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  1. castle

    Stepping down due to lack of financial transparency

    This is not the forum I come to for drama; and it really does feel like it’s getting worse. I want to walk away tbh, so many years on here and knowledge gained; yet I feel wronged. I squarely put fault on founders inaction. Tim shouldn’t have been deleting accounts tho 😩 Please; mods, Zeus...
  2. S

    6 months on

    Your tank looks really beautiful! Such healthy plant growth. I would love to know the details about what you've used to create it (size of tank, substrate, etc). And also how you overcame your algae crises.
  3. H

    6 months on

    I thought I would take the time to share a few photos taken in stages over the past 6 months in setting up and maturing this 6ft tank. I’m doing so through both gratitude to the experienced members of this forum that gave me a few pointers and confidence along the way, and as a reassurance to...
  4. Spartacus

    Stepping down due to lack of financial transparency

    It’s sad to see how things have devolved into such a sorry state. I hope things get better right now it only seems to be getting worse.
  5. LondonDragon

    Stepping down due to lack of financial transparency

    Tim deleted his account 🤷
  6. castle

    Stepping down due to lack of financial transparency

    I want to agree with you, but I can’t - fundamentally donations are not accounted for. The good will in the community is rightfully exhausted. This is a public issue and thank goodness it was brought to our attention; so I can stop my basically nothing donation each month 😅
  7. castle

    Help me compare general purpose light fixtures

    And send us a link to where you got them!
  8. Aqua360

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    As far as I can tell, we are still no closer to really confirming the situation about the donations? Outside of @Zeus. claiming they look fine, with Dan apparently handing the forum over, and exiting the scene? Cause this doesn't look suspect whatsoever. Are any of our members accountants...
  9. Mike Singh

    Help me compare general purpose light fixtures

    Show us a picture!

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Poor old Lib Dems left out again
  11. T

    Stepping down due to lack of financial transparency

    Am I the only one confused by George farmer being a guest?
  12. A

    Stepping down due to lack of financial transparency

    I completely agree. This is an issue for Moderators. It would have been best to stop the threads straight away and say moderators are going to resolve this and then inform us of the outcome.
  13. Maf 2500

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure
  14. Zeus.

    UKAPS the deal

    I full breakdown has been sent active Moderators, please post in group chat in latest pm
  15. A

    Aqua One AquaSys 230

    I have a friend who has drilled one 120mm hole in one side of the Aqua One AquaSys 230 for filter tubing etc. They had no problems with the rigidity of the stand, therefore I believe you shouldn't have any issues drilling the two 80mm holes.
  16. Onoma1

    UKAPS the deal

    A suggestion: We all take a week away from this. This is taken off-line All current 'stakeholders' (administration, mods, founders, etc) get together in a zoom call and set up the UKAPS as a new society with clear governance structures. Email and online text is an awful communication tool in...
  17. Bradders

    UKAPS the deal

    I know. But let's all take the air out of it. Some people have formed friendships on UKAPS - now arguing, displaying defensiveness, and escalating emotions. It is ruinous. Just stop posting and start talking. (Hmmmm, there is an irony created by me saying that! :D)
  18. castle

    UKAPS the deal

    https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/ukaps-has-passed-20-000-members.73764/#post-744069 Last I remember asking; I also asked privately.
  19. Bradders

    UKAPS the deal

    I like this view - and then outcomes of that debate are published.
  20. hypnogogia

    UKAPS the deal

    Well, from what I understand, Paolo quit after many years because he felt (and has) given so much to the forum that he needed hand up his gloves. Tim took over and then quit over his concern about transparency on the accounts. Question I have is whether Paolo has sight of the accounts as...
  21. MichaelJ

    Catching shrimps?

    Perfect. I am going to try that out! Cheers, Michael
  22. Bradders

    UKAPS the deal

    The problem with forums is that (unless deleted) that exact emotion at that exact time is stored for eternity. I hate being directive, but my view is that we should 'just stop'. And my view for the owners/moderators/seniors is to talk personally rather than posting every feeling. I am a...
  23. Stu Worrall

    Catching shrimps?

    This 👍🏻. Works really well with a small 500ml bottle. Just make sure you don’t leave the shrimp in too long as the decomposing food can cause a problem with the water quality inside the bottle. Left mine in for a day max in the past and they were ok
  24. Chez_

    Catching shrimps?

    Well that's saved me several hours of my life, I'd just started sketching one out from first principles 🤣. Thank you!
  25. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Thanks, John and everyone - I'll do that tomorrow morning. Really appreciate the advice. What seems normal to you, is new to me!
  26. J

    UKAPS the deal

    @Tim Harrison you mean you're not going to click back on the forum to like this reply 🙄
  27. A

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    Hello everyone. Alan Le here. Thanks to oreo57 for referring me to this site. To answer ops question. I suggest going with a custom dual stage regulator. You can sort out the parts on eBay. The system will run you about $250 to $350 depending on the deal you got. These regulators are precise...
  28. Bradders

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    It's late in the UK, very late in Asia, and late afternoon in the US. Let's just sleep on it, wake up tomorrow, and decide to post nothing negative. Anything that has to be said, well, set up Zoom and have it out. This is not the media or place for something so deep.
  29. J

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Plants, unlike humans have no concept of conforming to the rules. The plants are transitioning, at different rates, eventually all those leaves will wither, and sadly die.. Fear not, you can snip the leaf just above the rhizome and a new submersed leaf will develop.
  30. Bradders

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    OK, OK, OK. Ill chime in.

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Sometimes show blackish tips and it's thought it's lack of CO2 , but looking at the picture this is probably the plant adapting.
  32. oreo57

    DIY LED Full Spectrum Design

    What do you need help with?
  33. J

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    I like the song.
  34. Maf 2500

    Catching shrimps?

    You can make a shrimp trap out of a cut up plastic bottle. Cut the neck off and install in reverse. Lots of videos on youtube etc showing how.
  35. Maf 2500

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    It is just getting silly now. From the sublime to the ridiculous..... And people throwing toys out of the pram is never a good look.
  36. J

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Ffs guys. Can we have some decorum. Is this really how we want to be remembered 😭
  37. MichaelJ

    Catching shrimps?

    Thanks for the ideas I think both will work but will obvious take quite a while. I was thinking perhaps a miniature shrimp trap ruse... If anyone make such a thing. Cheers, Michael
  38. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Thanks for the advice. I'll snip and see where it takes me. I was only confused, as the other plants (I bought three of the same) are not displaying the same issue,
  39. Bradders

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Why don't we just stop talking on the forum, and those involved get on a conference call to hash it out and come back to everyone else?

    Stepping down due to lack of financial transparency

    A lot of this could be avoided Tim brought the issue up quite rightly and fairly reasonably Dan said he would respond with full transparency. So far so good but then two threads are flooded with members posts, Some JMO not helpful to the situation at all. My thinking is the staff moderaters...
  41. castle

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    I’ve always snipped it back but not into the good stuff. Normally new leaves replace the old, and those older leaves wither and pruned.
  42. MichaelJ

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Imperfect ... but I like it! If the current team is able to resolve everything then perfect, if not, bring in new and capable people with fresh perspectives. Thats it! Not hard. Get it done! I am going to recluse myself from any further public discussions on the matter for the time being...
  43. foxfish

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Yep, sounds like a re cap for Game of Thrones!
  44. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Do you take off just the dead bit, or go towards the root etc?
  45. J

    Stepping down due to lack of financial transparency

    I think this ship has sailed.
  46. Gill

    Catching shrimps?

    Try using a fine Sieve/colander tied to fishing line. And place their fave food/treat item into it. Wait a few and lift them out into a bowl to sort them from.
  47. castle

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    That bit is dead mate
  48. castle

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I don’t see it as doom and gloom, but I really want the forum to focus on the future, but first, let’s recap. Timeline - Paulo steps down Tim steps up Tim tried and failed to get financial info. Tim goes public, our donations are unaccounted for. Dan says all is good. Pitchforks are out...
  49. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    :D At least you can say you have another reason. I 'literally' have to say that I want to watch the fish....... ........they looks I get could fill a book with 40 chapters.
  50. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Nope your not Alone - it serves a dual purpose as lets me check on dad when he ventures into the kitchen area looking for snacks etc.
  51. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    Oh geez, I thought that it was just me who set up cameras to watch fish!! :D
  52. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    This Pump has been Great and its sooo Quiet. very very good for the price paid. Its supercharged the UGF.
  53. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Pfft that will be fun to try and do. They don't stay still for long, as they zoom off into the back of the tank very quickly. Ill try and get a few shots of them when they come out in a group and squabble. I spend more time watching the tank on the nanny cam sometimes at work, than actually...
  54. MichaelJ

    UKAPS the deal

    Geez, No... I only offered up to serve and help the forum to survive - in one capacity or another, be it with active participation perhaps in a moderator role (from my across-the-pond perspective), offer advice and/or finances - which definitely wont be in a position of power in any shape or...
  55. Bradders

    All That Remains - Take II

    Hi @Gill - I would love to see puffers when you get a moment!
  56. Koaan

    UKAPS the deal

    This is moderate? This is helping? If the Cool Kids don't read the forum, and then come in guns a-blazing, exactly in what way is this "moderating"? Valid questions were raised by staff, and some members have stepped up try to help solve it. In theory that's how a Society works. How about...
  57. Bradders

    UKAPS the deal

    This is absolutely insane, and well out of hand. As someone new to this forum, an outsider 'Joe Blogs' enthusiast who wants to learn, it is actually quite scary to read and watch the destruction that is taking place. Moreover, when this gets solved (and I am sure it will one way or another), we...
  58. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    A Random Plant started to grow on one side of the tank that faces the patio doors. And it has grown very quickly. And became the main housing for all the cherry shrimp. It is a stem plant and I think it may be Guppy Grass, ill try and remember to get some pix of it during tomorrows water change...
  59. J

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I've no idea what's going to happen with the forum @LondonDragon but I'd like to say a big heart felt thank you to all the mods that have made it what it is over the last few years that I've frequented it. It's been a blast. 🫡
  60. MichaelJ

    UKAPS the deal

    @ElleDee, Your BS detector is obviously working flawlessly! ... Totally agree! Cheers, Michael
  61. Geoffrey Rea

    UKAPS the deal

    You aren’t, really @castle No Michael, as I’ve just been informed you’re not neutral in this conversation with a potential promised role and I’m personally about to throw in the towel. Team are being executed out, very sad after all these years. Good luck mate, power to you buddy 😉
  62. sparkyweasel

    Hello from Malta

    Welcome! :)
  63. MichaelJ

    UKAPS the deal

    Ok, from the perspective of a mere mortal member such as myself, I am starting to get really confused... Can you or someone else please explain exactly what the practical role and duties of a "Global Moderator" on UKAPS entails ? and I will follow up with more comments and questions...
  64. ElleDee

    UKAPS the deal

    Did this not start with Tim quitting and alerting the entire forum to the accounts issue? And did Paolo not quit immediately before that? The team broke up before the rest of us got drafted into it. If this could have been resolved without the membership getting involved, why wasn't it? It...
  65. LondonDragon

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    It's called a clash of two personalities, that didn't need to end like this... and Dan has too much to deal with at the moment that a forum is the least of his priorities, one should be transparent the other should have discussed it with the team before making it public like this... Also there...
  66. Gill

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I've was on the Fore runner of this forum for many years before this was even started by George, Dan etc. From George starting out with tanks on TFF while in the RAF and his eventual career change to Aquascaping and more watching him start to write articles etc and get published on PFK. And have...
  67. Bradders

    Black tips on new Java Fern

    Hello All, I just noticed that one of my new Java fern plants on wood is experiencing this. It has only been in for seven days. Do you have any ideas about what that is and how to address it?
  68. sparkyweasel

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Injecting it, or protesting about it? :)
  69. J

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    And yet the rumors seem un founded. Bank balance is healthy, so begs the question why is Dan being ousted?
  70. castle

    UKAPS the deal

    I suspect it’s unlikely to be a tax evasion event, as the profits would have likely fallen under capital gains.
  71. anewbie

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Folks it is amazing how blahblahblahblah storms start based off of rumours. I will note if I was this dan person i'd not want to deal with this garbage and walk away.
  72. Geoffrey Rea

    UKAPS the deal

    There is no deal. Has UKAPS funds been involved in tax evasion? Should be pretty simple to answer? If the answer isn’t categorically no, you’re in trouble. Whether new folks own it or not. Our community doesn’t need this regardless of who started this forum. The northerner in me has had enough...
  73. MichaelJ

    The Crypt Jungle

    Your just trying to upload a regular JPEG file, right? When you edit your post, try and use the "Attach file" button instead. Cheers, Michael
  74. MichaelJ

    UKAPS the deal

    I commend @Zeus. for his proactive approach and willingness to step up - its called initiative! Karl got no interest in grabbing power or self serving interests... other than to provide for a smooth transition and uninterrupted service to our community. To be honest, I am surprised no one on...
  75. Zeus.

    UKAPS the deal

    Things happen very fast and I was available and considered trustworth, I stepped up in a time of need to save UKAPS anyone wishing to take over what I trying to then stand up and will step down. I made first contact which went very well We have deal which may be fragile ATM but a deal to make...
  76. Stu Worrall

    UKAPS the deal

    Just to confirm Zeus did involve us today [emoji1303]
  77. ElleDee

    UKAPS the deal

    @Geoffrey Rea, was the mod team working to resolve this behind the scenes?
  78. Stu Worrall

    UKAPS the deal

    No nothing was discussed with us
  79. Geoffrey Rea

    UKAPS the deal

    Just seen there is a PM from @Zeus. at 2pm today to be fair @simon_the_plant_nerd but reading after the fact… The forum has miraculously changed hands in a few hours apparently 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hadn’t checked in for a few hours, but decisions like this aren’t worth discussing?!? Who the hell assigned a...
  80. foxfish

    UKAPS the deal

    This is getting worse and worse!
  81. Anfield1forever

    Colour added to the cryptocoryne garden.

    Just a little update!
  82. S

    UKAPS the deal

    The questions I posted were geared towards finding this information out. Disappointed to hear you’ve not been consulted.
  83. Geoffrey Rea

    UKAPS the deal

    Hell no. And if I’m going down in flames John stand fully behind Tim. This should never have been a community issue. Love UKAPS, but not this noise.
  84. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS the deal

    It's turned in to a mad house. I'm out too, I mean if I ever click on this forum again may god strike me down.
  85. J

    UKAPS the deal

    I'd assumed the Mods were involved in these discussions at some level. It's a sad day indeed if they weren't.
  86. Zeus.

    UKAPS the deal

    Sorry M8 it all happen vary fast and is still happening, I got a pm yesterday and fell down the rabbit hole, I am not after running or owning the server, purly here to help the transfer to member ownership.
  87. Spartacus

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I’ve been away for a number of years (did not have a tank) but one thing that has always struck me is the passion and friendship of this community. I hope things will improve and you get through this time. I’m sure you will and I thank all those who have done so much for us I’m sorry it has...
  88. Zeus.

    UKAPS the deal

    There is lots to sort and much to do and I've been at my PC for 7 hrs Small steps and we will get there guys
  89. Geoffrey Rea

    UKAPS the deal

    Astounded to log on and see this has all taken place, without any involvement from currently serving UKAPS staff 🤷🏻‍♂️ The folks that attend your events, run the site and maintain UKAPS in a continued fashion. Not to mention have relationship with the very sponsors that fund the site. Private...
  90. S

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    I’ve thought about it, and I think I may have a problem with that. All things considered. 😄
  91. S

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I changed my vote to no for you as I didn’t want you to worry about it and I feel it probably doesn’t matter now anyway. 👍🏻
  92. S

    UKAPS the deal

    Could you please post a job description for “Community Leader” once you are able to. I expect that title means very different things to different people. Some other thoughts: How do you see the structure of the ‘society’ working from now on? Will you be assuming the role of chief executive or...
  93. RickyV

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    Perfect will continue running the fans 100% then.
  94. NathanB

    The Crypt Jungle

    Im trying to figure this out right now haha, im not sure why it wont work normally, I thought maybe the file size was too big so I tried a smaller size and still didn't change anything :confused:
  95. MichaelJ

    The Crypt Jungle

    @NathanB, The picture is not showing - try and upload it again. Cheers, Michael
  96. NathanB

    The Crypt Jungle

    Hi Everyone! This is my 90L 60x40x40 Cryptocoryne dominated aquascape. The tank is roughly 2-3 months old right now, things are progressing slowly but recently I have noticed lots of new growth! I'll get this journal started with this photo and post some updates in the near future. Any plant...
  97. oreo57

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    No. Cooler the LEDs the more efficient they are.
  98. Chez_

    Catching shrimps?

    I dismantled mine at the weekend to get all my Cherries. It took me hours and hours and a teeny-tiny net. I missed a day's feed and got a lo lt of them when they came for a spirulina lolly, you could try something like that if you don't need to get all of them?
  99. RickyV

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    I forgot I wanted to ask, with them being 100% manual is there any reason other than noise not to run the fans at 100%?