa

    Im going to be getting mine done either tomorrow or friday and I think I might have to pinch your hardscape layout :)
  69. sa80mark

    Journal Starting point Wabi-Kusa

    Really nice, very impressive wabi's I really like the one in your 3rd post
  70. sa80mark

    1st iwagumi attempt....

    Very nice terry its looking great, not sure whats going on with your drop checker though, has your bromothymol blue gone off ? I seem to remember a post on here somewhere about it going off and not working ?
  71. sa80mark

    Hard Water or RO, which is better?

    Ive been reading the same sort of thing but I havnt noticed that as a potential issues apart from a small algae outbreak on my last tank ive had good plant growth etc my co2 level at the minute is approx 5 bps but I have no livestock so am pumping it in my last tank ran very stable 2bps in 30l...
  72. sa80mark

    Hard Water or RO, which is better?

    Mines a hard water high tech tank well I believe its classed as hard water 19 - 20 dh around 450ppm the only problem ive had is the white deposit around the tank
  73. sa80mark

    Recommend a filter for 30litre low tech

    I remember right the aquaball are adjustable flow through the control tap on the top of the filter so my advice would be go for the bigger one it will offer you more flexibility :)
  74. sa80mark

    One for the lads...

    Lucky sod my misses wont even dose my tank when at work :(
  75. sa80mark

    what new phone????

    I had the I phone 5 and got rid of it, I hated it I replaced it with a Samsung galaxy note 2 and love it imo its the best phone on the market my miss upgraded hers last week to an s4 and I must say it a pretty impressive thing so for me anything in the Samsung range is the only way to go :)
  76. sa80mark

    Alpine Gardens

    Have you tried georges method ? Heres a video link It works a treat on my riccia Moss trimming, no mess - now with video | UK Aquatic Plant Society
  77. sa80mark

    Nice Looking Power Head?

    Depends on the size of your tank but for me there all ugly so if it were me I would go for one of those eheim surface skimmer that way you get the extra flow but you also get the added benefit of surface skimming
  78. sa80mark

    Humidity over moisture

    Theres a demijohn on ebay for £35 looks very similar in shape I wonder if the misses would notice me sneaking it into house :)
  79. sa80mark

    Humidity over moisture

    That is amazing but can it be real ? Surely it cant have been sealed for 40 years ? No trimming etc
  80. sa80mark

    what substrate

    I picked up a bag of fluval stratum, having never used soil substrates before I was a bit worried about how it would hold plants as it seems very light but its been superb now plants lifting at all even with my clumsy hands wafting them during water changes, although quite expensive I would...
  81. sa80mark

    Storing RO water

    I had the same problem when I first used it but it was a lfs that put me right they run off tons of it and kept it stored in 1000l containers then when a customer wanted it they just filled up 25l bottles it lasted them upto 3 months Im not sure on how long it lasts if mixed though when I was...
  82. sa80mark

    Storing RO water

    I used to store mine in sealed water containers (25l) and it was good for upto 2 months never kept it longer than that as it was used for top ups
  83. sa80mark


    A few months back I was searching for what woods can be used and did come across a shrimp tank that used holly, I think the general consensus is that most woods are ok but the must be 100% dry and dead, the only thing is some wood will degrade a lot faster than others but with this being a...
  84. sa80mark

    Cleaning ceramic diffuser plates

    Soak it in a 50/50 bleach water mix for 15mins :)
  85. sa80mark

    Puntius rhomboocellatus

    If your happy to mail order these have them listed Amwell Aquatics » Fish » Tropical » Tropical Fish List
  86. sa80mark

    Lubricate filter o-ring: WD40?

    I wouldn't risk wd40 myself, ive used vaseline for years although I found out on this forum that its not advised due to it degrading the rubber
  87. sa80mark

    "Green&Grey" (300l) - Last day video

    Wow pedro, ive been watching this tank for ages and have loved it but now youve got that red in its a different tank all together, simply superb Mark
  88. sa80mark

    Glossostigma Elatinoides - Die Off

    I read similar to but after reading many of ceg's post there is nothing more important than a clean tank, maybe I took this a bit to literally but I trimmed the dying bits of my hc and it grew like mad, maybe better to wait a bit until someone with more knowledge can answer for definite :)
  89. sa80mark

    Hi from South africa

    Welcome to the forum, some very nice setups there Mark
  90. sa80mark

    Glossostigma Elatinoides - Die Off

    Im still a newbie myself but I trim anything thats dying off, mainly to help prevent algae but also I believe that it helps the plants to use its energy for new growth instead of wasting it on dying leaves Hth Mark
  91. sa80mark

    A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

    Wow well done alastair, I tried to breed them years ago and had absolutely no joy what so ever, youve got one hell of an achievement there Mark
  92. sa80mark

    Long but narrow and shallow?

    Have you tried these ? There based in redruth Home | Aquamacs
  93. sa80mark

    Approx. cost of running a Nano

    Ive just put mine in a electric cost calculator and worked it on everything turn on 24 hours a day Light 11w Heater 25w Filter 20w Solinoid 12w At 12.7p kw and its 21p a day but in the real world its cheaper than that as the lights heater and solinoid arnt on for 24 hours a day
  94. sa80mark

    Replacement filter pipes

    Ive seen a tank on here somewhere with black hoses but I cant find it anywhere, I think but am not sure it was one of George farmers ?
  95. sa80mark

    Replacement filter pipes

    Ivr been searching for black pipe to and cant find any, the nearest ive found is the jbl hose which is a kind of see through black/ grey Mark
  96. sa80mark

    Long but narrow and shallow?

    That seems quite expensive im not sure what delivery would cost but for the same size tank in 8mm optiwhite from possidens palace is £121
  97. sa80mark

    life after dexter and breaking bad

    Cant beat a bit of ncis or strike back :)
  98. sa80mark

    ro units

    Imo no you dont need a di chamber its more of marine aquarium thing I think but dont know 100% but basically the di chamber comes into play if you have a high tds and want very low tds water again I think im right in saying as a rough example, an ro unit should remove around 95% of input so if...
  99. sa80mark

    20l nano cube. Grass and moss.

    Looking good ali, one of my favourite plants lilaeopsis brasiliensis great looking betta to :) Mark
  100. sa80mark

    ro units

    No problem roy check ebay or RO-MAN.COM Mark