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  1. seedoubleyou

    Cracked glass...

    What’s the intended inhabitants mate, more frogs? If you went with something else, you might be able to avoid all the misting and therefore less water.
  2. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    It was only setup yesterday so I'm trying to get the required co2 levels by slowly upping the bps the defuser is at the opposite side of the tank where do you suggest for the best placement, again I've been using Google for the answers and what I'm learning is that there's a ton of conflicting...
  3. Aqua360

    Cracked glass...

    Not an aquarium, but a terrarium i got from gumtree, still in original packaging. Should have trusted my instincts on why it was a good price, but here we are. As you can see from the attached pic, I have two lovely cracks that extend through the front bottom panel (front to back), extending...
  4. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Sillily I removed the air stone last night and I have put it back in this morning, I'm currently running at approx 2bps and to get that I counted the amount of bubbles in a 10 second period with my son on the stop watch and then devided it by 10 for the bps
  5. Andy Pierce

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    The confusion arises because in a closed system not open to atmosphere KH does influence CO2. The closed system is where most of the chemistry discussions take place so this is a quite natural mistake to make. We however are nearly always dealing with an open system system where KH does not...
  6. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    And this
  7. L

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    It was often suggested that to optimize CO2 you should reduce aeration and surface agitation. Of course this would make it easier to reach higher CO2 concentrations. Nowadays the suggestion is the opposite. You need adequate flow throughout the tank to distribute CO2 and you need decent...
  8. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Is this the stuff ? And I don't mean to be a pain how do you dose it? Do you pre-disolve before adding it to the tank
  9. J

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Pause CO2 until you actually have more plants and plants that will benefit from it. Currently it is an unnecessary expense and thing to cause issues. Agree that inadequate ferts is the cause of your poor plant growth currently. Edit: notably, you currently are not dosing any nitrate. What's...
  10. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Thanks Darrell I appreciate your input I'll check them things you suggested out 👍🏻
  11. Superpuma1

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Great response Bradders. I’m starting to think it may be something as obvious as plant growth starting to obstruct the inlet portion ( not the skimmer section ) of the glass skimmer, for info the inlet section is fully open. I’m gonna trip the foliage and see how it goes…..
  12. dw1305

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Hi all, I'm guessing that is where your problems lie, you need a fertiliser that supplies all the nutrients required for plant growth. Have a look at <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination">. I think you will struggle with Riccia fluitans, it really...
  13. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    I had 1 dead fish now it could be coincidental I'm not sure, the reason I wanted to go down the co2 route is id like to be able to successfully have a more densely planted tank,I've recently added java moss and Riccia fluitan (because I'd like a carpet effect)and the guppy grass and I've tried...
  14. Bradders

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    I actually spat out my coffee laughing at that description.
  15. dw1305

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Hi all, Yes, that looks fine. I can see the caves, do you have L numbers? and are they the fish that died? You don't actually need CO2 with the plants you have. I can see your floaters and I'm a <"floating plant obsessive">, but one advantage of floating (or emergent) plants is that they...
  16. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    This is my 182l tank I run a fluval 407
  17. dw1305

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Hi all, That is the issue for me <"with a lot of filters"> too much complexity and too many gaskets. I'd never realised <"this was an issue"> until relatively recently. Looking back it was obviously naive, but I hadn't imagined that any-one <"would use the scaffold intake">(as supplied)...
  18. dw1305

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, and sorry for your losses. That is a real problem, there is "advice", often contradictory, coming in every direction. Hopefully we can give you better advice than Google. I'm not a CO2 user personally, but "yes" leave the air stone in and on. As you've found...
  19. mrhoyo

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    I've just done a HMF and it just looks like a black backround. Plenty of flow but nowhere for shrimp to get mangled.
  20. C

    Cheap pressurised CO2 system DIY guide

    Question I setup my first DIY co2 system the fzone 4l off Amazon I followed all the instructions and it was working I have it on a timer to go off in the evening and to come bk on 1.5hrs before my lights now after reading a few different things from Google please don't shoot me for listening to...
  21. dw1305

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    Hi all, We have a thread about where that assumption <"may have originated">. One issue is: So we don't really know that "30 ppm CO2" is actually 30 ppm CO2, as @Andy Pierce <"says"> above . Your limestone (CaCO3) rocks will <"dissolve more quickly"> when <"you add CO2">. You will have...
  22. dw1305

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Hi all, We just don't know what <"causes BBA"> (Audouinella spp.) outbreaks, or why the algae <"sometimes detaches"> for no apparent reason, although it may be linked to <"alternation of generations">. There are some microscope images here: <"What exactly causes BBA?"> Anecdotally the <"best...
  23. Mitchel

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    Great comments from everyone. A lot has already become clear to me. :clap: Still one more remark: Where does the comment come from, for example, that Seiryu stones release lime and thus influence the entire CO2 process? Lime is also a carbonate, right? and that you therefore have an increasing...
  24. dw1305

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    Hi all, If you use a black sponge you could hide it in a corner? Personally, for me, the powerhead & Koi sponge combination <"Shrimp safe filter for 35l tanks"> is always a winner - <"Flourish and Flourish Excel">. You get a lot of <"filtration and flow">, a <"sponge grazing surface"> and the...
  25. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    Ahhhh - got it. Should have checked that. Yes, good point indeed. I recant my last suggestion! :D
  26. Bradders

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    It is odd. Looking at what we know, your Oase is capable of being vert quite - from 2 days to 2 weeks. If it was constantly ingesting air (like a hairline crack, bad seal) then it would likely be a constant issue, not intermittent. So could this be environmental as the source of the issue...
  27. dw1305

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Poppies probably aren't ideal, a lot of them are poisonous and they are fairly flimsy seed pods. Mostly people use woody seed pods, like Alder (Alnus spp.) "cones" etc.. cheers Darrel
  28. Wookii

    All That Remains - Take II

    I'm a fan of K1 style plastic media too, but they won't work as well in a Tidal filter as its a bottom-up flow design, so the media would end up getting pushed over the weir if loose unless you add some sort of DIY grill. You could put it in a bag, but you risk a lot of bypass unless it's...
  29. dw1305

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    Hi all, Looks like it may be magnesium (Mg) deficiency, which causes <"interveinal chlorosis"> on older leaves. Has anything changed recently, like a <"different water supply"> or fertiliser regime? If it has? I'd go back to what you were doing before. Because these are mobile nutrients (any...
  30. Aqua sobriquet

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    I went for an Airstone in the end, well, Limewood diffuser would be more accurate. They don’t last that long but I make my own.
  31. V

    S. Repens suddenly turning yellow and holey

    I've had my S. Repens as a "carpet in progress" for about a year, and they've been grouwing veryy slowly but surely. About a week ago I noticed the lower leafs started turning yellow and holes appeared in them. I removed them, but the problem reappeared two days later, see pic below. Does ayone...
  32. The Miniaturist

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    How about two Aquael pat mini filters, one each end of the tank? They have an adjustable flow rate & flow direction. It's also pretty easy to change the filter sponge for a larger one or different coarseness with a little DIY!
  33. Superpuma1

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Nope, l ensure the level is constant, it’s just started up again! May have to ditch this surface skimmer approach, it wasn’t like this with a standard glass return.
  34. FrozenShivers

    The shallow of learning

    Used 3 pieces of horn wood, some seiryu stone. Plants are Eleocharis Pusilla, Eleocharis Parvula, Eleocharis Montevedensis, have chucked a couple small Anubias in also.
  35. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Hmm... I think I see two filter intakes, two jet pipes, a spray bar and what I assume to be two temperature probes? :woot:
  36. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Were the issues maybe due to changes in water level?
  37. Aqua sobriquet

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    Or this. https://www.allpondsolutions.co.uk/products/650lh-650-cif?currency=GBP&variant=45370049036573&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=f20b45b292d8&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwm_SzBhAsEiwAXE2Cv1FZWPQMw78Ih74U1TZP0G1IVUEwEsrrsu9jFei2hDtcaCskgy144hoCRygQAvD_BwE
  38. Aqua sobriquet

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    I had an Eheim internal filter once and that had a sponge behind the inlet screen so that should have been shrimp safe. You don’t get huge flow though from the internal filters I’ve seen. You might need two on a 90L? Edit: Maybe something like this?
  39. Hanuman

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    Only option I see then are HOBs or under gravel filters. Will this be a planted tank? If so I wouldn't go with an undergravel filter. Just my opinion.
  40. malik uddin

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    Thanks for the option, but its not a shrimp only tank and I wanted something with more flow. I don't have the space for a canister filter and I don't mind paying for a good option. I don't really want a sponge filter because as mentioned the look.
  41. Happi

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    where can I find this study for Under Water plant? Evidence should be taken from both sides, one with BBA and one without BBA while using the same method (in this case EI method) and so far the Evidence does suggest that there are Many/More EI users with BBA issues. I don't think we should...
  42. Aqua sobriquet

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    I’ve had a couple of surface skimmers over the years and none of them worked reliably. This was the first type I used many years ago. Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn’t but it never sucked in any air.
  43. Superpuma1

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Be interesting to hear your thoughts on the Eheim and / or Fluval Bradders…… I’ve ran JBL’s, Eheim, TetraTec and manufacturers of external filters l can no longer recall in the past, none have behaved like my Oase 600, if it weren’t for the prefilter and integral heater l would have gone back to...
  44. Happi

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Hi Andy, I believe some people have talked about this on this thread as well. to answer your question if there is any link between Iron and BBA ? the answer is Yes. Excess Iron and Phosphate react with each others and when such event occurs, they both are reduced. Iron, especially in form of...
  45. Bradders

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    I think sponge is a good idea - albeit they are a little ugly in the tank. But a lot of people use them with a pump and (with occasional light cleaning) get reasonable filtration from them. The other option might be under gravel filtration. It’s old-school - but they do work! I am assuming a...
  46. Bradders

    Party tonight at my place, Clives back

    Unless you like that sort of adventure of course!
  47. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    Just a suggestion, but instead of bioballs and ceramic rings, why not fill it up with K1 media? The surface area on the K1 is significantly more. I know you have a lot of plants and other filters anyway - but if you are going to fill it up with something try 3 litres of that.
  48. Onoma1

    Party tonight at my place, Clives back

    A red pill moment while sitting in my apartment in Kyrgyzstan experiencing an earthquake sipping wine sounds like the start of a superb story.... clearly one that needs to be told in full over a glass or two of wine!
  49. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    And I'm ordering the Nano this weekend for my desk. I didn't get on with the APS one very well. So going back to the tried and tested nano I've used in the past. Will catch some shrimp from the main tank and add to it once ready. I left the hatdscape from the badis tank in here. So that I...
  50. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    I've gone for a Tidal 110. Don't think k I've had one of seachem filters before. And I can mess about with planting up the compartment with creepers/climbers etc. Think I'll just fill it with bio balls and rings for surface area colonisation. Also for the heat we're 🔥 having atm have added a...
  51. Hanuman

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    Sponge filters. There isn't anything safer than that. You can either power it with an air pump or a water pump. Entirely up to you. As for which sponge filter specifically well, there are plenty of models out there but they all do the same. You just have to pick up any you fancy. Only...
  52. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    CO2 arrived today, ordered from acres aquatics as they had it for a great price, first time ordering from them and I’m very pleased with the service, I accidentally selected pick up in store and they called me to check and changed it to delivery with no fuss! The tank (from proshrimp) and some...
  53. malik uddin

    90l shrimp safe internal filter please.

    Hello folks. I am setting up a 90l 60cm tank and would love your suggestions on a internal filter that is shrimp safe. Cheers malik
  54. Hanuman

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    @Yamato check above post.
  55. A

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    I built this stainless system recently. It’s a Parker IR6000 regulator with Swagelok needle valve.
  56. bazz

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    MFS = Multiple Filter Syndrome!
  57. bazz

    Low tech shrimp nano tank. Which TNC fert?

    I personally would go with the Complete as I would imagine (without looking) that Lite does not contain any Nitrate or Phosphate which are two of the Macro elements most plants need to thrive. You could get away with using Lite while the Aquasoil is new but with a tank that size a bottle is...
  58. ceg4048

    Fert advice

    Hello, Nothing to do with nutrients and everything to do with the inability of the old leaves to source CO2 from the water column. Keeping the light intensity low during this transition will reduce the demand for CO2. Flow is not really an issue in a non-CO2 injected tank. Look...
  59. ceg4048

    C02 and Fish health ?

    Yes, CO2 is toxic as Hell. You can kill fish faster with CO2 than with "new tank" ammonia/nitrite syndrome. Having said that it's a certainty that if the hobbyist is dosing CO2 at a rate that negatively affects the fish but that does not turn the DC green it means that something else in the...
  60. ceg4048

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Sorry but there is zero relationship between Iron and BBA. EI dosed tanks have high Fe without necessarily incurring this penalty. In fact, studies have shown that Fe can be dosed up to approximately 13ppm before becoming toxic to plants. I myself, for the EI article dosed up to 3 ppm Fe with no...
  61. ceg4048

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    Hello, Anaerobic zones should be avoided where possible. The idea of a planted tank is to oxygenate both the water and sediment in order to improve the health of plants and fish. Oxygen promotes the rise of the good bacteria and supplements the availability to the fish. Plants send oxygen...
  62. ceg4048

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    Yes, this is not correct. As mentioned, CO2 saturation in water has nothing to do with carbonate concentration in the water. The effect that carbonate has in the water column in it's interaction with CO2 is purely that of change in pH. CO2 dissolves in high carbonate content water in exactly...
  63. ceg4048

    Party tonight at my place, Clives back

    Haha life gets in the way mate. Experienced an earthquake on the other side of the Kyrg mountains while sipping wine in my high rise appartment. I immediately thought to myself: "Self, this is not sustainable..." Talk about a red pill moment...:crazy: Cheers,
  64. ceg4048

    Surface Scum Again…….

    Cheers mate! (or maybe something like "Ура!"):wave:
  65. Andy Pierce

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    It doesn't actually work this way. In the steady-state situation (after all the moving pieces become stable and stop moving, for example 2 hours after you've been injecting CO2 gas) the amount of CO2 dissolved in the water (what we care about) is independent of the pH of the water and also...
  66. K

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Good idea. I already have to grease the pre filter seal otherwise it does not seal correctly. I will grease up the main seal and also the Heater seal to see if this makes a difference.
  67. Disaronno

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Here's a tip. If you've already checked all the typical seals (head gasket, hose adapter, priming pump), checked for any intake restrictions and it's still pulling in air, take apart the priming pump to lube the blue priming head. After lubing it, most of my air purging problems went away...
  68. Aqua sobriquet

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Me too. I’ve come to the conclusion that nearly all the external canister filters on the market have too many gimmicks. It’s not surprising we hear so many complaints of leaks and excess noise etc.
  69. Bradders

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    I'll let you count all the equipment (temporarily) in this aquarium. :D Just don't ask what the hell I am doing ....
  70. Maf 2500

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    The Biomaster has very many rubber seals due to the complex design. This makes many entry points for air if seals are not perfect and/or the flow at inlet is somewhat restricted (such as partially blocked pre-filter). A seal that is water tight might not be air-tight. Greasing all of the rubber...
  71. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    I am similar and have been swapping out a fair bit of kit, it can certainly be fun tinkering :). Of course, not a problem!
  72. Bradders

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Somewhat obsessive according to my wife! I do love mechanics and technology, and I like to fully understand something's capability. Hence the incessant tinkering! That is very, very kind of you. And may take you up on that! Thank you.
  73. Tanksy

    Journal Oase Scaperline 60 Reef Tank

    Just an update. Added 3 more Mollies and 2 Banded Trochus Snails. I also found 2 Molly babies in the bag and I raise them in an isolation box in the DT. I was quite surprised when I noticed them in the acclimation tub. Hardy little buggers! I also bought my first coral frags: Duncan Gold...
  74. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Biomasters seem to have some inconsistent QC or something, people saying their units were quiet and both of mines very noises, new plate improved the noise on mines as well as purging, others have the opposite effect…not sure what’s going on, I hope it somehow gets better pm your unit, might be...
  75. Bradders

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    BTW - I am going to (once I have time) extensively play around with my new 350 and see if I can work out what is going on. I am (rather sadly) also going to get hold of an EHEIM Pro 5 and a yet-to-be-decided flavour of Fluval and start putting them through their paces as well. I don't know...
  76. Bradders

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Yep, when I bought the Biomaster 350 a few weeks ago it had this new plate in it and the same symptoms. I am not convinced this is doing much good, but all the new units have them as standard. My 250's are air free - well, they are not making any sounds anyway.
  77. Maf 2500

    Fish getting behind the matten filter?

    This. It is not clear how many gaps there are and how big they are. If it is only one gap just large enough for a small fish to swim through then I would suspect a relatively high percentage of the flow is going through the gap. If there are several such gaps then the flow will almost excusively...
  78. K

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Mine seems to have made it worse 🫤 I’ve tried to refit it multiple times, but had enough for tonight now, so will see if it beds in. I left it for 30 mins, but soon as I nudged filter it purged loads off air, then I had to keep slanting it to remove more air. Will see if it improves 🤞
  79. Bradders

    Fish getting behind the matten filter?

    Fair enough. I just think in terms of filtration, gaps cause the path of least resistance, and water will do its best to go around rather than through. I would try and plug it for filtration and (and you say) fish though.

    Water Reports - Understanding what I get out of the tap

    Having used pressurised CO2 and had plenty of low energy non CO2 ,l will say you can have a successful aquarium without CO2, trick is to choose yor plants carefully,l like to have just two or three different species keep up with maintenance and water changes. I use soft water but if l didn't...
  81. castle

    AQUAH 2024

    Dates clash terribly for me, else I’d have made the effort for this 😩
  82. L

    Fish getting behind the matten filter?

    It isn't clear from this post, but looking at the FTS from her journal, the matten filter is very large, so the openings on the side are relatively small and probably won't affect much in terms of filtration. That said, I would also try to prevent any gaps and make it water tight for the sake...
  83. Bradders

    Fish getting behind the matten filter?

    Totally agree with this. In filtration terms, through - not around - is best.
  84. Ady34

    Garden standing around…

    Hi, no just a normal size, a bit chonky but not a giant. They do get giants in though, they had a couple in the last shipment 😀 No, just scape straight from the shop 🙌🏻
  85. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Down to x2 Filters now. Smashed my External earlier today, Was making a weird noise and no water coming out. So took it apart and serviced it. Snapped the impeller shaft and then dropped it so the housing cracked and the head went flying off and parts went everywhere. Only dropped it a few...
  86. Maf 2500

    Fish getting behind the matten filter?

    Also, wanted to add that depending on what method you are using to return water to the main body of the tank, any fish behind the mattenfilter might be at risk. If it is an air driven lift tube then it will be no worse than a fish equivalent of a rollercoaster ride, but a powerhead or other...
  87. S

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    Sorry, I don’t think I’m explaining myself well. Let’s say you have pure RO water and you add a known amount of KH to the water to reach a specific hardness. You record the pH. If you then inject CO2 into the water until a pH drop of 1 is achieved, the concentration of CO2 in the water will be...
  88. dw1305

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    Hi all, I think you are right, but it because of the log10 nature of the pH scale. This what @Jose said <"Question about pressurised CO2 and water disturbance"> and <"my reply"> cheers Darrel
  89. dw1305

    Water Reports - Understanding what I get out of the tap

    Hi all, I'm never going to be a CO2 user. cheers Darrel
  90. S

    Low tech shrimp nano tank. Which TNC fert?

    Hi Stock 34l fluval flex. No CO2 Aquasoil substrate. Currently 2 weeks old and cycling. Started with 2 pots Pearlweed that im replanting tops. Stock light on 9hrs a day I intend to have cherry shrimp and maybe a small 6-12 shoal of Ember Tetras. Which TNC fert should I go for? Complete or...
  91. Bradders

    Water Reports - Understanding what I get out of the tap

    Thanks, everyone! I suppose the final question is about C02. I seem to read everywhere that you will find it hard (especially as a plant newbie) to maintain healthy/growing plants without it. Some have said that trying to CO2 in the aquarium when aerating (surface agitation for 30 fish) is...
  92. Mitchel

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    this is what I ment; the buffering effect strange :crazy:. I Always assumed that with a pH drop of 1 point, to obtain (approx) 30 ppm CO2, the KH is not relevant.
  93. dw1305

    Water Reports - Understanding what I get out of the tap

    Hi all, Personally I wouldn't particularity try to match them, or worry too much about exact amounts. Agreed, it is <"if it ain't broke don't fix it"> argument for me. All the time you are happy with plant health and growth? I'd just carry on with APT1, at your normal dosing. If you aren't...
  94. dw1305

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    Hi all, You need @ian_m, @Jose, @hax47 or @Andy Pierce for a proper comment, but this should link in to a thread <"with an explanation"> - <"Quick question around co2">. If any-one really wants the inorganic chemistry? We have threads <"Gas-exchange experiments"> & <"CO2 concentration...
  95. K

    Plant deficiencies and the Fe Experiment

    I used to have very bad BBA, but that started before I dosed iron, and I found when I dosed iron heavily & increased ferts overall BBA started reducing. For me I found the biggest way to combat BBA was to reduce organic waste, by thouroughly cleaning the external filter, and multiple cleans of...
  96. S

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    This is incorrect (sort of). The ppm of dissolved CO2 and pH drop of water are not the same thing. CO2 will dissolve in the water, however the hardness of the water has a buffering affect on the pH meaning more CO2 is required to achieve the same pH drop than in softer water. The pH drop is...
  97. L

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    I see this being brought up occasionally. I'm not sure, but I assume that it is false that the hard water makes a difference in CO2 dissolution. Of course, I would love to be reassured on this matter by someone with a more solid understanding of the chemical process. On the other hand, it is...
  98. Mitchel

    Buffering carbonates when dosing CO2

    Thanks all for the responses so far. :thumbup: I have also read that when using hard water you need to add more CO2 to reach the desired pH (or ppm/ph drop). Is this not correct? :bookworm:
  99. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Great! I hope you see similar improvements that I did :)