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Hi all, I have recently bought a secondhand 400l,5ft tank. This is going to be my first ever tank. It came with a filter, heater and a few other bits. I don’t have a light and would like some recommendation‘a. Plus a lot of advice on how to scape this.

I should have gone large with my first second hand tank! Respect to you for going for it!

Your Scottish tap water should give you a head start on the plants, assuming you are using a good fertiliser eg TNC Complete.

Fast growing stems are a safe recommendation, limnophila sessiliflora works for me, plus floating plants like limnobeum laevigatum. Don't be in a rush to add fish. Substrate-wise there are many paths to success, I have kept it simple with inert coarse sand.
Wow - what a tank size! Have a think about what you want to do in terms of low tech/hi-tech (ie CO2) and what plants/animals you want to keep - because this will drive any suggestions for equipment (and costs) . You'll find plenty of inspiration on this site. Would suggest you also post the tank dimensions and existing equipment etc.
rgds Trevor
I don’t have a light and would like some recommendation‘a. Plus a lot of advice on how to scape this.
Consider starting a journal where all your photos and information will be in one place making it easier for others to access and offer appropriate advice plus you will have a pictorial history of your journey.

Consider starting a journal where all your photos and information will be in one place making it easier for others to access and offer appropriate advice plus you will have a pictorial history of your journey.
Welcome! As a newbie with a big tank (tiny compared to yours), starting a journal has been really helpful for troubleshooting and asking questions 🙂