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Nano Shrimp Tank


5 Aug 2015
Hello all! It's been a long old time since I've been on this forum! I made the mistake of planting up an ikea vase as a water garden and it only served to relight my desire for a shrimp tank! So I have ordered a tank and away we will go :)

I was initially debating low tech but as the tropica nano CO2 should last almost two years per cylinder for the tank I'm getting I thought I would treat myself and go mid-tech :D
I will only be having cherry shrimp and possibly a couple of snails in this tank
The tools:
Aquael Shrimp Set 10L (comes with filter, heater, light)
Tropica Plant Growth System Nano
Aqua Shrimp Powder
Seiryu Stone

The plants:
Bacop Caroliniana
Java Moss
Phyllanthus fluitans
Eleocharis acicularis Mini

I kept them all 'easy' category except the eleocharis because that's my favourite aquatic plant!

I'm loosely planning a big rock with a couple of small rocks in front layout, I've found these images that are similar to what I'd like:


This is a UKAPS tank (10l Nano Shrimp Tank DSM)

Please share if you have any similar pictures, I would love to see them, I'd also love some recommendations for ferts to use on such a small tank.
Just got to impatiently wait for the tank to arrive!
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I really recommend Tropica ferts over TNC. I originally used TNC then made the switch, noticed a really big difference in my plants.
I really recommend Tropica ferts over TNC. I originally used TNC then made the switch, noticed a really big difference in my plants.
That’s the one I had decided on! The tropica is one pump per week for a 10l tank so that should make my life easier, I don’t want to be faffing with pipettes and syringes for tiny measurements if I can help it. Thank you!
CO2 arrived today, ordered from acres aquatics as they had it for a great price, first time ordering from them and I’m very pleased with the service, I accidentally selected pick up in store and they called me to check and changed it to delivery with no fuss!

The tank (from proshrimp) and some extra bits (from aquarium gardens) are arriving today, which means I’ll be able to get scaping this weekend!
Naturally unpacked everything as soon as I was home from work!

I’ve tried a couple of layouts but not sure I’m entirely happy with either, I think I might need a slightly bigger piece of stone for the main piece



Though in pictures I’m preferring the second one
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