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Seabray Elite Advice

Lincs Planter

13 Jun 2024
Good evening all. Just bought a new shiny 48" x 18" x 24" Seabray Elite and will be setting it up when it arrives as a planted community aquarium in a week or so. Just after some advice on equipment and substrate etc. can't use a hanging light so thinking of getting a 59W Plant 3.0 LED light and also use an Aquasky 21W .

Don't to go down the dirt route but at the same time, I don't want to sell a kidney to pay for the substrate, it holds approximately 300l and I don't mind adding Co2 or using a dosing unit if needed I'm coming from the dark side (Reefing) so going hi tech is okay if needed. Planning on an island style scape with a light sand at the front and rock and wood in the central portion.

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions. Nothing is set in stone yet.
Filtration will be provided by an FX4 with heavy bio filtration.
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Good evening all. Just bought a new shiny 48" x 18" x 24" Seabray Elite and will be setting it up when it arrives as a planted community aquarium in a week or so. Just after some advice on equipment and substrate etc. can't use a hanging light so thinking of getting a 59W Plant 3.0 LED light and also use an Aquasky 21W .

This is exactly what I am planning on in the very near future... a Seabray Elite 48" x 18" x 24" with a 59W Plant 3.0. Would love to see some pictures of your setup.
Can anyone suggest an alternative light source or the best method of getting Co2 or if it's even needed and substrates to use etc?
The most cost effective way of getting co2 is via 'out of date' fire extinguishers. I was able to aquire mine at 15 pounds each (delivered) from our local commercial fire safety company. They were glad to get rid of them!
Thanks for that contacted the local firm and they're going to sort them out for me. On a tank this size would a reactor or separate filter be best for Co2?