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  1. Bradders

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    Yep, it does clutter up, the place a bit for sure!
  2. azawaza

    Otto help

    How wide is your tank?
  3. Scaperinc

    Otto help

    Does anyone know whats wrong with him?
  4. B

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    I prefer to have as little "tech" in the tank as possible, so I think a power head would be my absolute last option. The 2 oases did stop the dead spots around the the scape however the 2 pairs of lily pipes did annoy me slightly 🤦‍♂️🤣 This could be a viable option I hadnt thought of though...
  5. Wookii

    Where to buy in the North West.

    Always good to see a new aquascape shop opening - I assume its your venture (Matt Broadhurst?) - might be worth just clarifying ('we' not 'they') that fact so you don't fall foul of any forum advertising rules, or better yet speak to the mods about forum sponsorship? I hope you have great...
  6. FrozenShivers

    Where to buy in the North West.

    Looks like a cool little setup, wish I was closer but might try and swing by if I'm ever near the area.
  7. N

    Nano Garden Experiment

    Anyone? :)
  8. Vandal Gardener

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    Thought I'd sent a reply, thank you for your suggestions folks. Keep forgetting to check AliExpress but yeah please FS always enjoy nosing at other people's tanks/set ups.
  9. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Ones making a run for it, let's see if this one makes it or fails again.
  10. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    That's makes sense, Cheers
  11. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Just look at how chunky the Murder Beans are, they are feeding on snails etc. And the Halfbeaks are getting chunky aswell.
  12. seedoubleyou

    ANAC 2024

    1 or 3 are my personal preferences
  13. S

    ANAC 2024

    I love that slim wood on the top two. so nice. also i prefer the pebble look on the second one. But its a popular look i think. have a go at getting that pebble look with the lava stone? this is why i am growing impatient with YouTube. It has the habit of making this stuff look easy! Well done...
  14. Bradders

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    I am coming to the conclusion that @bazz and @castle are correct about the benefits of separating filtration from the flow. I don't think you need a high turnover for good filtration (instead good media and high surface area), but you do need to do something for a planted tank - and that is not...
  15. N

    ANAC 2024

    Got selected for ANAC (Aquaflora Nano Aquascape Contest). The final will be on Vivarium in The Netherlands. So here hardscape ideas I did. Would like to heard your opinions.
  16. Aqua sobriquet

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    Another option is to fit a Biomaster 850 head to your existing 600.
  17. L

    Seabray Elite Advice

    Thanks for that contacted the local firm and they're going to sort them out for me. On a tank this size would a reactor or separate filter be best for Co2?
  18. castle

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    I’d go for a power head too; it’s the cheapest way to test the theory that dead spots are causing algae 👍
  19. castle

    Aquatic plants of India

    @Dhairya please post more photos ❤️
  20. FrozenShivers

    Surface Scum Again…….

    The catch being that due to the way the attachments are configured, the intake part would have to be horizontal as opposed to vertical, this may be a non-issue but not the usual aesthetic at least. I'm at work at the moment but I can try and mess about with it when back home to test for you.
  21. FrozenShivers

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    Straight from Aliexpress, I have some of their tools also, for the money I've found them very good. I can take photo's of drop checker compared to normal sized one when I get home today!
  22. FrozenShivers


    That's a long way away, cool! Welcome :)
  23. Iain Sutherland


    Welcome Dhairya
  24. bajiaz

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    dennerle has the new carbo test precision in three different sizes Carbo Test Precision - Dennerle (EN) might be something that you could consider.
  25. Gohn777

    any one using a drum filter as part of their set up?

    I have a friend in England, he also uses a drum filter like me, now drum filters have become very affordable because the prices for them have dropped significantly. Look at the prices in Asia, they are very affordable.
  26. L

    Surface Scum Again…….

    Hey guys, Just curious, I know the neo skimmer goes on the outlet of the filter, but would it work similarly if placed on the intake pipe? I couldn't find a reason why it wouldn't work.
  27. bazz


    Welcome! :wave:
  28. D


    Hello everyone this is Dhairya Shirishkar here from Mumbai India a crazy plant collector and hobbyist
  29. D

    Aquatic plants of India

    I have also found crazy amount of indian native plants in wild ranging from bacopa myriophylloides to erios ratnagirium &few varieties of fissidens as well
  30. bazz

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    Have you considered just using a powerhead to supplement flow around your tank, you don't necessarily need masses of filtration in a planted tank. I use a AI Nero 3, it is capable of moving a large volume of water without creating a vortex and is programable for both time and power percentage...
  31. bazz

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    The humble JBL checker has a white background making for easy colour distinction, I personally wouldn't bother using their stickers, indicator solution and varying dKH method of calculation but I would imagine you already have 4dKH solution left over from your 'tear drop' checker. JBL CO2-pH...
  32. D

    Artificial oyster rocks can replace reef rocks used for biological filtration in marine aquariums

    Hello, could you send me the entire pdf of the article? email Henry.denstone@gmail.com
  33. bazz

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    For such a small tank you might as well use a commercial brand TNC Complete 250ml, I think this is what quite a few people use or you can go down the Tropica route Tropica Specialised Nutrition Fertiliser 125ml or any complete all in one, the choice is yours.
  34. B

    Biomaster vs ehiem pro 5

    I currently have a biomaster thermo 600 but the flow is lacking somewhat. I've done the usual pre filter mod and clean thoroughly often but I've has to add a biomaster 250 onto my 90p as was getting quite a few dead spots leading to algae. I'm planning on rescaping in the near future but was...
  35. J

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hello hello. I'm still waiting for the supplies that I ordered from China to arrive, then I will fix the UGF, at least I think so... Meanwhile, I have decided to remove my favourite plant from the escape. The Limnophila sessiflora was growing like crazy, I was trimming it every five days. As...
  36. Laoshan

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    Aquasabi do sell these narrow hang-on drop checkers, that hang on the edge of the tank, with the indicator out of the water. That might be solution for the bycatch and the colour problem?
  37. Vandal Gardener

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    Hey Cazza-It felt wrong liking your post but wanted to acknowledge and say I feel your pain. It's a pish thing to happen. FrozenShivers - been trying to find Viv Aqua but being directed to a HK (Hong Kong?) website. Where did you find yours?
  38. Aqua360

    Great value

    Was more intriguing as 'Gr' lol
  39. S

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Nice. 👍🏻
  40. FrozenShivers

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    I love Viv Aqua one due to their small size, so much so that I bought 3 and shelved my CO2Art one…not white backing though sadly.
  41. Cazza

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    This happened to me with my old tank. Neon tetra :(
  42. Anfield1forever

    Colour added to the cryptocoryne garden.

    Upgrade baby! New stainless incoming and outgoing 😍

    Great value

    Techs playing up should be great plants
  44. Aqua360

    Great value

    10/10 thread title

    Great value

    Great value plants from you many thanks

    Great value

    Sorry about the delay but
  47. Vandal Gardener

    Favourite Drop Checker for Nano fish

    I have the traditional shaped "tear drop" drop checkers on my Trigon and nano tanks and never had any bother (except distinguishing the colour of the solution). Except now I've just fished one of my pseudogumil iluminatus (red neon rainbow) from the nano sized drop checker and could've only...
  48. Z

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    The tank on it's own is a work of art, looks extra awesome planted up! The wood is beautiful
  49. R

    Half Barrel pond and new pond project.

    Hornwort decided to have a float.
  50. Z

    Nano Shrimp Tank

    Hello all! It's been a long old time since I've been on this forum! I made the mistake of planting up an ikea vase as a water garden and it only served to relight my desire for a shrimp tank! So I have ordered a tank and away we will go :) I was initially debating low tech but as the tropica...
  51. Conort2

    All That Remains - Take II

    It looks like an albino Paleatus, your others look like Corydoras Aeneus to me. They’re the two most commonly sold albino species in the trade.
  52. A

    Fert advice

    Hi all, Today after one week I have done WC 50% of my 125l Fluval Roma. I was using during the week TNC complete, with TNC AT IRON. I wiped brown dust from the inside glass. Easy to wipe. Before my WC I went to test some water for Ph-6.8. Plants on the right side where is outlet water...
  53. Laoshan

    A Tale of Two Roma's

    I like these pictures. Nice and moody, and without any detectable trace of drama.
  54. foxfish

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Can you see him?
  55. NathanB

    The Crypt Jungle

    The Intensity stays quite low, I'm currently slowly increasing it over time to try and keep any algae issues at bay. But I did take that photo in the late evening when the lights are starting to dim. And yep! the skimmer keeps the surface clean and it just has a piece of filter floss inside...
  56. J

    A Tale of Two Roma's

    How we all doing peeps, enjoying the weekend? Crap pics, but... it's a break from the norm.
  57. M

    UKAPS members in/around Manchester?

    There is a fairly new little Aquascaping shop in Northwich, Cheshire. They have a great hardscape and plant selection! :) The Aquascaping Company Unit 12A Road One Cosgrove Business Park CW9 6FY
  58. M

    Where to buy in the North West.

    There is a fairly new little Aquascaping shop in Northwich, Cheshire. They have a great hardscape and plant selection! The Aquascaping Company Unit 12A Road One Cosgrove Business Park CW9 6FY
  59. Laoshan

    The Crypt Jungle

    Second question: Am I correct you are using just a skimmer and a powerhead for filtration?
  60. Laoshan

    The Crypt Jungle

    Looks great! I like the “dark” look. Did you turn the light down for the picture or is the intensity always low?
  61. NathanB

    The Crypt Jungle

    Here we go I finally uploaded the image correctly, Turns out that the resolution was too high! Hopefully the tank can look a lot better when I add some more plants to the back to give it some height! Also the Helanthium tenellum "Green" in the foreground is only just starting to form new nice...
  62. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    A few pix A little cloudy post maintenance. I actually trimmed the vallis for the 1st time, it grows soooo long it's silly and wraps around itself. I think that's Guppy grass along the left side. It breaks off and starts growing in other places. I'm really liking the flagtails as algae crew...
  63. Onoma1

    Seabray Elite Advice

    The most cost effective way of getting co2 is via 'out of date' fire extinguishers. I was able to aquire mine at 15 pounds each (delivered) from our local commercial fire safety company. They were glad to get rid of them!
  64. B

    ADA aquascapes from the cancelled Kew garden's seminar

    Yeah sure! So here's the aqua 30 scape, actually in an aqua 30 tank. These are a few of the photos I've been given in order to set up the hardscape as close as originally planned. As for planting, it's mainly mosses on the wood, eleocharis acicularis the mid ground allowed to grow out to a...
  65. Geoffrey Rea


    Hello folks. This is will be a very short announcement. Time. We have it. Team. We have one. Questions. We are pursuing answers to all concerns privately as a team. Answers. You will get them. Patience. Please. The team are getting this right. If you require instant gratification you...
  66. Zeus.

    I wasn't going to post....

    I have deleted mine and Tims Private conversation from pm's as after a good night sleep,your this thread, cutting the lawn and on reflection see it as a Cry for help from Tim
  67. 9

    Harlequin Rasboras

    Hi. I have a 90F heavily planted aquarium. Ive just returned from a week away and I have lost 8 of my 10 harlequin rasboras ! I have a shoal of 12 ember tetras and ottos and shrimp that are perfectly fine. I have carried out an NTLabs water test as I thought it might be a water issue but all is...
  68. Bradders

    Amazon Sword Flowering

    Don't talk to me about Algea. Man against microbe at the moment! :D
  69. L

    Seabray Elite Advice

    Can anyone suggest an alternative light source or the best method of getting Co2 or if it's even needed and substrates to use etc?
  70. S

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Ah that’s because if forgot! 🤪 Sending it now.
  71. megwattscreative

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    That's great news @Onoma1 !! Yes, when I had more salvinia/frogbit it was much less intense, however I sold a lot of this before going on holiday and the duckweed exploded. Hopefully with more moss it will reduce :)
  72. LondonDragon

    I wasn't going to post....

    After blocking me last Thursday night, he replied this morning, everyone is upset about everything... we all need a breather and cool down!
  73. Zeus.

    I wasn't going to post....

    Dear all concerned. Its been a perfect storm and nobody is to blame, let's put the handbags down, I was dragged into this as the call came and I stepped up, I focused on trying to save the forum we all love, I tried to contacted members who was online, it was few at the time, but I tried and...
  74. Onoma1

    Very first tank (planted, low tech)

    I love your set up. It is fantastic and is clearly going to be amazing. I had the same issue with duckweed. I manually removed it and then pounced (metaphorically) on any leaf that emerged. The issue for me was it tangling in the moss and roots on the wall. This was impossible to remove and I...
  75. LondonDragon

    I wasn't going to post....

    https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/introducing-featured-journals.25671/ Its locked, like I say nothing stops you opening one! This is for information purposes!The featured Journals was my idea! Maybe was not the right approach! maybe just leave it in the normal Journals section and just apply...
  76. castle

    I wasn't going to post....

    Ah, hence why I said analytics; G4A will give very decent insights into this stuff. It is a bit subjective, but page views/engagement is fairly telling. I think for me, giving additional time/resources to help this forum was never offered by me as the society/for profit ideas were never clear...
  77. LondonDragon

    I wasn't going to post....

    Yes the team works hard to keep it that way! That must say something about the team overall!!
  78. FrozenShivers


    Welcome! As others have said, I would advise making a journal for this one, awesome tank size by the way!
  79. Oldguy

    I wasn't going to post....

    I am very sorry to hear about these problems and know nothing about what happens behind the scenes. For me I found UKAPS to be a very friendly forum with lots of sound positive help and advice. All hobbies and interest groups have rivet counters and stitch nazis, just need a large pinch of...
  80. seedoubleyou

    ADA aquascapes from the cancelled Kew garden's seminar

    I really like that hardscape. I’m looking forward to following along on this.
  81. LondonDragon

    I wasn't going to post....

    This is always open to interpretation, and can cause tension (why is my money being given to someone else). Last time the funds build up to a certain level we decided to host Aquascaping Experience, but that also needed a lot of extra funding from Aquatic Manufacturers that Dan worked hard to...
  82. seedoubleyou

    I wasn't going to post....

    ...straight in. It’s been poorly handled by everyone, we’re all guilty. Finger finger pointing, character bashing or telling people to “shut the F*** Up” at this point won’t resolve anything. I’ll be the first to apologise for my role in adding fuel to any fire, it wasn’t intended to stir...
  83. castle

    I wasn't going to post....

    Please don’t lock every thread mods, people will want to discuss this stuff; and if this is to be a society/co-op/cic etc, this stuff does need to come to the top. Create a signed in forum for members over n posts where this can be discussed without be indexed perhaps?
  84. castle

    I wasn't going to post....

    All seems fair, and I echo @AlecF now; if you can all get on the same page, and sort out the org structure (uk entity?) I think this could all be put to bed. It’s very reassuring to know that the kitty is bigger than you thought too. Some ideas I’d like to see in future; analytics driven...
  85. LondonDragon

    I wasn't going to post....

    I have seen what was sent, the team have a life too, and need time to figure out what happened between Tim and Dan (since this was not a team discussion), and there were two streams of conversation, one the Team figuring out what had unfolded and another Zeus speaking to Dan about a possible...
  86. L

    Bristlenoses & Albino Corydoras?

    I had a bristlenose and corys in my 70L but the bristlenose had to go after about six months because it was rather too aggressive towards the corys at feeding time. I didn't have a bristlenose cave - maybe that would have helped in terms of behaviour and harmony! Half of me would like another...
  87. Cazza

    Hello from Malta

    Hello there!
  88. CooKieS

    Hakkai stones Iwagumi, Viv 45p

    Morning guys! So here’s the scape after the stone placement modification. As you can see it’s very important in iwagumi and that’s why this style looks simple but is very difficult to achieve properly in reality; you only got a few stones to play with so best advice would be: -always choose the...
  89. G H Nelson

    Hello from Malta

    Welcome to the 🇬🇧 UKaps!
  90. G H Nelson

    I wasn't going to post....

    Dear Members I would just like to say action was taken by a Global Moderation Team member as soon as Tim Harrison resigned as Adminstrator on Tuesday!
  91. A

    I wasn't going to post....

    I second that. You all have our support, however varied your positions, and however hurt you feel just now. It would help if you all stopped posting, resolved the issues, take clear decisions, and then report back. We all know how much work you all do, and we all appreciate it. These things...
  92. Onoma1

    ADA aquascapes from the cancelled Kew garden's seminar

    I planned to attend the Kew Garden event. It would be wonderful to see the scapes. Thank you for sharing this. Could you possibly share the plans with your scapes?
  93. Onoma1

    I wasn't going to post....

    Watching this unfold is particularly painful. I have the utmost respect for all of the team supporting the forum. I am grateful for the ethos of openess and mutual respect within the forum which has been created by Tim, Zeus, and all of those engaging with the forum. The forum is a...
  94. Hanuman

    I wasn't going to post....

    Some other things need to be cleared up as well because all this seem pretty one sided. All this is insightful and I sympathize with you Paulo but I honestly do not think all the blame is on Tim nor the members with opinions. Far from it in fact. Tim simply screwed up at some point probably due...
  95. B

    ADA aquascapes from the cancelled Kew garden's seminar

    Hi all! I've got a small story time I wanted to share with you all who may not be on Instagram or follow me on Instagram. Some of you may remember that in 2020, ADA were due to host a seminar at Kew gardens, showcasing aquascaping at a private event. Now unfortunately, as we all know, this was...
  96. Geoffrey Rea

    I wasn't going to post....

    Needed to be said. Will leave it at that. Thank you for your honesty Paulo, we appreciate you.
  97. Zeus.

    I wasn't going to post....

    Too tied to read have just sent Paulo what I have sent all the Mods in the tread I started
  98. LondonDragon

    I wasn't going to post....

    ...here moderating the forum, specially Tim and Geoff that have been more at the forefront of it, it is mentally draining at times dealing with this s*it, I didn't always agree with all of it, but for a consensus I went with most of it and a lot of the time I ended up cleaning a lot of the mess...
  99. megwattscreative

    Low tech cobbled together 33/27l aqua one nano cube

    Happy to send you some floating plants too for the cost of postage, if you need them! :)