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  1. E

    Show your house plants

    It's awesome to see all the different types people are growing – from lush greenery to funky cacti and everything in between.
  2. Zeus.

    Party tonight at my place, Clives back

    There is only one CO2 Guru at UKAPS after all !
  3. dw1305

    Hi from the north of Scotland

    Hi all, Hopefully, now you are in the right place. Have a look at our <"Articles / Tutorials"> for starters. cheers Darrel
  4. N

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    I was searching the internet for advice on aquarium lighting. It's a bonus to find such an informative website based in the UK :)
  5. dw1305

    Reflections on time as the first option

    Hi all, I'd agree with that, I think that we have quite a few threads where things haven't started well and it hasn't been easy to resurrect those tanks: <"I made a substrate from hell, i want to change it">. @ElleDee's thread is a <"perfect example"> that neglect doesn't have to be terminal...
  6. N

    Hi from the north of Scotland

    Hi everyone, I have just upgraded from a 45ltr tank to 125ltr and am looking forward to growing some healthy plants to compliment my tetras. I have had a similar size tank in the past and have grown some plants with varying degrees of success but have always found reliable advice hard to come...
  7. dw1305

    C02 and Fish health ?

    ...at both activity and gill colour. <"https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264203937_Effects_of_Increased_CO2_on_Fish_Gill_and_Plasma_Proteome">* <"I'm not a CO2 user">, but we think that there are definitely sub-lethal effects to CO2 exposure <"Are CO2 and ferts bad for fish health long...
  8. Zeus.

    Party tonight at my place, Clives back

    No problem, get to a landline and the 'Nebuchadnezzar II' will get you m8 :thumbup: its collecting me as well, so time for pre-party on board
  9. bazz

    Surface Scum Again…….

    Good to see you Clive!
  10. bazz

    Reflections on time as the first option

    To me, time and patience seems to be something a lot of modern society lacks in general, the consumer age we have created appears to me to be based around a desire for instant gratification. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking anyone (I'm just as responsible as the next man/woman) just observing...
  11. G H Nelson

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    The plant looks like Ozelot! https://www.aquasabi.com/Echinodorus-Ozelot-Green
  12. dw1305

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    Hi all, That one. Stalk will do, technically it is <"a scape">. cheers Darrel
  13. Hanuman

    Party tonight at my place, Clives back

    It would cost me 400 pounds to get there by tomorrow.

    Party tonight at my place, Clives back

    I knew the recent is EI still relevant? threads would draw him back 😃
  15. Zeus.

    Party tonight at my place, Clives back

    I would like to welcome Clive (@ceg4048 ) back online, so my place tonight in Zion, open bar for all May logical return to our ecosystems Zeus.
  16. bazz

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    It should produce roots by itself, just wait until you have three or four decent looking little plants and then snip them off the stalk (or whatever it's called) and plant, well that's all I used to do when I was an Amazon fanatic, there was no special process.

    Very basic (cheap) suspended light for low tech

    The Nicrew Plant light is controllable cheap and gives a good rendition


    Welcome to UKAPS ,please share your plant collection,always of interest🙂
  19. FrozenShivers

    ANAC 2024

    Looks ace!
  20. ceg4048

    Surface Scum Again…….

    Surface Scum Surface Film Cheers,
  21. N

    ANAC 2024

    Final version
  22. Scaperinc

    C02 and Fish health ?

    Could you elaborate on your method and does it have any effect on alge?
  23. Aqua360

    C02 and Fish health ?

    I run my co2 at a slow rate, for 12 hours per day, rather than high co2 for a shorter photoperiod, which seems to work well for me. I find it safer for fish and shrimp too, you could also consider adding something like a sochting oxydator to see if that helps also.
  24. Aqua360

    Big Mistake

  25. L

    Big Mistake

    Turning the lighting up to 11 is fun, but not without consequences!
  26. L

    Reflections on time as the first option

    I agree with @Little - give it time and don't rush (put far less eloquently than Little did!) . I like the 'seasoned tank time' video that @dw1305 links to. As a beginner I also found the help from ukaps members invaluable to make the necessary adjustments to dosing and lighting early on, so I...
  27. oreo57

    Very basic (cheap) suspended light for low tech

    Really need a bit more info like shelf height to water and tank dimensions.
  28. S

    Very basic (cheap) suspended light for low tech

    Good suggestion and that’s probably what I am going to do to be honest. Other than the bulb, I have everything else in the shed. I’m not familiar with what’s on the market as an aquarium light though so just wondered if anyone had an idea.
  29. castle

    Very basic (cheap) suspended light for low tech

    Wiring your own is fairly simple, and one of the e27 plant bulbs grow low light plants? You can then choose your own lampshade, and looks quite good imo
  30. S

    Reflections on time as the first option

    Many years ago I kept a reef tank. I spent A LOT on that tank. After my home flooded, I decided to close the tank down. For some time, the corals and my clown fish lived in a plastic tub with an airstone and a heater. The happiest I’ve ever seen those corals was when they lived in the bucket. I...
  31. S

    Very basic (cheap) suspended light for low tech

    Any suggestions on the title? I have a wee shrimp tank that is currently lit by a cheapo plant light I got off Amazon. I want to hang a light from a shelf above to free desk space. I can adjust intensity by height.
  32. D

    C02 and Fish health ?

    Hi, Had a planted tank for some years with a FE CO2 and all the plants are growing well along with some guppies/endlers, ottos and pygmy corys. Recently had to remove the CO2 supply while decorating for a couple of days and did notice how much more active the fish seemed to be ? Once the...
  33. L

    Lighting Inside Hood

    Excellent thanks for your help, It's a pity they aren't more controllable
  34. CooKieS

    Hakkai stones Iwagumi, Viv 45p

    Next step : i decided to give the scape some extra depth and contrast by adding sand over the soil, a mix of la plata and Dooa river sand. Cheers
  35. hypnogogia

    Lighting Inside Hood

    If you’re injecting CO2, I’d use two, otherwise one should be sufficient.
  36. L

    Lighting Inside Hood

    Going for a nature style scape, thinking of getting Classic Nature Style Collection for up to 48" Tank
  37. Scaperinc

    Otto help

    It died when I got home
  38. hypnogogia


    Hello, welcome. 👋
  39. hypnogogia

    Lighting Inside Hood

    Depends on your pants, and whether you’re going high tech and high light.
  40. hypnogogia

    any one using a drum filter as part of their set up?

    It might not be relevant to you, but he’s allowed to ask as it’s clearly of interest to @Gohn777.
  41. L

    Lighting Inside Hood

    Would I just need one of these or more? Ideally would like it to be dimmable etc.
  42. hypnogogia

    Lighting Inside Hood

    Twinster G line: https://www.aquariumgardens.co.uk/twinstar-g-line-waterproof-led-light-120g-6837-p.asp
  43. S

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    I appear to have a new plant growing from where the flowers were. 😍 Anyone know what I should do with it to get it to root?
  44. sparkyweasel


    Welcome! :)
  45. N

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    Yeah I've seen the issues with the inlet adaptor with oase, quite a few recently on this forum but touch wood.. I've never had that happen. I do have a spare one just in case though.
  46. Bradders

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    To be honest, I have had recurring issues from Oase with the filter inlet/outlets developing a fault, and you have to replace - leaking like mad until you do replace. (I always keep a spare inlet/outlet head now). I think the moral of the story is that they all have their pluses and minuses...
  47. J

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    At first I couldn't address this issue, I said to "I quit whenever I want..." Sweet lie. Now I have 10 glass tanks, one jar, 3 barrel ponds and another 3 buckets waiting to be glorified anytime...
  48. N

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/help-eheim-pro-4-broken-flow-adaptor.68236/ Have a look, this is when mine went and what a nightmare it was. Several people have messaged me after with the same fault. The noise and flow are unmatched from the Eheims... They do have a good customer service...
  49. Bradders

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    I see the colour definition, @RickyV !!
  50. Bradders

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    £80 to £100 is about the mark, depending on where you shop.
  51. B

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    Thanks for the comparison! It's a shame the eheim aren't as well built as you say because they do look a great filter and the flow is unmatched vs the oase. Definitely swaying away now slightly as the cost of them is crazy if they're not built for the job!
  52. B

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    I'm gonna look into this too see how much a 850 head will be! Certainly makes more sense rather than buying a complete new filter at an eye watering prices for the 5e 600t 😷 all for the sake of extra flow around the tank!
  53. L

    Lighting Inside Hood

    Hi looking at lighting options for a Seabray Elite 48" x 18" x 24" for looks the hood has to stay on so I am looking at either the Plant 3.0 - 59W or the AI Blade 39" any other suggestions for what would be best in this situation? It's going to be heavily planted on one side of the aquarium with...
  54. Aqua sobriquet

    Big Mistake

    One or two of the LED’s on the light above my 37L Nano dropped out so I bought a new unit. My 60L Nano was looking a little dull so I installed the old unit from the 37L onto top of the 60L in addition to the one already on it. Big mistake, plant growth has always been a bit of problem on...
  55. RickyV

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    I've had the lights for a week now and they are incredible! I think I've found a spectrum that I like. Here is before and after. 6 Fluval plant 48 in 3.0 5 Netlea AT6 pros During the first and last 30 minutes I like to run the tank really dim. I will try to take a video of the tank soon...
  56. dw1305

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Hi all, That one really, <"grow the plants that want to grow">, rather than struggling with the "plants you want to grow". The type form <"mainly survives with me">, other than that I think the only one I have left is "Narrow" (from @Wookii ?). I think with <"harder water"> and <"some more...
  57. ElleDee

    Reflections on time as the first option

    I'm a big believer in consistency and that time works wonders, but the trick is that you have to have sound fundamentals or things are only going to get worse. It takes a lot of experience to know the difference. I know for some people it takes some amount of bravery to resist the urge to "fix"...
  58. N

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    I have an 850 on my 260l heavily stocked and fully planted tank.. it's high tech but managed for 3 years with just the one filter and additional power heads. Weekly 50% water changes and regular filter cleans kept it at bay l, but the tank definitely needed a clean weekly. I've added an eheim...
  59. L

    Reflections on time as the first option

    I believe the most sage advice given on UKAPS is to “give it time”. Plant growth, filter maturity, algae control, the list goes on. Many issues can remedy themselves if the aquarist resists panicking and making chaotic interventions. Putting trust in nature is sound advice as nature has so...
  60. martin-green

    any one using a drum filter as part of their set up?

    As I said previously, the question was asked back in 2021, so the topic is no longer relevant, if it were, more people would post about it, including your friend. No one is that interested in a drum filter, no matter what it costs. People are struggling to live, ponds are being ignored as we...
  61. bazz

    Nano Garden Experiment

    I'm not sure (in fact I've got no idea and I'm not a stem grower) but just a thought or two. Do you think it could possibly be die back from reducing the mineral content of your water (RO) by two and a half times. Is flow not a problem now the plants have filled in (not sure what your...
  62. Bradders

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    The positive thing about the 850 head (minus cost and cost of spares) is that 50% more power than the 600, and it has 25% more max head height, too. You are more likely to get more turnover in the same position of your filter (based on raw math) using the 850. The 850 also has a rather...
  63. Scaperinc

    Surface Scum Again…….

    Skimmer lilly pipe not an option?
  64. Aqua sobriquet

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    The 600 is rated at 1250L/H compared to the 850’s 1550L/H.
  65. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Yes indeed @castle - I'll get over it. Onwards and upwards!!
  66. castle

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    It took me a long time to realise a few things; growing plants is easy, providing they like your tap water/ lights, etc aquascpaes you see on here takes years of dedication, and or research, and sometimes 💰💰 you’ll need to spend a small fortune to find plants that work for you 💰💰 what works...
  67. Scaperinc

    Otto help

    50 cm ×35x35
  68. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Yeah - quite disappointing for a newbie like me to go shops and all they say are these plants are easy!
  69. castle

    Carnivorous plants

    No, they’re rockets, try and catch a few flies to put in them to help them on their way. Base should be moist but not soaking. They love humidity.
  70. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    That’s the one I had decided on! The tropica is one pump per week for a 10l tank so that should make my life easier, I don’t want to be faffing with pipettes and syringes for tiny measurements if I can help it. Thank you!
  71. Cazza


  72. Aqua360

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    I really recommend Tropica ferts over TNC. I originally used TNC then made the switch, noticed a really big difference in my plants.
  73. ScareCrow

    Carnivorous plants

    Hello all, Looking for a bit of help. Back in May I bought a bareroot Sarracenia purpurea. As I didn't have peat to pot it up I looked at several carnivorous plant societies recommendations and instead used coir mixed with sphagnum moss and a little grit (granite). I've placed the pot in a...
  74. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Thank you bazz! That looks nice and easy which is definitely what I was after!
  75. castle

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Also, Java fern is not an easy plant. It grows for me in some tanks, and withers to black in others.
  76. dw1305

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Hi all, It depends a little bit on the plant. Something like a floating plant shouldn't really, it hasn't changed in growing conditions. It is different for a plant that <"has been grown emersed"> and then submerged, it is likely to shed its leaves etc. @G H Nelson has written a tutorial for...
  77. dw1305

    Nano Garden Experiment

    Hi all, Apologies, I'm not sure at all. None of them are plants I've grown. cheers Darrel
  78. N

    Nano Garden Experiment

    Summoning @dw1305 and @erwin123 :D
  79. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Thanks @dw1305 and @castle - sorry, just was not clear on that. Also, is it normal that plants need to settle in for a while? i.e. turn a little brown at the edges etc?
  80. dw1305

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Hi all, What @castle says just snip off the brown bits for now. If it was drying damage? The rest of the leaf should stay green and carry on photosynthesising. If the whole leaf gets browner? Snip it off. cheers Darrel
  81. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    So, just to be clear, do I just take the whole leaf off, or just snip the dried out bits?
  82. dw1305

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Hi all, It looks like it might have <"dried out">. cheers Darrel
  83. K

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Latest update: Using 50% RODI 50 % Tap Water mix I did not have any major iron deficiency with both full iron chelate dosing (DTPA, EDDHA & Seachem iron & manganese) & minimal iron chelate dosing (DPTA only). I found to achieve this, coming from a 100% hard water mix to 50% RODI, you need to...
  84. Bradders

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    Yep, it does clutter up, the place a bit for sure!
  85. azawaza

    Otto help

    How wide is your tank?
  86. Scaperinc

    Otto help

    Does anyone know whats wrong with him?
  87. B

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    I prefer to have as little "tech" in the tank as possible, so I think a power head would be my absolute last option. The 2 oases did stop the dead spots around the the scape however the 2 pairs of lily pipes did annoy me slightly 🤦‍♂️🤣 This could be a viable option I hadnt thought of though...
  88. Wookii

    Where to buy in the North West.

    Always good to see a new aquascape shop opening - I assume its your venture (Matt Broadhurst?) - might be worth just clarifying ('we' not 'they') that fact so you don't fall foul of any forum advertising rules, or better yet speak to the mods about forum sponsorship? I hope you have great...
  89. FrozenShivers

    Where to buy in the North West.

    Looks like a cool little setup, wish I was closer but might try and swing by if I'm ever near the area.
  90. N

    Nano Garden Experiment

    Anyone? :)
  91. Vandal Gardener

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    Thought I'd sent a reply, thank you for your suggestions folks. Keep forgetting to check AliExpress but yeah please FS always enjoy nosing at other people's tanks/set ups.
  92. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Ones making a run for it, let's see if this one makes it or fails again.
  93. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    That's makes sense, Cheers
  94. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Just look at how chunky the Murder Beans are, they are feeding on snails etc. And the Halfbeaks are getting chunky aswell.
  95. seedoubleyou

    ANAC 2024

    1 or 3 are my personal preferences
  96. S

    ANAC 2024

    I love that slim wood on the top two. so nice. also i prefer the pebble look on the second one. But its a popular look i think. have a go at getting that pebble look with the lava stone? this is why i am growing impatient with YouTube. It has the habit of making this stuff look easy! Well done...
  97. Bradders

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    I am coming to the conclusion that @bazz and @castle are correct about the benefits of separating filtration from the flow. I don't think you need a high turnover for good filtration (instead good media and high surface area), but you do need to do something for a planted tank - and that is not...
  98. N

    ANAC 2024

    Got selected for ANAC (Aquaflora Nano Aquascape Contest). The final will be on Vivarium in The Netherlands. So here hardscape ideas I did. Would like to heard your opinions.
  99. Aqua sobriquet

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    Another option is to fit a Biomaster 850 head to your existing 600.